Come with Us

"Aye?" Snow Dew turned to look. Sure enough, the wyvern was attacking the Warrior and the Archer. The Warrior was sent flying again, his back slamming into a large tree. Fortunately, Warrior-class were usually thick-skinned and durable. He shook his head and climbed back to his feet. "Kik," he shouted, "take the wounded Snow Dew and leave… I'll hold this damned wyvern…"

The Archer named Kik said, "You'll die this way!"

The Warrior said loudly, "I can get away. Probably."

At that moment, a familiar voice sounded in the ears of the Warrior and Archer. "Gorda, Kik, keep fighting! My wounds are healed."

"Eh?" The Warrior named Gorda and the Archer named Kiek turned at the same time and glanced at Snow. Both of them were stunned to see her standing alive and kicking, her left hand intact, as if the serious injury had never happened.

This slight distraction almost killed them. The wyvern swooped down with a cry. Fortunately, Snow Dew threw a fireball in time to force the wyvern back, saving them both.

Snow Dew yelled, "Stop gawking and fight. This gentleman healed me. He's a Clergy."

"Aye? Aye, aye? There's a Clergy?" The two men were delighted, and Gorda shouted as he raised his shield to block the wyvern's next lunge. "That's wonderful, Reverend. Thank you for healing Snow Dew. Will you join us to deal with this wyvern? We'll divide the reward into four portions afterward, and we'll give you one as well."

Now that they had invited him to join them, Robb had no more qualms. At last, he could strike with confidence. He waved his right hand, and a soft light enveloped Gorda, who immediately felt that the wound in his leg was no longer painful. The internal injury caused by the wyvern's impact had also healed in an instant, and he felt energized. He thought to himself: This is indeed a genuine Clergy. What a powerful healing spell. It feels like his healing magic is quite abundant.

With such a powerful Clergy supporting him, there was no need to be afraid of a mere wyvern. When the wyvern swooped down again, Gorda roared and thrust his shield forward with his left hand. BANG! This time he easily blocked the wyvern's impact, and the sword in his right hand counterattacked, stabbing the wyvern in the belly.

"Ha-ha," Gorda roared. "Kik, Snow Dew, attack! I'll focus on protecting the Clergy. We can wear this wyvern down as long as we can."

"Okay!" Kik's shoulder wound was also surrounded by a holy light and instantly healed. He was overjoyed and quickly drew his bow to release the arrows. Two powerful arrows accurately shot into the wyvern's eyes, causing it to hiss in pain.

Once again, Snow Dew chanted her magic. "Loki, god of fire, hear my plea and lend me the power of fire for now… Fly, bird of fire!" A firebird flew from the tip of her wand, streaked across the sky, and struck the wyvern in the chest…

The three of them fought with gusto. With the Clergy, they felt secure and happy.

But Robb was not happy. The attack power of these three was appalling. They attacked the wyvern with their swords and fireballs and arrows, beating it for several rounds, but it was fine and still alive. At the rate they were fighting, how long would it take?

Your people aren't tired, but as a spectator, I'm exhausted. My heart is tired!

Besides, isn't this kind of blind attack, trying to wear down the wyvern, very stupid? The wyvern looks like it can't last any longer. Wouldn't it abandon its nest and escape? If it flies into the sky, what are you three going to do? Do you really think that the wyvern doesn't have any intelligence at all?!

Robb shook his head and suddenly reached out to pull Gorda to the side like an old hen protecting a chick. Then he took a step forward and stood in front of her. "Move. I'll handle this wyvern."

'Eh?' Gorda was shocked. 'Clergy, sir! Don't step up. If you fall, we can't fight this wyvern.'

The Archer, Kike, and the Mage, Snow, were also startled. They both rushed forward, both wanting to come in front of Robb. It was probably the instinctive reaction of any DPS class.

Protect the nanny!

Robb shook his head, then raised a hand high, palm toward the sky…

At this moment, the wyvern had already pounced on him ferociously. Its claws carried a sharp wind. If this claw landed, the Clergy without armor would probably be torn in half on the spot.


The three behind shouted in unison and snatched forward.

At that moment, Robb's hand slammed down. "A radius of twenty yards. Divine New Star Technique!"

(PS: Code is a British length unit. One yard equals 0.9144 meters. It is widely used in various Western fantasy games as a measure of the range of skills.)

Holy Nova was a Holy-type high level spell that could only be used by high level Holy-type classes. It could recover the HP of all teammates on a large scale and deal damage to enemies within range.

They saw a golden sphere spread out in all directions with Robb's palm as the center. It covered an area of twenty yards in an instant. Gorda, Kik, and Snow were bathed in golden light at the same time. The sanctuary of the Light felt comforting and reassuring to them.

However, the wyvern didn't feel so comfortable. It felt a powerful wave of holy magic hit it head-on. Its power was much more terrifying than the fire explosion and firebird spells thrown by the female Mage just now. It instantly defeated the wyvern's magic resistance.

It gave a sharp hiss and plunged straight down out of the sky, kicking up a cloud of dust.

The three of them—Gorda, Kik, and Snow—were so stunned that they momentarily forgot to speak.

After a long time, when the dust settled, Snow Dew cried out, "Oh my God! The wyvern is dead. It's dead… One hit! And it used the Divine New Star Technique. Oh my God."

"My God, what kind of magic is Holy New Star?" Gorda exclaimed. "As far as I know, Holy New Star is weak because of its wide range and its scattered holy magic. It can usually only be used against very weak, low-level monsters, or to disperse undead creatures. How is it that your Holy New Star can bring down a wyvern with one blow?"

Of course, Robb could not say that he had already maxed out the proficiency of all the Holy professions. Even the top of the Holy profession, the "Pope", had been maxed out. Back then, in order to max out the proficiency of the "Pope", he had spent a full two months farming Holy Nova among the monsters like a robot. How could it not be powerful?

He could only throw up his hands. "Maybe I'm religious."