Chapter 98: The Slaughter of the Dragon Small Theater Outside the City

Outside Suerses City.

Everything went according to Shaya's plan. Cynthia used the cane as a token to gain the trust of the former Duke of Lacy, Edmund, and united the power of Lacy County.

Then, when she rushed to the stronghold of the descendants of the Holy Tree, she found that the cowardly candidate for the Son of God, Ulysses, was gathering his troops, evading the power of the church while arranging for people to leave the city…Mother Trisha, who was supposed to be in control of everything, sat in a wheelchair. Her face was withered and she did not say a word.

It was a very strange scene.

She was surprised by the growth of this beautiful little boy, but at the same time, she felt sorry for him…

It was as if the shy smile on his face could no longer be seen…

What replaced it was the coldness and vigilance of an adult. Even when he showed the scarf, he showed full vigilance.