Chapter 54: The Slaughter Day after night

"How, how could there be…Such a strange curse?"

Luxie was in disbelief.

" Although I rarely come to Lacy County to inspect, I heard that Duke Lacy's youngest daughter is a well-known member of the Abstaining Desire friars. How could she be addicted to sex?"

The Order of Desire Rejection was an ascetic society founded by the elven scholar Stogg. It advocated abandoning desires and training one's mind. It had existed long before the Dark Elves were exiled and had always had a small group of extremely loyal members.

"This is not strange at all." Shaya wagged her finger." Before Envia went mad with jealousy, she was indeed a complete frigid. She advocated spiritual love and longed for soul communication. However, when her extreme emotions were detected by the curse, the latter's whispers and seduction completely captured her."