Chapter 269. A Lucky Hit

Char was right. The church had sent someone important this time. They were at the same level of the Holy See and Laurentia, and they came together.

Although the natives were free, things seemed to be balanced by an invisible hand in the dark. With the chaos caused by Char and the resurrection of the ancient muscle man Mungo, who no one could compete with, the power of balance began to stir.

Laurentia and the Holy See were let in.

In terms of reason, they did not come out of nowhere. Everything had a cause and effect. The two of them had set off on their own not long ago, and the root of it was naturally the 'mysterious Paladin' that Char had created.

Laurentia had planned to secretly come to the grasslands to catch this Paladin and see who he was.

As for the Holy See

He was here to verify something.

It was because he was secretly tinkering with the Secret Paladin Squad.