Are You a Hero?

I'll give everyone a map of the world. The phone view map might be a little small, but it'll be clearer on the computer. In addition, there's a source map in the reader group file. A friendly reminder that Westwind can be found in the bottom left corner of the map.

On the way, Snow kept talking to Robb. Like all Mages, she was curious about everything in the world. Of course, she was extremely interested in Robb, the "mysterious" Clergy. She asked him a lot of random questions, such as where his hometown was, how long he had been practicing holy magic, where he had been, what he had seen, and so on. She could barely stop opening her mouth.

Still, Robb could not say. The world was still a blind place to him, and he knew nothing of it. He said nothing, but remained silent, only answering occasionally.

If it were an ordinary person, they would probably be so angry that they would ignore her. However, he had just displayed an extremely powerful side. A powerful man who is stingy with his words was called "steady" and "mature". Girls would not hate this type of man. Instead, they would look at him with admiration…

So she kept talking, and Robb, in turn, learned more about the world from her words.

This world was called the Land of Encounters. There were three huge countries on the continent. They were Noma, a country of knights in the northwest; Gran, a magical kingdom in the southwest; and Tang, a kingdom of rabbit people in the Eastern Land. On the border between the three big countries, there were many small countries the size of sesame green beans. That was not worth mentioning.

The mountain range they were now in was called the Black Pine Mountains, and it belonged to the Magic Kingdom of Gran. It was located to the northwest of the capital of Gran, the Holy Capital. The mountains covered a vast area, and to the east of the mountains was a vast plain. The Holy Capital sat on the plain, and to the west of the mountains was a savage place where monsters ran rampant, with only a few Borderhammer towns.

The Westwind town they were going to now was on the west side of the mountains, a place of monsters.

The four of them walked down the hill. They could often see Goblins poking their heads around the side of the road. They also saw a lone Ogre who looked at them from a distance. Seeing that there were four of them, the Ogre didn't dare approach…

It wasn't until the sun had set, and the sky was beginning to darken that Westwind was finally in sight.

It was a small town built against the side of the Black Pine Mountains. The town was all stone buildings, all square and unappealing. It was getting dark now, and lights were coming on all over the town. There were militias on the town walls, keeping watch. Torches were lit at intervals along the walls, illuminating the area for a few yards beyond the town walls.

Robb saw that a couple of mines were open at the side of the town, and there were a couple of ore carts leaning to one side of the entrance. It looked as if this was a town made for mining, but he wondered what kind of ore it produced.

He could feel his mining and forging skills stirring again. He had to warn himself again. 'You're full of practice. You have no interest in mining and forging now.'

The four of them walked to the front of the town. The guard at the town gate immediately cheered when he saw Gorda and the wyvern skin on his shoulder. "Ah, Mr. Gorda is back and carrying the skin of a wyvern! My God! They did it."

Several guards closed in on them. Someone burst into town, shouting as he ran. "Mr. Gorda is back. They've taken out the damned wyvern. Cheers, everyone."

The doors of many houses in the town were opening, and people were running out of them. There were men and women, young and old, and they were all gathering around the city gate. Soon there were hundreds of people.

Gorda laid the wyvern's hide to the ground and planted a foot on it.

The onlookers began to discuss at once. "I recognize that mark on the back. It's that wyvern. There's no mistake. It must be it."

"Great, this guy ate one of my cows!"

"My son was killed by it. Now it's finally paying with its life. Boohoo… it's finally paying with its life…"

"Mr. Gorda is amazing. We didn't raise money for nothing."

As the townspeople talked among themselves, a middle-aged man of medium height, well-dressed, and square-jawed approached them. The townspeople bowed to him. It seemed that this was the mayor. He pushed his way through the townspeople and knelt down in front of Gorda. He looked closely at the wyvern hide on the ground. After a long moment, he must have determined that it was indeed the hide of the wyvern he had commissioned to be removed. He looked up. "Oh, brave adventurers, thank you so much. This wyvern has caused great distress to our village. Now that it has finally been brought down by you, we should be able to live in peace for a long time. We have had adventurers deal with it twice and failed. Mr. Gorda is still the best."

Gorda chuckled and said awkwardly, "It wasn't my doing. I didn't expect the wyvern to be so strong. I almost failed, too. Fortunately, there was this—Mr. Robert. He was the one who helped us bring the wyvern down. He was so powerful that he took it down with only one spell."

With that, he attracted everyone's attention to Robb.

"Wow, that's amazing!"

"One spell to bring down a wyvern?"

"My God! I've seen that wyvern take down a lot of strong soldiers."

"This Mr. Robert is too impressive…"

"He's actually better than Mr. Gorda?"

At the gasps of the audience, Gorda added fuel to the fire. "His name is Robert, and he's a Clergy. I saw him use a Holy Nova spell to not only heal my companions and me, but to kill the wyvern at the same time. That was impressive. I'd say he's the most devout Clergy I've ever met to the God of Light."

"What? He killed the wyvern with a single blow using just the Holy Nova?" The mayor was confused. The ordinary townspeople weren't quite sure of the difference between the types of magic and their power, but the mayor was knowledgeable. He also knew that although the Holy Nova could heal its companions and hurt its enemies at the same time, its power was terrible.

Strictly speaking, most of the holy magic was restorative, and there weren't many spells that were truly lethal. How devout did he have to be in order to take down a wyvern with a spell like Holy Nova? How much divine power had the God of Light lent him?

The mayor quickly gave Robb a very formal bow. "Esteemed messenger of the God of Light, Mr. Robert. Allow me to welcome you on behalf of Westwind. Your presence is a great honor to all Westwinds."

Robb threw up his hands. "Well, well! I just wanted to ask … when's dinner? I'm starving."