Why Don't You Guys Play With Me?

Robb sat in the cabin. Of course, the run-down house had a proper name. It was called the confessional. He sat inside while the townsman sat outside, poised to confess.

Confession was a very sacred thing for the followers of the Church of Light. Usually the process was for the believer to confess to the priest and to repent and correct the sins he had confessed. The priest would comfort him for a while, indicating that they could forgive his sins. Then the confessor's heart would finally be freed and he could face the rest of his days with a smile.

The townsman whispered across the cabin, "Father, I… I'm guilty of laziness. I've been slacking off a lot lately."

"What? Laziness?" Robb said immediately. "My child, your behavior is understandable! Laziness is a momentary pleasure, but constant laziness is always a pleasure! Being lazy is the best way for humans to be happy. As for diligence, what's the use of it? Diligence is temporary, and diligence requires constant effort! When you get everything through diligence, you realize that you also get endless emptiness at the same time. It's terrible to lose your pursuit. Let me tell you, you can be anything but you shouldn't try too hard. If you try too hard, you'll burn out. If you don't, you'll live like a dog. Laziness! Be lazy to your heart's content! When you start slacking, you realize that the world is a beautiful place."

The townspeople said nothing.

Robb said, "Ah, I accidentally said a little more. Continue with your confession."

The townspeople said, "Goodbye! Sorry to disturb you!"

"Hey, don't go. Keep confessing. I haven't had enough fun!"

The townsman walked away, with unusual determination, because he had lost his mind in an instant and felt like an idiot. He had to retreat quickly. If he retreated any later, he would be crippled for the rest of his life. The moment he walked out of the church, he silently made up his mind. I have to work hard. I have to fight. I must not become one of those lazy people the Father was talking about.

"Eh? Wait!" The townsman suddenly understood. "He's deliberately being sarcastic. It sounds as if he's saying that there are many benefits to being lazy, but he can't say anything about the real benefits. What's the use of realizing the world is a beautiful place? I still won't get anything. He's trying to warn me that being lazy is useless. I won't get anything. And what he's really saying is that you can get everything by being hardworking! You can even lose your pursuit because you're too rich. I want to be rich and lose my dreams! He deliberately hid that truth in between the lines. I almost didn't notice."

"Wise Father, your child will always remember your teachings." The townsman bowed deeply to Robb at the church door and turned away. Encouraged, he was full of energy.

Robb squatted on the floor in the corner and drew circles. "Don't go! Come back and play confession with me."

"Master! The steak I tried to make was a success." Lillian came running out happily with two plates. She was startled to see Robb crouched on the floor, drawing circles. "Master, what's wrong? Is it your stomach?"

"No! I'm fine." Quickly regaining his straight face, Robb climbed to his feet, dusted himself off, and sat down. "Ahem, Lillian, come, come, let me try your steak."

Lillian happily placed a plate of steak in front of Robb. She set out knives and forks and even helped him wrap a napkin around it. Her small hands gently tugged at the corners of the napkin at the back of his neck, making his heart itch.

"Well, I came to see how your steak was." Robb picked up his knife and fork and stared at it. The steak on his plate looked good. It looked delicious.

At that moment, a young woman came to the door of the church. She was average-looking, not nearly as good-looking as Lillian, but she's considered pretty in a small town like this. "Father. I… I'm here to do a… confession."

"Oh? Come on." Delighted, Robb quickly picked up the plate of steaks and darted into the cottage. Sit tight, hey, and eat your steak while you listen to confessions. These days were as merry as gods.

The woman sat down outside the cottage!

No one could see anyone through the cabin. She had no idea that the priest was in the cabin, cutting steak with a fork in his left hand and a knife in his right.

The woman said carefully, "Father. I have sinned greatly. I… I cheated on my husband and spent the night with a handsome young man."


Robb had just stuffed the steak into his mouth when he felt an indescribable taste of horror spread through his mouth. What in heaven, what was it like? This feeling of instantly destroying all the taste nerves and numbing all the taste buds in his mouth… Ahhh! Lillian! Are you trying to poison your master?

Pu! Pu! Pu! Hurry up and spit it out!

The woman outside tensed. 'Oh no, Father threw up as soon as I said I was cheating. Is this… is this a sign of anger?'

The woman said quickly, "I regret it now. I want to repent. Is there any way to make up for a sin I committed?"

Whoosh! A plate of steak was handed out of the cottage. "Come and do me a favor," Robb said in a bitter tone. "Help me eat it before my little maid sees it."

The woman looked confused as she took the plate containing the steak and looked at it. It was such a good dish made from a whole piece of beef. It seemed to be very expensive. Could this be the kind of thing that noble lords often ate, something called steak? What does Father mean by giving me this to eat? I didn't understand what Father meant at all. Forget it, I'll take a bite first.

With trembling hands, she cut off a piece of beef and put it in her mouth.


Her brain was shaking!

The woman burst into tears. "Farewell! Excuse me."

Robb was anxious. "Hey, don't go. Confess while you eat. I haven't had enough fun!"

The woman walked away with unusual determination. She was afraid that if she stayed any longer, she would be poisoned. It was only when she walked out of the church and stood in the street that she suddenly understood. "Father, I understand now! Cheating, like this piece of beef, looks beautiful and noble, but it's actually poison. It will destroy me and kill me. You deliberately spat a few times to teach me to spit it out quickly. Don't be charmed by it just because it looks beautiful! That means telling me not to indulge in the temptation of cheating. I have to correct myself quickly after doing something bad. Don't fall any deeper into it. I understand everything you mean."

The woman rose and bowed deeply in the direction of the church. "Father, I will remember your teaching and live my days in repentance and be a good wife and mother in the future. I will never do anything against my conscience again."

Robb was rolling around in the church. "Ahhh, why? There's no one to play confession with me! This is the only activity I'm not sick of. Why don't you guys play with me?"