Chapter 4. A Fusion Monster?

Half an hour later, 20 moon crossbows were aimed at the mage Tower. The anti-magic crossbow bolts flashed with a dark purple light, as if they were lightning bound to the arrowheads, constantly tearing the air apart.

Char was standing on a tree outside the wizard Tower. She gathered all her strength and waved her hand down.



The twenty arrows combined into one and headed straight for the Wizard Tower's outer barrier.

The light blue barrier was instantly blown up like paper. The magic patterns crossed each other, and the chaotic magic power triggered an explosion. The shaft of the arrow was instantly melted, and the explosive powder stored in it triggered a second explosion!


The sound of explosions continued, and the entire Wizard Tower was like a torch that had been lit, instantly engulfed in flames.

"Should we stop?" The captain asked.