I Think Everyone in the World is Dirty

Baron Palses led the soldiers to the hill and set up camp along a stream. The group of soldiers was also skilled at setting up camp. In the blink of an eye, they were settled on the hill.

And yet the cold nun, Ishgamel, remained.

Robb and Ishgamel were staring at each other…

"Father, I'm sorry to bother you tonight." Ishgameel was clearly saying thank you, but the expression on her face was flat, cold and emotionless.

Robb had no reason to refuse a beautiful nun a night in the church, be it from the Light Church priest or from a man's point of view. He shrugged. "Welcome, Sister."

"Um… there's only me and a young maid living in my church, so there are still a few spare rooms. You can take any one you like," Robb said. "Besides, we don't have bedding and other daily necessities now. I—"

He was about to tell her that he would ask the maid to buy a set for her when Ishgamel spoke before he could. "I will take care of these. I will go around the town later and borrow one from the faithful."

"Eh? Borrow it from a believer? Don't you mean buy it?" Robb said. "Borrowing bedding is a bit scary, isn't it? What if the original owner had some weird thing like a skin disease and loaned you the bedding without even washing it… Tsk, tsk… I wouldn't dare use such a horrible thing. Better buy new ones."

Ishgamel said: "I have no money! Nuns don't need money."

Listening to her, Robb suddenly remembered that creatures like nuns had to uphold the Three Holy Virtues. The first of these was "God is poor." To put it simply, they had to be "poor."

The nuns spent their lives defending their poverty and would not fight for any personal possessions. Although they were occasionally paid for whatever work they did, they did not keep the payment. Instead, they gave it all to a convent or a church.

Although doing this seemed a little like that, at least one thing was certain. They were not materialistic.

Robb, on the other hand, was a materialistic person. He threw up his hands. "If you don't have money, I do. I'll ask Lillian to buy you a set."

Ishmael shook her head gravely. "There's no need! It's only for one night. I'll just borrow a set of bedding. As for infectious diseases, they're nothing to worry about. I know the Art of Expelling in holy magic. I can borrow divine power from the God of Light to cure all kinds of common diseases. You're a clergy yourself, Father. Don't you know the Art of Expelling?"

Robb was speechless. "Although I know the Art, I wouldn't be silly enough to deliberately infect myself with it and then use magic to cure it. It's not like I'm sick in the head…" Huh? Something about that sounded wrong.

'Whatever, I don't care. I'm the host. I just have to force requests on the guests.'

He said forcefully, "I don't care where you're from. Since you've come to my church, you have to listen to me. I'll pay for the bedding. You're not allowed to go outside and borrow some dirty, smelly, and worm-infested bedding. Otherwise, I'll wrap you in that smelly, dirty, and worm-infested bedding and throw you in the cemetery in the back for the night."

"Oh! Well, if you insist, that's fine with me." Ishmael didn't stand on ceremony, and she wasn't offended by Robb's threat. She accepted his offer. In any case, as far as Sister was concerned, it was perfectly natural for the Covenant to provide food, clothing, and accommodation, since she had devoted her life to the God of Light.

Of course, she didn't know that Robb wasn't a member of the Covenant. If she had, she would have slapped a holy nova on his face by now.

"Right! Sister," Robb said. "Since we're going to spend the next half day in a courtyard, may I make a small request?"

Ishgamel said: "What request?"

Robb said, "Think about it carefully. Every time I call you, I have to say 'Sister'. It's quite formal, but if I call you by your full name, Ishgamel, it's also a long string of syllables. It's just as much trouble, so I want to call you El in a simpler way. Does that sound good to you?"

"Not good!" Ishgamel said coldly. "Please use a more formal form of address."

"Okay, El."

'Hello! Please call me Sister.'

"Understood, El."

Ishgamel said nothing.

There was no reasoning with that. She didn't even know how to continue a conversation with such a deranged priest. She shook her head and gave up the pointless argument. Call me what you like.

She ducked into the church and found an empty room. She dropped off her luggage and came back into the courtyard just in time to see Robb say to Lillian, "Go into town and buy this nun a comforter. Oh, and there are towels, water glasses, and bowls. The things she uses have to be kept separate from the ones we use. We can't mix them up and use them indiscriminately. Uh, let's see. Something like this might happen again in the future. We might as well buy a few more sets of daily necessities for backup."

"Father, I'll only be staying for one night." El raised her voice. "There's no need to waste so much money."

"I know!" Robb said. "Even if you stay only an hour, the cup you use for drinking and the bowl you use for eating must be separate from the one we use. Do you understand?"

El said nothing.

It was hard for her to understand Robb's bizarre obsession with cleanliness. Wasn't it a little strange that he was so particular to this extent? Suddenly a thought seemed to cross her cold face. "Are you finding me dirty?"

"I don't think you're dirty," Robb denied immediately. The moment El's face relaxed, he added, "I think everyone in the world is dirty. Oh, no, my little Lillian has learned from me in the past few days and has become a very hygienic child. Everyone but her is dirty."

"That's nonsense," El said angrily. "I shower a lot too."

"How often?" Robb asked.

"Once every six … no … seven days!"

(PS: The world in this book isn't medieval. It's a world of swords and magic. There's no such thing as a battle over whether to bathe or not… Don't dwell on the setting too much. Please respect Father-in-law's setting. Father-in-law said she bathes once every seven days. That's seven days. Don't accept everything and use history to reason with me!)

Robb immediately looked extremely disgusted and screamed, "Don't… don't come any closer. My God, it's hard to imagine how dirty you are. It's rare to have a beautiful face, but it's a big trash can, a collection of moving germs. If you want to stay in my church tonight, you have to bathe. Immediately. Right now!"

El almost fainted from anger. "I've already showered very diligently, okay? Don't tell me you shower once every five days? How dare you use such a tone to despise me!"

Robb said to Lillian, "Tell this filthy nun the rules of this church."

Not daring to shoot her mouth off at a nun like Robb, Lillian gave a respectful curtsy. "Sister, the Master's rule is that you must bathe every day, rinse your mouth once in the morning and once at night, wash your hands before and after meals, and there's one part that isn't done properly. He'll instantly go from being lazy… cough, cough… in an instant from a gentle priest to a fierce… er… Wow, Master, I'm talking too fast. I had no intention of calling you a lazy, fierce demon."

Robb said, "You already said it!"

'Wow, Master… I really didn't mean to…'

Robb grabbed Lillian and rubbed her little face into all sorts of strange shapes.