Chapter 371. She Was In A Subtle Mood.

Char's mood was a little strange.

He even suspected that he had been tricked by Imira...

However, his rationality told him that this guy's intelligence was not even as high as Mia's when it came to dealing with problems related to him. Moreover, the system had also given him the corresponding prompt, so he should not overthink it ...

This kind of thing was f*cking ridiculous!

His original intention was to hijack a car and sneak in, then find a way to see the terrace and resolve the war from the source ...

However, who knew that this captive would be so cooperative and agree to it directly? And she even sent him into the enemy's base?

By the time he recovered from his confusion, the land boat V-3 had already arrived at the Dark Elves' base camp near the garbage mountain.