Who Could Withstand This?

Once the seal was removed, Tang Long and Tang Hu's auras grew stronger.

It soared into the sky with burning and cold resentment.

Tang Long's superpower was originally water. After he died and was refined into a zombie, his strength increased greatly and his vengeful spirit completely fused with his water-controlling superpower.

The cold grievances attached to him swept through the surroundings.

A few fallen willow leaves had just touched him when they turned to ashes.

Tang Hu was even more exaggerated. The prairie fire directly attached itself to his surroundings, and a shield formed by flames enveloped him.

Li was fire, and controlled by the undead, it could be said that the poison fire attacked the heart.

Not to mention that ordinary people would feel fear after encountering fire, even if a demon stuck to Tang Hu's current poisonous fire, it would skin them alive.

Corpses were evil. After the arrival of evil creatures, how could there be any signs of these poisonous insects and ferocious beasts?

With a distance of three feet around the Tang brothers, the green grass began to wither. The snakes and insects lurking underground fled as if they had encountered great danger.

However, as soon as they came into contact with the poisonous fire and Yin water, they were sent to their deaths and not even one of them escaped.

The pale moonlight shone on the ground and even the wind had stopped, turning the entire area into a silent willow forest.

"Let me see what else a wild zombie like you can do."

Seeing this, Xi Hongshi nodded in satisfaction.

Although Tang Long and Tang Hu had yet to cultivate an impenetrable body like the Zombie King, their unique water and fire superpowers made them comparable to the real Zombie King.

He wanted to see if this little zombie in front of him could still restrain them.

Turning his gaze to the little zombie again, Xi Hongshi realized that it was still motionless. It even tilted its head and sized up the changes in Tang Long and Tang Hu with a "curious" expression.

It was as if it had just gotten to know them again.

"Ring, ring, ring~" The bell rang again.

Under Xi Hongshi's command, the Tang brothers walked straight towards the little zombie. With every step, the green grass on the ground began to wither, and a strange charred stench began to fill the air.

As the two brothers got closer and closer, the little zombie remained motionless, as if it was scared silly.

It was dumbfounded as it looked at the power of the Yin water and poison fire surrounding the Tang brothers. The creaking sound of the willow branches turning into withered carbon filled the air.

Along the way, the two brothers broke countless willow trees and rendered the grass unable to grow.

"Roar, roar, roar!!!"

A violent angry cry burst from the little zombie.

In an instant, the world shook.

"Hmph! You're only using your true ability now? Too late?"

Looking at the little zombie who had suddenly fallen into a furious state, Xi Hongshi only frowned, but he quickly relaxed.

Although the little zombie seemed to have completely unlocked its shackles and wanted to fight him to the death, with the unsealed Tang brothers, he was not afraid.

"Come, let me see the glory of a true Zombie King!"

At this moment, if Xi Hongshi still could not tell that the little zombie in front of him was a Zombie King who had cultivated to great success, he could be removed from the corpse herding realm.

It was obvious why Tang Long and Tang Hu could not move when they were beside the little zombie.

This weak-looking little zombie was actually a "Zombie King".

It was a great demon who ruled a region within a hundred miles.

It was precisely because of this that the surrounding poisonous insects and ferocious beasts were not afraid of the arrival of the two brothers, Tang Long and Tang Hu.

Everything instantly made sense.

Xi Hongshi's mind raced and he immediately understood.

Although he still did not understand why the Zombie King was so unique, how could he guess what every great demon was thinking?

"Take this zombie down."

Xi Hongshi shouted.

He did not bother racking his brain about those boring questions. Since he was so lucky to encounter a Zombie King, how could he not compete?

Even now, after discovering that the figure was a Zombie King, Xi Hongshi was still not afraid.

Tang Long and Tang Hu began to run. Now that they were less than 10 meters away from the Zombie King, they arrived in an instant. The two figures, one water and one fire, surrounded it firmly and were about to fight it head-on.

"Roar, roar, roar!!"

The Zombie King grew even angrier. Looking at the approaching Tang Long and Tang Hu, it did not dodge. Instead, it reached out and caught them off guard by piercing through their chests.

However, Tang Long and Tang Hu did not slow down. In an instant, the two of them clamped onto the weak body and lifted it up.

"Get it!"

Xi Hongshi frowned as he watched the Zombie King capture the Tang brothers.

However, he still gave them an order.

Although zombies were no longer human, they would still be severely injured if their hearts were damaged.

However, Xi Hongshi had no choice now. The killing between the great demons had always been incomparably cruel. If he was not careful, he would suffer losses while trying to injure the enemy. It was impossible to resolve it easily now.

After receiving the order, the Tang brothers picked up one of the Zombie King's arms and were about to pull it behind them.

"Roar, roar, roar!!!"

The Zombie King roared in anger. The power of fire and water of the two brothers was burning and rotting its body. At the same time, it was attacked from the front and back and could not resist at all.

The sickening creaks sounded from time to time, as if the Zombie King might really be broken apart in the next breath.

"F*ck! Who can withstand this? Two 1.9-meter-tall bastards are bullying me, a person who doesn't know anything."

Xiang Ye, who was held tightly by Tang Long and Tang Hu, was stunned. After his hands were controlled, he panicked.

He had been controlling Jiang Xiaocheng's body as a human habit and did not feel any problems.

But now, he realized that other than staring at his feet in midair, he did not know what to do.

Even if he had the strength of a thousand, there was nothing he could do about it.

"Aiya, I'm so angry. You injured my second daughter and now you want to tear my eldest daughter apart?"

"Mom can tolerate it, but Dad can't."

"Come, come, come. Xiaocheng, I'll let you out now and you can teach these two bastards a lesson. If you don't tear them apart, you'll let me down for locking you up for so long."

After discovering that he could not do anything to these two extremely strong zombies, Xiang Ye decided to return control to Jiang Xiaocheng.

When he encountered such dead things that did not follow human habits, he should let Jiang Xiaocheng take over. After all, she could be said to be their kind.

"Roar, roar, roar, roar!!!"

A suffocating surge of resentment poured out of Jiang Xiaocheng.

Dark clouds covered the moon, and every living creature shuddered.

Jiang Xiaocheng was taking over!