Chapter 3. It's good to be young

After a while, the five of them set off again, heading straight for Silver Needle Forest.

The four of them maintained their original formation, while the Thief player hid himself. Even his teammates did not know where he was…However, judging from the movements he made from time to time, he was definitely following them.

"So this is an PVP player? It's too real…I've never seen an NPC Thief so careful." Shan Tuiren mumbled.

"Think positively. This can at least prove one thing…"

Yu Yu and Yu Yu stared at their surroundings with their green eyes. The cat on their shoulders also moved with its owner.

After a while, she said rather dejectedly,

" This guy's Stealth level is terrifyingly high. My Eagle Eye is completely useless…"

"That exaggerated? Are you stupid?"

"?I'm an Enhanced Eagle Eye."

"Tsk, what's the use? When I asked you to strengthen your pet, you couldn't bear to part with that fat cat…"
