Chapter 75. I'm Already on the Moon, It Doesn't Feel Good at All.

On the other side.

Ortlinde looked at the strange-looking dwarf as if she was facing a great enemy.

The other party's short figure was no different from that of a Mushmen, but his ears were sharp and thin like an elf, and he had a large white beard, looking like an elf child who had aged before he got old...

And this scene...

It was as if she and 875 had stumbled upon something good and were in a very awkward situation.

However, the stalemate only lasted for a second before both sides had their own reactions!

Ortlinde brandished her holy sword and strode forward in an attempt to control her opponent. The short man reacted quickly and slapped the armrest of his chair. The emergency escape device was activated. The seat cushion immediately bounced up with a bang and he was sent flying into the roof like a cannonball!

"Up there! Up there!"