How Could This Crocodile Be So Big?

"What the hell did you eat to grow so big?"

Xiang Ye looked up, dumbfounded.

The huge creature in front of him was extremely visually impactful, and just its head lying on the ground was almost three meters tall. Its four thick short legs were thicker than the waist of a willow tree and its tail dragging behind it was powerful. With just a slight movement, a loud rumbling sound could be heard behind it.

The escaped crocodile!

Xiang Ye did not need to think to know that it was this guy.

However, he did not expect the beast to not go left or right, but straight towards his willow forest.

All the trees and gravel blocking its path were pushed aside, leaving only traces of a mess behind.

In the wilderness, hills and weeds grew everywhere. The big guy relied on its size to push out an open road a few meters wide.

"Don't come over. If you come any closer, I'll really kill you!"

Xiang Ye shouted in his heart.

He was not afraid that the crocodile would swallow him in one bite. With Jiang Xiaocheng's strength, perhaps… she could… probably… climb out even if she was swallowed.

It was the small willow tree behind him that worried him.

Yes, the little willow tree.

Although the willow tree was growing rapidly under Xiang Ye's careful care, it was already the largest tree in the surrounding wilderness.

But he gestured at the crocodile's thigh, then at the willow tree's waist…

Xiang Ye felt that as long as this crocodile touched it gently, the willow tree would probably be gone.

Therefore, he had no choice but to stand up and stop the crocodile from advancing.

The alligator beast lying opposite the night stopped at this moment. It widened its vertical pupils the size of lanterns, cruel and violent.

It was very smart and did not take the initiative to attack.

The little human in front of it contained a huge aura. It did not know what it was, but it was naturally sensitive to danger and still stopped.

It was thinking of a countermeasure.

This human was completely different from the people in the forest park and there was a deathly aura around him. If he lay at the side and did not move, it would easily ignore him.

But at this moment, she stood up and blocked its way.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Its tail only flapped gently, but to Xiang Ye, it was no different from a thunderclap.

This crocodile was so big that with just a slight movement, the entire willow forest seemed to have experienced an earthquake.

After a moment of confrontation, the giant crocodile looked impatient.

It moved its limbs and slowly adjusted its direction.


The sound of its limbs stepping on the ground was no small matter, nor was the sweep of its tail that directly cut off a few trees as thick as its waist.

The branches creaked, as if accusing the crocodile of an unconscious crime.

Seeing the crocodile's actions, Xiang Ye was shocked out of his wits.

This was clearly a crocodile planning to hunt. This crocodile wanted to swallow him in one bite!

Although Xiang Ye did not know if the habits of this mutated crocodile had changed, when he watched Animal World previously, every time the crocodile started hunting, it would do exactly the same thing.

As if in response, when the crocodile adjusted its direction and changed its previous snail-like pace, it pounced towards Xiang Ye.


It was less than a hundred meters away in an instant, and with an earth-shattering tremor, the giant crocodile opened its bloody mouth. A strong stench assaulted Xiang Ye's face and flying saliva poured on him.

Then, it swallowed Xiang Ye.


Like a hen catching a worm, Xiang Ye was swallowed before he could react.

The crocodile, which had successfully hunted it, slowed down. It shook its head and wagged its thick tail, swaying as if nothing had happened. Then it turned its vertical pupils to the largest willow tree in the willow forest.

This willow tree contained exuberant vitality and the same spiritual energy as the spiritual root it had swallowed in the forest park.

Unfortunately, this tree was still too weak and it was not appropriate to swallow it now.

He should wait until this willow tree was as big as the big tree in the forest park before swallowing it.

With heavy steps, the giant crocodile slowly moved around the willow tree, its vertical pupils filled with desire.

"Roar, roar, roar, roar!!!"

An inhuman howl suddenly sounded in the giant crocodile's body. At this moment, the giant crocodile felt a pain in its abdomen, and then it rolled crazily on the ground.

The surrounding willow trees broke in half under its violent rolling. Soon, the willow forest was in a mess.

"Roar, roar, roar!!!"

The voice became even more violent.

The pain in the giant crocodile became even more obvious, and it felt as if something was about to break out of its stomach.

"Roar, roar, roar!!!"

When the sound reached its limit, a figure jumped out of the crocodile's belly with a bang.

Jiang Xiaocheng was out!

The towering pillar of blood stimulated Jiang Xiaocheng greatly, making her even crazier.

At this moment, she was covered in blood. A piece of minced meat from an unknown organ was being stuffed relentlessly into her mouth.

The bloodstains on her mouth were shocking.

After swallowing the minced meat in two or three mouthfuls, she still felt a little unsatisfied. Turning around, she looked at the huge body of the giant crocodile, her eyes filled with desire.

"Roar, roar, roar!!!"

Before long, Jiang Xiaocheng rushed forward. She jumped onto the back of the giant crocodile and opened her mouth to bite it.

Sensing that someone was coming up behind it, the giant crocodile began to roll on the ground, trying to get rid of the person behind it.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

The surrounding weeds and trees had long been broken in half. The crocodile plowed this area in pain, sending dust flying in the entire willow forest. With the crocodile as the center, the surroundings were in a mess.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

Jiang Xiaocheng, who was lying on the crocodile's body, grabbed a protruding corner tightly and refused to budge. Her blood-stained mouth bit down non-stop, as if it was the reincarnation of a hungry ghost.

Seeing that the figure on its back could not be shaken off, the giant crocodile began to panic.

It circled around the willow tree that it desired and charged towards the other trees.


The sound of the earth shaking echoed throughout the entire wasteland. At this moment, none of the weeds and gravel in the wasteland mountain were spared as the giant crocodile ran all the way over.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

Jiang Xiaocheng was extremely excited. She greedily gnawed at the fat meat that was delivered to her.

No one stopped her anymore. She had to eat her fill this time!

"Eat, eat, eat. Eat everything. It's best if you eat this crocodile until only its bones are left."

At this moment, Xiang Ye returned to his main body. He looked at the crocodile running around as if it had lost its mind and could not help but feel happy.

The f*cking crocodile almost scared him to death. Fortunately, it did not take the opportunity to push the small willow tree away.

Now that Jiang Xiaocheng was stuck to it, it was jumping around anxiously. This could be considered revenge for having swallowed him into its stomach.