Chapter 378. Is This Your Escape Route?

Although the nobles had brought their personal guards, they were all killed by the sharp blades in the shadows.

The Queen's attendants also rebelled one by one, and the situation took an earth-shattering turn in almost a breath.

"Bloom, you..."

The prince ignored his ally's question, as if they were air.

He turned to Char, as if he wanted to see what kind of trump card this person who had disrupted his plans had.

"Clap, clap, clap... You're awesome."

Char could not help but applaud.

Bloom's eyelids twitched.

It was not because of anything else, but because Chars applause came from his mouth-he had been tied up by Clark.

In the face of a level 75 high-tier Queen's personal attendant, he didn't seem to have any room to struggle.

Perhaps he did not want to struggle at all.