I Want to Teach You God-like Crafting

Robb's eyes scanned the middle-aged man's broken leg. "He's badly hurt."

The middle-aged woman hurriedly said, "We are both loyal believers of the Church of Light. Please save my husband."

It's none of my business whether you believe in the Church of Light! Robb thought to himself, but he did not say it out loud. There was no need to get himself into trouble. It would be fun to be a priest, right?

He put on a glorious, holy expression and said, "Oh! My children, it breaks my heart that you have suffered so much. May God bless you…"

Just as he was about to cast a healing spell, he suddenly remembered what Snow Dew had said. She had seen him casting a spell without needing incantations. She suspected that he had a divine artifact that reduced the time needed to chant the spell. This was not a good misunderstanding. He did not have to keep making others think that he had valuable items on him. What if he attracted some hooligans who wanted to plot against him?

Robb was not afraid of trouble, but he did not like to cause trouble for himself. Living in a "fear-based" environment every day means he could not afford to be lazy.

'I'd better pretend to chant.'

He didn't know how the real incantations in this world were recited, so he followed Snow Dew's incantation and recited blindly, "The God of Light…" He paused. He didn't know the name of the God of Light at all. In fact, the name of the God of Light had been written in the background of the game, but he had never taken the time to read what's in the background.

Screw it! Forget it. Who cared what the God of Light's name was? He skipped it and deliberately lowered his voice. He mumbled a few syllables that he couldn't even make out. Even if he said the God of Light's name, he continued, "Please listen to my request… and lend me the divine power temporarily… Heal!"

Seeing that the priest was chanting seriously, the middle-aged woman quickly laid her husband flat on the ground. Then she quickly knelt down and crossed her arms over her chest in a pious prayer. A golden light enveloped the middle-aged man's body. His twisted leg instantly returned to normal, and the color returned to his gray face. Then the middle-aged man jumped up.

The man must have sensed that his jump was extremely rude. As soon as he jumped up, he immediately knelt down again. "Thank you, God of Light. Thank you, Father."

"Well, all right! Get up." Robb was beginning to feel annoyed again. Always putting the God of Light before me. Well, never mind. I'm a magnanimous man. I won't argue with you over such a small matter.

The middle-aged man stood up and respectfully handed over a few silver coins with both hands. "Father, I want to donate this money to the church."

Robb knew he was paying for the treatment. It was not a donation to the church. It was just a nice way of putting it. But he could not be bothered to take the few silver coins. He smiled. "You don't have to donate the money. I want you to do something for the church. Is that all right?"

The couple, of course, didn't dare say no. They nodded quickly. "It's an honor to serve the Church."

Robb said, "Just help me get a mason and a blacksmith from the town."

The couple looked at each other. It took them a moment to understand that the priest was taking pity on them poor people and was unwilling to take their money. It was such a merciful thing to heal a leg for something as trivial as helping to find someone in the town.

Praise the God of Light, praise the Benevolence, praise the world.

The middle-aged man said respectfully, "There's no need to look for a blacksmith. I'm a blacksmith! I'll remain here to be of service. Let my wife find a mason for you."

The middle-aged woman bowed respectfully to Robb, then ran off to the town to find the masons. The blacksmith stayed behind, standing with his hands at his sides, ready to do whatever Robb needed.

Robb laughed. "I didn't know you were a blacksmith. That's good! Are you good at casting?"

The smith nodded. "Yes. I'm quite good at my craft. No matter how complicated the chain mail, I can make it perfectly."

Robb's face broke into a smile. "So now, I'm going to pass on to you a very useful piece of knowledge, a god-like skill. Will you learn it?"

In fact, the priests of the West were often also spreaders of knowledge. They would spread all kinds of technology and knowledge all over the world to recruit believers. Therefore, it was very common for priests to impart knowledge to the common people. Robb's words did not arouse the middle-aged man's suspicion at all. Instead, he was overjoyed. "I'm willing! Father, you not only treat my injuries but also impart knowledge to me. You… you're really the messenger of God."

"Well, well." Robb smiled. "First of all, do you know how to make iron pipes?" He gestured with his hand to a thin pipe like a tap hose.

The blacksmith was immediately embarrassed. "I'm sorry… but no!"

Robb said, "Weren't you just talking about your skills?"

The blacksmith looked embarrassed. "The iron pipe is a very advanced technology. It's usually used to make fire ingots. It's not something a countryside blacksmith like me can do. It's a divine skill that only the military blacksmiths in the capital have mastered."

"Divine skill my ass, don't call a mere iron pipe a divine skill," Robb said. "Now listen carefully. First you melt the iron, then you wrap the molten iron around a steel rod and beat it evenly. When it has solidified a little, you pull the center rod away, and it forms an iron pipe."

The blacksmith looked stunned. "What? That's easy?" He thought about it seriously for a few seconds, then exulted. "Thank you, Father. Thank you so much for teaching me. Now I can be as good as a blacksmith in the capital."

Robb said, "I'll ask you next. Do you know how to make a tap?"

"What's a tap?"

Robb had no choice but to draw a faucet on the ground with a branch and tell the blacksmith how to make the valve inside. It was a little difficult for a countryside blacksmith. After a long explanation, the blacksmith finally understood. But Robb did not know if the man would be able to make it. He guessed that even if he succeeded, he would not be precise enough. There would be a slight leakage, but it did not matter. So be it. He would just take a basin and catch it under the faucet.

"This is a little complicated, but if I think about it carefully, I'm sure I can make it for Father," the blacksmith said respectfully. "Give me two days, no, three days. It should work."

"Good. Get it done as soon as you can. You'll have to hit a few more iron pipes, and the connection will have to be very, very long." Robb pointed to the roof of the church. "If you connect them, at least one of them will extend from the roof to the kitchen, and one from the roof to the fields. Oh, and one from the roof to the outhouse. Hmm! Let's consider those three positions for now. It will take a lot of iron. I'm afraid you don't have enough. There's some money here. Take it and buy iron."

Instead of charging the blacksmith for his treatment, Robb gave him a handful of silver coins.

The blacksmith was almost flattered. He could have sworn that Mr Robert was the kindest, most upright, most benevolent man he had ever met in his life. There was no other. He was the true messenger of God and possessed flawless good qualities.

He knelt and prostrated himself, praising Robb with all the adulation he knew, then took his leave.