You Brought Help From Jiangnan City, But I'm Also Blessed

"Captain, that traitor is not moving anymore. Should we take this opportunity…"

Long Yan, who was watching the battle at the side, looked at the two people who were already standing motionless on the empty ground and asked.

Now was a good time to arrest Xi Hongshi. If he missed this opportunity, it would be hard to say when the next time would be.

"Divine Eye?"

Xiao Luming did not reply to Long Yan. Instead, he made a gesture telling him to wait and then turned to look at Wu Daxiong.

The Divine Eye was a Buddhist secret technique that ordinary disciples could not come into contact with. He did not expect such a figure to appear in a team that had followed him here.

His potential question was not just about this secret technique.

"Yes, it's the Divine Eye."

"Liu Haotian is one of the important disciples of Abbot Chiba who presided over the revival of the Eight Heavenly Dragons. Although he's only familiar with it now, his future is limitless."

Before Wu Daxiong could answer, someone walked out of the crowd. He nodded at Xiao Luming as a greeting and spoke.

"Eight Heavenly Dragons? How arrogant!"

Xiao Luming coldly raised his eyebrows.

"Which group is Liu Haotian from?"


"Asura… No wonder, no wonder. However, if Liu Haotian only has this ability, he won't be able to take down Xi Hongshi."

As if in response, the two men, who had been standing frozen, instantly moved again.

Xi Hongshi urgently rang the bell again. He restrained his bloodshot eyes and glared at Liu Haotian, who had affected him just now.

Under the control of the bell, Tang Long and Tang Hu suddenly pounced at Liu Haotian.

"I didn't expect you to come out so quickly." Liu Haotian licked his lips with an excited expression.

"But I can do more than that."

"Demons should return to where they belong."

Looking at the Tang brothers rushing over, Liu Haotian was happy instead of shocked.

He raised his right palm and took out the prayer beads that had been hidden on his neck with his left hand. He spun the prayer beads and glared at the Tang brothers.

"Xumi's Sacred Words, Buddha's Light Purification!"

"Nā mó hē là dá nà"

Sanskrit incessantly came out of Liu Haotian's mouth. Then, the illusion turned into a golden seal of truth that smashed towards the Tang brothers.


The Tang brothers, who could not dodge in time, took the heavy blow and retreated even faster than before.

For a moment, the ground shook and dust filled the air.

"Huh? It actually didn't work?"

Looking at the retreating Tang brothers, Liu Haotian frowned in surprise.

Logically speaking, after a zombie was attacked by the golden seal of truth, it would either be enveloped by the Buddha Light and its body would disintegrate on its own, or its bones would break apart.

Why would they only be forced to retreat?

Looking at the Tang brothers who stood up shakily not far away, the attack clearly did not miss. However, was this the only result?

"Yun Ze, Long Yan, attack quickly. That kid is in danger!"

Xiao Luming, who was staring intently at the situation on the battlefield, saw clearly that the Buddha Light and Sacred Words did not cause any harm to the Tang brothers. Although the blow was ferocious, it did not even break through the resentment lingering in their bodies.

"Something big has happened. Not only has the Heavenly Thunder Vital Energy in Brother Tang Long and Brother Tang Hu been removed, but their cultivations have also improved."

"Wind Chaser, Thunder Rush, begin your plan."

After quickly giving the order, Xiao Luming turned to look at Wu Daxiong and said, "This time, we have to end it quickly. I know that it will take a long time to prepare for the use of your spell, but don't worry, we'll protect you from the side. This time, we'll give Xi Hongshi a lightning strike and directly resolve all the trouble. Do you understand?"

"Now? Okay!"

Wu Daxiong, who had received the order, quickly stood up.

He understood that it was time for him to take the stage.

"Everyone else, follow me and restrain him."

With that, Xiao Luming took the lead and rushed forward.

"Dharma Power of Heaven and Earth, Kan Li Technique!"

"Moon Shines on the Water, attack!"

"Fire and Flames, attack!"

Looking at the crowd surrounding him, Xi Hongshi did not hide anything and released the seal on Tang Long and Tang Hu.

"Xiao Luming, give me your life!"

The two brothers, Tang Long and Tang Hu, charged at Xiao Luming with a trace of the Zombie King's hostility.

For a moment, the bell rang, and sand mixed with stones flew in the wasteland.

A dark cloud floated over the horizon and lightning flashed inside the cloud, followed by thunder.

There was only silence and anxiety in the air. Xiao Luming's team and the group of espers from Jiangnan City could only fight together to be on par with Xi Hongshi.

This was something Xiao Luming had never expected.

The poisonous fire and water aura radiated off the brothers, forcing Xiao Luming and his team to not dare to approach easily.

This left them helpless against Xi Hongshi.

"Hahaha, you didn't expect this, did you? Xiao Luming!"

"You brought reinforcements from Jiangnan City, but I'm also blessed."

"If this is still all you have, I'll send you on your way!"

"I'll take revenge for Tang Long and Tang Hu's injustice. Don't forget Brother Wang and Sister Sun's deaths in vain!"

Seeing that Tang Long and Tang Hu were not at a disadvantage against everyone, Xi Hongshi was also excited. His flushed face was filled with ferocity.

"Hmph, he's just lucky. It's nothing."

"As for the injustice you talked about… As the weakest member of the original team, how would you know the decision of the higher-ups?"

"There's no injustice under military orders!"

"Hehehehe, is that so? Even now, you still refuse to admit that it was your decision that led to the destruction of our entire team? You even used the ridiculous reason of the higher-ups to brush me off?"

"Go to hell and explain it to Brother Wang and Sixth Sister Sun."

At this point, Xi Hongshi took out two paper talismans. He cut his finger and quickly wrote the words "Heaven and Earth" on the paper talismans. Then, he jumped behind Tang Long and Tang Hu and stuck the paper talismans on their backs.

"Law of Heaven and Earth, Reversal of the World!"

"Oh no, retreat!"

In the battle, Xiao Luming saw Xi Hongshi's actions and was shocked. He hurriedly shouted for everyone to retreat.

"What's wrong? What's this?"


"Retreat, retreat, retreat!!!"

Xiao Luming had no time to explain to others and suddenly retreated by himself without hesitation.


Tang Long, who had the word "Heaven" printed on his back, took the lead and walked over.


Tang Hu followed.


Xi Hongshi walked to the last place.


A majestic aura rushed out and began to sweep through the surroundings with the three of them as the center.

The violent airflow blew the gravel into the air and uprooted the weeds.

"Formation complete! Heaven, earth, and man, the three talents are born!"