Maybe My Hands Were Shaking and I Divined Wrongly

The Loli Sect Master and Bai Yan were happily digging for herbs outside the valley. Suddenly, they heard a bang from the cliff in the distance. It seemed that someone had slapped the mountain wall, and the sound shook the valley, making people feel that this person must be very powerful. Then, they heard the roars of demon beasts…

The demonic beast's roar sounded very fierce, very much like the cry of a bear. The Loli Sect Master was shocked. "Aiyo, it's a bear demon?" Her hand trembled, and she almost dropped the stalk of poria she was holding.

Bai Yan frowned. "It seems that someone is fighting with the bear demon. I wonder what the level of this bear demon is. It seems to be very powerful. The person who slapped the cliff earlier is very strong, but the bear demon isn't afraid of him at all. It's roaring in anger and seems to be full of vigor."

The Loli Sect Master was a little flustered. "What should we do? Senior Sister, are we going over?"

Bai Yan continued, "Judging from the palm force, the other party's cultivation is much higher than ours. He must be the 'benefactor' shown in the divination. We should take advantage of the fact that the 'benefactor' is fighting the demon beasts to find the Mind-Clearing Grass we need as soon as possible. Only then will we be able to fulfill the divination's instructions. If we recklessly join in, we might drag the 'Mind-Clearing Grass' down. That won't be good."

The Loli Sect Master hurriedly agreed. "That makes sense, that makes sense. There's no need for us to go and see demon beasts. Demon beasts are all so terrifying… cough… that's not right. Even though I'm not afraid at all, finding medicinal herbs is more important. We should get down to business first and not simply watch the show."

Bai Yan said, "Let's go and find Junior Brother first. After that, we'll stay far away from the place where the bear demon and the 'benefactor' are fighting. We'll find the Mind-Clearing Grass as soon as possible and not get involved in the battle. Everything will be fine."

The two women carefully carried a few stalks of spirit herbs and walked toward the place where Zeng Jing had stood earlier. However, when they arrived, they discovered that Zeng Jing was no longer here.

The Loli Sect Master said, "Aiyo, bad news. Junior Brother has disappeared."

Bai Yan said, "Junior Brother must have heard the voice earlier and left this place. He's a new outer sect disciple and doesn't know any martial arts. When he heard the sound of someone fighting the bear demon, he probably wouldn't dare to run over and court death. If it were me, I would find a safe place to hide. We'll look for places nearby where one can hide."

If they wanted to find a person who was hiding, they naturally had to go into caves, look in bushes and amongst grasses. In any case, they could search for all sorts of messy places. Moreover, during the search, the two of them didn't dare to shout Zeng Jing's name loudly, in case they alarmed some other messy demon beasts in the valley…

Zeng Jing was watching a show! A very good fighting show.

The extremely ugly black-clothed people were currently fighting around the bear demon. The ugly middle-aged man in the lead had a very powerful fan in his hands. It would expand and shrink at times, spinning and dancing in midair as he continuously attacked the bear demon.

Zeng Jing knew that these were Artifacts even though he had yet to learn it. They work on the same principle as the Swords of the Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect. However, different sects or cultivators liked to control different weapons.

Of course, Zeng Jing liked to control elder sisters… cough… he liked controlling swords. Swords were so cool!

In fact, 80% of those who had been baptized by wuxia novels liked swords.

However, when he saw the ugly middle-aged man in front of him holding a folding fan, he felt that this thing was very interesting. As it spun and danced in midair, it kept opening and closing. Moreover, when it opened, the fan's surface would display the word "handsome".

Zeng Jing looked at the word "handsome" and then at the ugly face of the middle-aged man. He was speechless.

The subordinates of the ugly middle-aged man also controlled various types of Dharma treasure. Some of them used blades, some used staff, and one of them even used a huge stone. It seemed that he didn't have anything to refine as a Dharma treasure, so he might as well find a stone to use.

These messy Dharma treasures spun and danced in the air, smashing at the bear demon.

Zeng Jing saw the stone Dharma treasure spinning half a circle in the air. When the bear demon wasn't paying attention, the stone Dharma treasure smashed onto the bear demon's back with a bang. It seemed like the impact was very heavy, but the bear demon didn't seem to be injured. It retracted its hand and slapped the stone Dharma treasure with its meaty paw. The stone Dharma treasure was immediately sent flying and embedded into the mountain wall with a bang.

The man in black who was controlling the stone formed hand seals and waved his hand. However, the stone Dharma treasure didn't move at all. When he waved his hand again, the stone Dharma treasure still didn't move. He immediately broke out in a sweat. "Not good, Sect Master. My Dharma treasure's spiritual energy has been dispersed by the bear demon. I can't use it for the time being. I have to refine it again before I can use it."

The ugly middle-aged man waved his hand. "You, retreat!"

The bear demon roared at the sky and a ghost head saber flew over, spinning as it slashed toward the bear demon's neck. The bear demon didn't even bother to look at it. With a casual wave of its hand, its sharp bear claw directly slapped against the blade. With a clang, the ghost head saber was actually broken at the waist and flew to both sides.

The man in black who was riding the blade grunted miserably, "Sect Master, my Dharma treasure has been destroyed."

The ugly middle-aged man waved his hand. "You, retreat too!"

Just like that, they retreated one by one. Very soon, there weren't many subordinates around the bear demon that could fight.

In the blink of an eye, the ugly middle-aged man realized that he had become the only one fighting the bear demon.

He couldn't help but gasp, causing the global climate to warm up a little. "This bear demon is so strong. It doesn't seem right to continue fighting like this."

The Mystic Ice Bear Demon looked coldly at the ugly middle-aged man.

The ugly middle-aged man took half a step back…

Then, the bear demon roared angrily and pounced at him.

The ugly middle-aged man waved his hand, and the folding fan flew over while spinning. It opened in front of him with a whoosh and grew in size, instantly becoming the size of a screen. In the middle of the fan blade was the word "handsome", emitting a dazzling golden light. The golden word "handsome" was really too handsome.

Unfortunately, handsomeness couldn't be eaten. With a loud crack, the bear demon broke the word "handsome" and dug a large hole in the middle of the fan. It then passed through and continued to pounce on the ugly middle-aged man.

The surrounding subordinates shouted in unison, "Sect Master, be careful!"

The ugly middle-aged man let out a cry and turned to run. As he ran, he shouted, "I can't win. My Dharma treasure has been destroyed. Run! Everyone, run!"

The surrounding subordinates broke out in a sweat. "Sect master, didn't you say that we would be able to turn misfortune into good fortune and receive help from a benefactor?"

The ugly middle-aged man said, "Maybe my hand trembled when I was divining and I made a mistake."

His subordinates: "…"

This was very awkward. A large group of subordinates was prepared to scatter like birds and beasts.

The ugly middle-aged man didn't dare to stop for even a moment with the bear demon chasing very closely behind him. He smeared oil on the soles of his feet and ran very quickly. He ran past a patch of flowering trees and turned around a rock. Suddenly, he discovered a young man standing behind the rock. This young man was naturally Zeng Jing.

He was enjoying the show, but who would have known that the bear demon would scatter the group of black-clothed people in an instant? The ugly middle-aged man even coincidentally ran to him.