A Benefactor's Help

When Bai Yan mentioned powerful demon beasts, the Loli Sect Master couldn't help but tremble slightly. It seemed that she was really a little afraid.

She was still a young girl even though she had the impressive position as the Sect Masteri. How could a loli not be afraid of monsters?

She wasn't very afraid of monsters in the past since there were people who could protect her. However, there was no one to protect her anymore now that the sect was destroyed. She only had a Senior Sister whose cultivation level was one level higher than hers.

It wouldn't take long for her to surpass her Senior Sister with her comprehension and cultivation speed. In the future, she would have to rely on herself to handle all the demon beasts. Wouldn't she be so scared that she would want to cry?

The Loli Sect Master's face turned green…

"Don't be afraid! You have a man here! I won't allow ferocious demon beasts threaten you ladies. Sect Master, Senior Sister, don't worry. When the demon beasts come out later, I will protect you." Zeng Jing hurriedly coaxed, sensing that the little loli was on the brink of tears.

The two ladies: "…"

The Loli Sect Master glared at Zeng Jing.

Bai Yan's personality was gentler, so she only spoke softly, "Junior Brother, don't force yourself. It's great that you have this intention, but you need the strength to walk the talk. Let us, the inner sect disciples, repel the enemy since you have not cultivated any skills."

Zeng Jing could only remain silent.

The Loli Sect Master was still a little afraid after all the jokes. She couldn't help but say in a low voice, "It's true that the two of us can't defeat powerful demon beasts now. However, demon beasts aren't something we can encounter just because we want to, right? This is called luck! Senior Sister, don't you know divination? Please foretell the future for us."

Since Bai Yan's comprehension wasn't high, she was destined to not be able to walk far on the immortal path. Hence, she wasn't afraid of wasting time on miscellaneous studies. She therefore learnt some strange and miscellaneous knowledge. Divination arts was amongst them.

She divined with her fingers and estimated the good and bad luck of this trip. A smile appeared on her face. "That's great. We have good luck on this trip! Even if we encounter danger, we will definitely be able to return safely with the help from a benefactor."

Zeng Jing asked, "Help from a benefactor? Maybe it's referring to me."

The two women were speechless.

There was no need to reason with a man who had no self-awareness of his own strength. The two women directly ignored Zeng Jing's words.

At this moment, the three of them had already flown to the depths of Shu Mountain.

In the territory of Shu Mountain, the further west one flew, the higher the mountains were, and the fewer the population. The mountain terrain became more and more complicated and steep. There were deep valleys everywhere, and the forest blocked the sun.

The Mind-Clearing Grass liked to grow in these dark valleys.

The three of them landed at the entrance of a valley and peered inside.

Bai Yan said, "The spiritual energy in this valley is very dense, and it's suitable for the growth of all sorts of spiritual herbs. The possibility of the Mind-Clearing Grass growing here is very high, so it's worth going in to take a look."

Zeng Jing couldn't feel any spiritual energy previously. However, he had a Purple Mansion after attaining the Foundation Establishment Realm last night. He could sense the spiritual energy of heaven and earth now. The valley in front of him was indeed filled with spiritual energy, giving off a very comfortable feeling. He stretched out a hand and tried to absorb some spiritual energy into his body. However, the 4.6 billion years of cultivation in his body expressed disdain and blocked the low-grade spiritual energy outside. It wouldn't absorb such trash.

Zeng Jing was speechless.

Bai Yan turned her head in surprise by his side. "Eh? Were you trying to absorb spiritual energy earlier?"

Zeng Jing replied, "Yes!"

Bai Yan asked curiously, "I thought you couldn't sense any spiritual energy?"

Zeng Jing said, "I can feel it now."

Bai Yan was overjoyed, truly feeling happy for him. "That's great. Yesterday, I thought that you didn't have a spiritual root and could only use your internal qi to open up your conception and governor vessels. However, since you can sense spiritual energy, it means that you still have spiritual roots. In that case, why are you able to sense it here, but not at home? Oh! I understand now. Your spiritual root is relatively weak and can only sense in places with dense spiritual energy. The spiritual energy here is much stronger than at home, so you can sense it here."

She continued, "It seems that your comprehension ability is low, your potential is weak, and your spiritual root is weak. However, it doesn't mean that there's no way to save you. After our sect reconstructs the 'Spirit Gathering Formation', we will have an array formation with dense spiritual energy. Disciples like you who don't have good aptitude can still be saved."

For some reason, Zeng Jing was given a bunch of titles such as "low comprehension ability, weak potential, weak spiritual root". He was speechless.

Forget it, this wasn't the main point. The main point was the "Spirit Gathering Formation". He asked curiously, "What is the Spirit Gathering Formation?"

Bai Yan replied, "It's an array formation that places all sorts of spirit gathering artifacts according to the nine palaces, eight trigrams, and five elements. These artifacts will absorb spiritual energy from the surrounding environment and concentrate it at the center of the array formation. After that, our sect's disciples can cultivate in places with the densest spiritual energy in the center of the array formation. This way, their cultivation will be twice the result with half the effort."

At this point, her beautiful face flushed slightly. "My comprehension isn't high, and my cultivation progress is very slow. If it wasn't for the fact that the Sect Master allowed me to cultivate in the spirit gathering formation back then, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to reach the Core Formation Realm. It's a pity that our sect's spirit gathering formation has already been destroyed by Old Fiend Baiyue. In the future, we can only rely on our own hands to rebuild it."

Zeng Jing understood now. It seemed that the benefits for the disciples of famous sects were very good. The sect would specially build a "Spirit Gathering Formation" to help them grow. This kind of treatment was definitely not available to solo cultivators.

"This isn't the time to talk about this." The Loli Sect Master turned her head and said to Bai Yan and Zeng Jing, "Get to the point. We have to look for the Mind-Clearing Grass first. Let's enter the valley."

After all that gusto, the Loli Sect Master suddenly took half a step back. She was originally standing at the front, but now, she shrank behind Bai Yan and stuck half of her face out from behind Bai Yan's back. She stared nervously at the dark area in the valley. "Could there really be demon beasts inside?"

Zeng Jing was caught between laughter and tears. In the end, this loli was still afraid of monsters.

Bai Yan consoled in a gentle voice, "Junior Sister, don't worry. The fate of this trip is auspicious. There won't be a problem with the help of a benefactor."

"It's very hard to say about luck." The Loli Sect Master looked left, right, front, and back. "I don't see anyone nearby. Wouldn't we be finished if we encounter demon beasts and this benefactor does not come to our aid? I hate demon beasts the most. They have strange appearances and can even let out unpleasant strange cries. It's impossible to sleep if they were to howl in the middle of the night in the forest."

Zeng Jing raised his hand. "The benefactor has arrived!"

The Loli Sect Master ignored Zeng Jing, this joker, and said in a low voice, "Why don't we wait for the benefactor to come first before entering?"

Bai Yan was speechless.

The Loli Sect Master asked, "Will the benefactor be the Uncle-Master of the Qingcheng Sect or the Aunt-Master of the Emei Sect?"

Zeng Jing spread his hands. "Stop wasting time! If you're not going in, I'll go in first."

He stepped into the valley…

Bai Yan called out from behind, "Hey, Junior Brother, let me walk in front."

Zeng Jing said, "A man cannot hide behind a woman. I'll open the way."

"Hey, don't court death. You'll really die if you court death." Bai Yan flew in front of Zeng Jing. The Loli Sect Master followed behind Bai Yan as well.

The two women insisted on taking the lead, so Zeng Jing could only give up. He could only say to their backs, "Girls, you're really manly."