Chapter 56: The Secret Daxinwen

Things often developed beyond one's imagination. Sometimes, it was difficult, but sometimes, it was unimaginably smooth.

Fortunately, it went smoothly this time.

It had been a day since Envia was assassinated by Sital in the Kiss of the Rose, and Sital was still the duke. They were still eating steak and drinking wine in Sital Manor, and they also went to the duke's library to search for the experience of " ancient knowledge " and read a few enlightenment scrolls of the Krypton Gold civilization.

The storm-like investigations and strikes that he imagined were basically impossible to see…

Just as Sitar had said, this was like a dream!

If not for the explosive news that spread from the opera house to the manor, and even the maid controlling the automatic broom was discussing it, Sitar would have thought that his assassination had failed or that he had killed a substitute…