Chapter 421. The Mine Changed!

Blue Moon County, inside the city.

To Leonard, it did not matter whether the authority over Blue Moon County belonged to Prisilia or that unlucky Castellan.

What was important was that Prisilia was generous and did not make things difficult for him, which was enough.

For a poor inscriber who could not make a living in Surseus, was there anything more comfortable than this?

There was nothing else.

It was a rare lazy afternoon. Leonard left the window half-closed and drew the curtains to block out the piercing moonlight. He lay in bed and quietly thought about whether he should change his ink formula.

After all, it had been 47 years, 4 months, and 3 days since the last time he had changed the formula. It was time to make some changes.

Every time this headache was brought up, he would feel even more troubled.

It was too difficult.

The inscriber's ink formula was an awkward secret.