My Name is Liu Haotian

The vicious sunlight shone on the ground, and even the air had begun to distort.

Led by Wind Chaser, Xiao Luming and the others arrived at the place chosen by Xi Hongshi in a short while.

He first narrowed his eyes and observed the Tang brothers hiding under the shade of the tree. After confirming the information Wind Chaser had told him, he turned his gaze to Xi Hongshi.

At this moment, Xi Hongshi's clothes were disheveled, and his hair was a little messy. He was standing there coldly, waiting for their arrival.

"Pay attention. The person in front is the traitor we have to capture on this trip."

"The Xiangxi Superpower Administration has already issued a must-kill order. If Xi Hongshi resists stubbornly, he will be executed on the spot."

Xiao Luming was the first to speak to the helpers who had rushed over.

As for Xi Hongshi, there was no point in wasting his breath after this period of pursuit.

"Yun Ze, Long Yan, go up and test Tang Long and Tang Hu first."

"You have to be careful. Wind Chaser said that the two brothers have already recovered from their injuries."

"Yes, Captain."

After hearing Xiao Luming's order, Yun Ze and Long Yan took a step forward and rushed towards Tang Long and Tang Hu.

Xiao Luming stood at the side and stared at Xi Hongshi, guarding against any accidents.

Yun Ze and Long Yan were new members who replaced Tang Long and Tang Hu. In the previous mission, no one in Xiao Luming's team had escaped except for him and Xi Hongshi.

The newly recruited members were not considered much weaker than the Tang brothers. In fact, they had seen slight improvements after a period of pursuit. Their entire team had become familiar with each other, and their overall strengths had improved instead of deproving.

"Prairie Fire, attack!"

The fire burned even fiercer in the hot weather.

Long Yan took the lead and launched his signature move. A five-meter-long tongue of flames with a violent aura pounced at Tang Long.

"Sun Rain, descend!"

After Long Yan's attack, Yun Ze followed closely behind and launched his own attack. The air became drier, and the surrounding water vapor was sucked dry before a small condensed cloud was able to form above him.

"Ice Thunder!"

A cold aura instantly spread and hail fell from the sky like a bomb, smashing owards Tang Hu.

For a moment, flames raged and hail fell.

"Do the two of you only know this move?"

Seeing that it was another repetitive move, Xi Hongshi could not help but mock them.

"Cut the crap. Let's see what a traitor like you did with the remains of the Tang brothers."

Xiao Luming, who had been staring at the battlefield, could not help but reprimand Xi Hongshi.


Xi Hongshi did not want to bother with him at all. With a crisp ring of his bell, Tang Long and Tang Hu bounced away and avoided the attacks.

Immediately after, he rang his bell urgently again. Tang Long and Tang Hu opened their eyes to reveal white pupils as they pounced at Yun Ze and Long Yan. Soon, both sides were fighting vigorously.

"Prairie Fire, attack!"

"Hailstones, fall!"


As the Tang brothers closed in on them, Yun Ze and Long Yan gradually found it difficult to fight back.

Tang Long and Tang Hu had become zombies and were invulnerable to swords and spears, fire and water. Ordinary superpowers could not hurt them at all.

Xiao Luming, who had been watching the battle at this side, saw it clearly. After seeing that Tang Long and Tang Hu had really recovered as Wind Chaser had said, he gave up on the idea of continuing to probe them.

"Come back!"

Hearing Xiao Luming's order, Yun Ze and Long Yan heaved sighs of relief. They found a loophole and quickly retreated.

"How was it? Did you feel anything wrong when you fought?"

Seeing Yun Ze and Long Yan retreat, Xiao Luming hurriedly went forward and asked.

"Captain, Brother Tang Long and Brother Tang Hu have already removed the Heavenly Thunder Vital Energy. I'm afraid ordinary superpowers can't hurt them easily…"

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect there to be such a hero in a small place like Xiangxi. Let me try your ability."

Before Long Yan could finish, he was interrupted.

An esper standing behind Xiao Luming had watched the fight between Long Yan and the Tang brothers. His blood boiled uncontrollably and he pushed aside the team of espers in front of him.

"Remember, my name is Liu Haotian."

Without waiting for Xiao Luming to stop him, he rushed to Tang Long and Tang Hu.

"Xiangxi corpse herder, go, go!"

The person in front of him sized up the Tang brothers for a while before nodding at Xi Hongshi, who was holding the bell tightly with a cautious expression.

Then he shouted, "Sharpsight, open!"

He kicked up the soil under his feet and, taking advantage of the scattering dust, he quickly took out a small box and opened it. After sticking the contents of the box into his eyes, he stood still.

When the dust dissipated, Xi Hongshi was shocked to see the person who called himself Liu Haotian.

His scarlet pupils were like a demon, and the uniformed lace in his pupils was even more breathtaking.

For some reason, Xi Hongshi's heart palpitated when he saw Liu Haotian's strange gaze.

He didn't know why, but the stranger in front of him was obviously a strong opponent.

Therefore, he did not intend to wait any longer and took the initiative to attack.

"What demon is this? Tang Long, Tang Hu, attack."

Under the urging of Xi Hongshi, the Tang brothers leaped up and pounced on the still standing figure.

"Look at me, bastard!"

After hearing another shout, Xi Hongshi could not help but look into Liu Haotian's eyes again.

And this time, Xi Hongshi clearly felt that something was wrong.

His scarlet pupils seemed to be spinning rapidly. In his vision, he saw the strange lace pattern grow larger and larger in his pupils. Finally, it turned into a lotus flower and roared towards him, as if it wanted to suppress him.

"Oh no!"

At this point, how could Xi Hongshi not know what he had encountered?

The guy called Liu Haotian in front of him had clearly implanted an illusion in his mind when he was distracted.

"Uh… He… He's my friend… Liu Haotian…"

"He likes to… watch anime just like me…"

"Spiritual cultivator… Spiritual cultivator, he's a spiritual cultivator… Abbot Chiba from the Yellow Mountain Temple is… His master… He's… a layman disciple…"

"This… can be considered… a Divine Eye."

Wu Daxiong had no choice but to stand up and explain.

Xiao Luming was so angry that he did not know how to reprimand this guy who did not follow his orders.

At this moment, he only wanted to rush over and punch Liu Haotian in the face. This kid could not afford to bear this charge.

However, Liu Haotian had already rushed forward. Looking at the two people standing still on the field, Xiao Luming could only suppress the anger in his heart and wait and see.