Chapter 356. Weld The Door Shut.

Fawn followed a total of six crime scenes, and the number of victims kept increasing. Even as a war reporter, he couldn't stand it anymore.

He then remembered that the victims must have complained a lot, so he quickly opened the forum.

Sure enough, all the posts were filled with complaints, and it wasn't just this abnormal Dark Night Swift.

The monster's strength did not increase at all, but there was a qualitative leap in intelligence.

For example, although everyone knew that the monsters in "Fantasy World" would let go of their hatred and stick to their own beliefs. To put it bluntly, the regular Tank-Aggro was useless. Monsters were not fools. They could tell that the one with the highest threat value was not the tank in front of them, but the fragile Mage and Hunters hiding behind them, or the Priests who made the tank hard.