This Is a Huge Conspiracy

Lillian was filled with wonder. Her master could manipulate skeletons? That was odd! Wasn't her master a priest? An emissary of the glorious and Holy God of Light? How could he manipulate such sinister and evil magic as skeletons? Part of her wanted to ask, but she didn't dare. She kept it to herself.

However, her beauty was too outstanding. The thoughts that she had been hiding in her heart were all displayed on her face.

Robb winked at her and smiled. "I'm a messenger of God. I just used the Light to purify these bones, and they obeyed God's will and went back to the tomb to lie down. It's not some insidious, evil magic."

"Aye? I see." Lillian smiled immediately. "I knew Master was a good man."

"All right! Hurry up and bury it."

"As you command, Master." Lillian, with her usual enthusiasm, dug in the earth with her shovel and properly reburied all three graves. Robb took advantage of the moment to go around the cemetery. As he had expected, the four corners of the cemetery were painted with strange magical runes…

To be honest, Robb did not recognize the runes. Although he knew they were for remote manipulation of skeletons, and he knew the art of remote manipulation of the undead, he could only use them and not cast them.

This was because in the game, when magic was used, the light particles on the screen would flash and then fill the screen with all kinds of gorgeous effects. Occasionally, a huge magic array would appear on the ground, but most players would not foolishly study how the magic array was drawn. The more complicated the magic array, the less players would look at the small symbols on it.

Well, what the hell. If he didn't know it, so be it. In any case, even if Robb wasn't wearing any equipment and was naked, most magic wouldn't be able to break his basic defense. It would be naive to think that he could be tricked by drawing a magic circle on the ground. He could stand in a middle-level pile of monsters and let them fight him for half an hour, before nursing himself back to full health.

He slapped four Dispel spells on the runes in the four corners of the cemetery and watched them slowly disappear. Then he clapped his hands. "Lillian, are you done burying?"

'It's finished, Master!'

"Okay, then let's go back and rest."

"Eh? Master! Going back like this? Don't we need to keep watch?" Lillian said. "What if the thief who stole the bones comes again? You seem to have ruined things for him. I'm afraid the thief will fly into a rage and come after you."

"Come looking for trouble?" Robb used his scouting spell again to scan the area within a 5,000-yard radius. He shook his head. "He's a long way from us. I don't think he'll come. If he does, it'll be a good thing. I can hang him over the ceiling fan and whip him around in a spiral… Oh, and the fan has to be in fifth gear!"

Lillian looked stunned. "What's a ceiling fan?"

Robb gestured with his hand to indicate the general shape of the ceiling fan. "It's a torture device. It's usually suspended from the ceiling, with the bad guy hanging from it. Turn on five gears, and the bad guy will keep spinning. Then we whip him, and we can hit every piece of flesh on his body, front, back, left, and right, evenly."

Lillian stuck out her tongue. "I don't really understand it, but it sounds amazing."

Robb laughed. "Well, let's go back to the house and get some sleep. Tomorrow we'll have to tell the townspeople about what happened here, especially the dozens of skeletons that were already stolen before I got here. We'll have to make that clear to them. I'm not taking the blame if it's not mine."

They each went back to the house. Robb had not slept well the night before at the mayor's house. He had almost gone mad with Gorda's snoring, and he was quite sleepy tonight. He fell asleep as soon as he got back to the house.

Lillian, on the other hand, did not sleep as well as he did. She returned to her servant's quarters and snuggled into the warm quilt. Her small head poked out from beneath the covers, and she was pleased to see the new furniture in her room. 'It feels good to have a new life unfolding!'

The next day!

In the early hours of the morning, Lillian went to inform the mayor of the events of the previous night. The mayor quickly issued an announcement to all the townspeople.

When they heard that bones had been stolen from the cemetery, the townspeople were all shocked. This matter was urgently related to the interests of the entire town. They had to come and take a look. Therefore, the hundreds of families in Westwind Town were all here now. The cemetery was filled with people.

At this moment, Robb and the mayor were standing in front of the dozens of tombs that had been emptied. Beside them were dozens of townspeople, looking sadly at the empty tombs.

"My father's skeleton… It was indeed stolen… Wahaha… Who was so crazy?" A middle-aged woman knelt on the ground and wailed.

"And my mother's bones are gone! If I find that thief, I'll cut his head off," a blacksmith with an axe was bellowing.

The mayor turned away and said angrily, "Shut up. Can't you see I'm about to discuss something with the Priest? How can we talk when you're making so much noise?"

The dozens of families were afraid of the mayor's authority, so they could only force themselves to lower their voices and sob softly.

Only then did the mayor turn to Robb and bow. "Mr Robert. It's a good thing you stayed here last night and saved the three tombs. Otherwise, three more families would be kneeling here crying."

"Well!" Robb said. "It was nothing."

Of course, it was a piece of cake for him, but it was a great kindness to the townspeople whose graves had been preserved. They were profusely thanking the God of Light and the "merciful" Robb.

Robb was annoyed that they had put the God of Light's gratitude before anything else. Damn, what the hell did this have to do with the God of Light? It was all his doing. It had nothing to do with the God of Light.

"Mr Robert! Look, what should we do about this?" said the mayor. "Should I organize some townspeople to go into the mountains and search for that damned skeleton thief? Or should I pay adventurers to come—"

As soon as Robb heard the last syllable, he understood that the adventurer was just saying it on purpose to make it sound better. This guy's real intention was for him to take the initiative to capture him!

Stop talking nonsense. I'm not going to do such a stupid thing. I'm tired of playing games like this, okay? This is no different from the game's "Investigate some case and uncover the mastermind" mission! It's nothing new! I'm not playing.

Robb put on a stern face. He was ready to start bluffing. He had to bluff someone else into dealing with this. In any case, he would not go. He spoke in a solemn, serious tone. "My boy, you seem to take this too lightly. Do you think the man behind this is just a lowly thief? Do you think this is an incident that a group of townspeople or adventurers can solve? Then you are naive! The God of Light has sent me an oracle. This thing before us is a great conspiracy. Soon there will be darkness over the land!"