One Must Be Able To Take Spicy Food If One Wants To Be Superior

"That's great. Since the furnace isn't broken, I can refine medicine for you." Bai Yan said happily.

She got Zeng Jing to fetch some water from the well and washed the furnace from the inside out before putting it back at the same place.

Zeng Jing thought that she could start refining the medicine now, but she was not in a hurry to start. Instead, she placed a circle of stones beside the pill furnace.

Zeng Jing asked curiously, "What's this for?"

Bai Yan said, "The pill furnace is made of bronze and belongs to the metal element among the five elements. I placed some earth-attribute stones beside it. The five elements complement and restrain each other, earth produces gold. This way, the pill furnace can obtain help from the surrounding earth-attribute stones."

Zeng Jing said, "Huh? There's such a thing?"

Bai Yan said, "There are many things to pay attention to. Unfortunately… Our sect's five-element spiritual weapons have all been destroyed. We can only use ordinary stones to place them beside the pill furnace, and the effect is greatly reduced. Alas, if we have those top-notch five-element spiritual weapons, we can provide a large amount of earth-element spiritual energy to the pill furnace and adjust it to its best state. The medicine refined for you will also have the best effect."

Zeng Jing whispered, "It doesn't matter if I don't have those things. I'll just fool around. I've long reached the Foundation Establishment realm."

Bai Yan: "Huh? What are you mumbling about?"

Zeng Jing said, "Nothing!"

Bai Yan placed the bear demon gallbladder, fritillary bulbs, and loquats into the pill furnace and a pile of supplementary materials. He suddenly thought of something and tilted his head to look at Zeng Jing. "By the way, we still have to think about which cultivation technique you want to cultivate after you build your Foundation Establishment."

Zeng Jing was curious. "What do I need to look out for in choosing the cultivation techniques?"

Bai Yan said, "Cultivation techniques are also divided into metal, wood, water, fire, and earth elements. Some small sects only have one cultivation technique for their disciples to choose from, so there's no need to be particular. However, our sect is considered a famous sect with a long history. We have a complete set of all five cultivation techniques, so every disciple can freely choose the five elements that are suitable for them."

Zeng Jing asked curiously, "Didn't Old Fiend Baiyue burn down the Scripture Pavilion?"

Bai Yan said in a low voice, "Only an idiot would put all the secret manuals in the Scripture Pavilion. That's a place for miscellaneous books. The real secret manuals of our sect are all hidden in the well where you first saw me.

Zeng Jing did not know what to say.

Alright, so it seems like the cultivation techniques and secret manuals had been preserved even though the Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect had been destroyed.

Bai Yan said, "Junior Brother, don't be in a daze. Think about what cultivation technique you want to cultivate first."

"I choose fire!" Zeng Jing asked for fire without thinking.

There was nothing to say about this. A man had to be like a raging fire, burning brightly and illuminating everyone and everything around him.

Bai Yan smiled. "I guessed that you would choose fire too."

Zeng Jing said, "You guessed that?"

Bai Yan said, "There are four 'Ri' in your name. You will favor fire within the five elements."

Zeng Jing thought about it carefully. Hmm, it was true. It seemed that some things could really be explained by metaphysics. When his father named him Zeng Jing back then, he probably didn't notice that there were four "day" characters in his name. However, he didn't expect that this name would vaguely correspond to his liking for "fire" when he grew up.

"Since you chose fire, this medicine can't be refined so simply," Bai Yan said. "The Mystic Ice Bear Demon's gallbladder is inclined towards water, and it carries a powerful cold aura. Water can restrain fire, and the Foundation Establishment medicine refined with it will hinder your future cultivation of fire-attribute cultivation techniques. We have to adjust its water attribute."

Zeng Jing said, "Hey, is it that troublesome? Just refine it."

Bai Yan said, "Every step on the path to immortality is like walking on thin ice. How can it be done casually? I'm afraid that any small hiccup will affect your path towards immortality."

Her expression was serious when she said it, her pure features were beautiful with that serious expression.

Zeng Jing had no choice but to compromise seeing how considerate she was for him. "Alright, I'll leave it to you, Senior Sister."

Bai Yan frowned and said, "Of course, we can only use a large number of fire-attribute medicinal herbs to weaken the water attribute. However, our sect has already been destroyed and we don't have any fire-attribute medicinal herbs left. What should we do?"

She thought it through and suddenly saw an unburned house in the distance. It was a granary. Old Fiend Baiyue had no interest in things as granaries and couldn't be bothered to burn them, so the grain preserved inside was still intact. Under the eaves of the granary hung a large string of dried red peppers.

Bai Yan's eyes lit up. "Ah! I got it! We can use this."

Zeng Jing did not know what to say.

Bai Yan grabbed a large handful of red chili and threw it into the pill furnace. "The five elements of chili are inclined towards fire. I can add some to the medicine to counter the water attribute of the bear demon gall."

Zeng Jing said, "Okay, I'm from Shuangqing City. Why would I be afraid of spicy food? Don't think that a few chili peppers can't scare me."

Bai Yan frowned. "Oh no, the water attribute spiritual power of the bear demon gallbladder is so strong. This handful of chili isn't enough. I'll throw in another handful."

Zeng Jing said, "What's the harm in adding another handful? Do you think I'm afraid? I have more red peppers in my Double Celebration hotpot than this."

Bai Yan said, "Aiyo, I still can't suppress it. Another handful."

Zeng Jing said, "Hey! You have to be reasonable."

Bai Yan said, "It's not enough. Another handful."

Zeng Jing felt immense pressure. "If you stop now, we can still be good friends."

Bai Yan threw 10 large skewers of dried chili into the stove. "This seems to be barely enough."

Zeng Jing fell to the ground. "Mom, help!"

After a long time, Bai Yan took out a pill from the pill furnace. This pill was completely red, bright red, chili red, and as red as fire!

She handed the pill to Zeng Jing. "Come on, Junior. Eat this pill and you can build your Foundation Establishment."

Zeng Jing wiped the sweat off his forehead. "I personally think that it's fine if I don't eat this. Why don't we find a gentler way to build my Foundation Establishment?"

Bai Yan said, "Stop making excuses. You don't even dare to eat chili. Are you a man?"

Zeng Jing said, "This… Is this a chili? This is the concentrated essence of ten large strings of chili."

Bai Yan squinted.

Alright, men couldn't stand women's "you're so weak" gazes the most. He was a real man and couldn't show weakness in front of women. Wasn't it just eating a bunch of chili? This master will show you now.

Zeng Jing took the fiery red pill and threw it into his mouth.


Countless red peppers exploded in his mouth. This feeling was like… first love!

F*ck first love, how could it be? It felt more like a hundred bombs exploding in the mouth.

Zeng Jing fell to the ground with a thud, grabbing his throat and rolling on the ground.

Bai Yan shouted from the side, "Junior Brother, bear with it! You have to suffer a little to become immortal. Only by suffering can you be above others."

Zeng Jing said with difficulty, "I'm not suffering… I'm clearly eating spicy… water, I want to drink water…"

Bai Yan said, "You can't drink water. It's precisely because you have to suppress the water attribute that you have to eat so much chili. If you drink water now, all your efforts will be in vain. You have to hold it in."

"Awlsl!" Zeng Jing managed to say weakly.

He was actually defeated by Chili Pepper as an authentic Shuangqing man. How humiliating.

He laid still on the floor, too ashamed to get up.

After a long time, Bai Yan asked carefully, "Junior Brother, you're still alive, right? How is it? Do you feel that you've successfully built your Foundation Establishment? Do you feel that you have a Purple Mansion in your body? Can you sense and absorb spiritual energy?"

  1. She was referring to the character make up of his name. 'Ri' means day, which can be linked to the sun and hence fire.
  2. Chinese Internet Slang for "Ah, I'm dead"