Sell That Ginseng

Only immortals could move mountains and seas.

That casual stomp could make the Earth Dragon turn over and the ground crack. This was almost at the immortal level. What was the cultivation level of that young man just now?

The Wolong Manor Master was so frightened that his entire body trembled. He thought to himself, 'Fortunately, I still maintain a little of the reservedness of a righteous sect. I didn't go too far, nor did I sweep him with my divine sense. Otherwise…'

He thought about it again. Qingcheng Sect said that after Old Fiend Baiyue destroyed the Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect, he was sent flying by an unknown expert and turned into stars in the sky. Now, it seemed that it might be this young man who did it.

Oh my god, I can't afford to offend him. I shouldn't have designs on the Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect anymore. It's better to be his ally.

However, he had just shown him his attitude. It would be difficult for him to be an ally in the future. Sigh! He had to wait for him to calm down before he found a chance to bootlick him.

Zeng Jing, Bai Yan, and the Loli Sect Master flew into the air.

The two women looked a little crestfallen.

After the conversation just now, they finally understood the hypocrisy of the world. At first, they felt angry, but after flying into the air on their swords and having the cold wind blow against them, their anger was gone. What was left was helplessness and hesitation.

There was no point in berating Wolong Manor now. Instead of spending their time berating him, they might as well seriously consider what their future held.

The Loli Sect Master whispered, "Senior Sister, what will happen to our Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect in the future?"

Bai Yan sighed. "I don't know."

Zeng Jing whispered at the side, "Don't be depressed. Isn't it just because no one is helping? Can't we just work hard? We have to rely on ourselves most of the time and use less favors anyway."

"You're right, but without help and being isolated, we're no different from itinerant cultivators…" Bai Yan said.

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Itinerant cultivators? How can itinerant cultivators have a pile of cultivation techniques and secret manuals? There are also all kinds of systematic knowledge. Knowledge is even more important than secret manuals. For example, if I didn't join the Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect, I wouldn't even know what a Spirit Gathering Formation was, nor would I know that there was a Mind-Clearing Grass that could adjust one's state of mind, let alone know that the bear demon gallbladder could be made into a Bear Gallbladder Fritillary Bulb Loquat Throat Soothing Compound. It's not that there is no one to help us, but the people who helped us have passed away. However, what they taught us will accompany us for our entire lives."

These words made the two girls perk up!

That's right. Even though the Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect had been destroyed, the Sect had left them with a head full of cultivation knowledge, many cultivation techniques and secret manuals that had not been burned. How could these things be compared to the poor itinerant cultivators?

Their legacy was still alive!

"We have to pull ourselves together," said the Loli Sect Master. "I want to revive the Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect. We have to. Since we can't borrow any heavenly treasures, let's go and buy them. There must be someone who has some of these that they don't use. These things will flow into the market through various channels and be sold in antique shops. Let's go to the city outside the mountains to take a look. We'll probably be able to buy a lot of them."

"Then the question is…" Zeng Jing dragged out his words." Is our Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect very poor or very rich? Can we afford Heavenly treasures and spirit artifacts? "

The Loli Sect Master said, "Of course we're very rich. A few days ago, we were still a big sect. How can we be poor? Right, Senior Sister?"

"Junior Sister Sect Master, even though our Shu Mountain's Immortal Sword Sect is a famous sect, we're actually not rich. The food we eat is obtained from the hard work of the outer sect disciples in the fields. The water we drink is drawn from the well by ourselves, and the clothes we wear are woven from the cotton we grow and the animal skin we hunt. We basically live a self-sufficient farming life, and we don't even use money." Bai Yan answered in a low voice after a long, awkward silence.

The Loli Sect Master: "Huh?"

She was the favored disciple of Shu Mountain's Immortal Sword Sect. After entering the sect, she only cared about cultivating and did not care about anything else. How could she know about the financial situation of the Sword Sect? She thought that her sect was rich and impressive. She did not expect the Sword Sect to be a small farm where they farmed and ate what they grew by themselves.

"This means we can't buy anything, right?" Zeng Jing was amused. "Forget it then, let's go home. At least we still have a ginseng filled with spiritual energy. It has a little spirit gathering effect."

The two women had no choice but to nod.

After a few seconds, the Loli Sect Master suddenly thought of something. "Speaking of which, there are no outer sect disciples anymore. How are we going to live in the future?"

'That's a big problem!'

Even though there was still some food in the warehouse, it would be eaten up sooner or later. Without the outer sect disciples working in the fields, how could a few cultivation-crazy people survive?

Ever since Bai Yan and the Loli Sect Master became sensible, they had been living in the Immortal Sword Sect of Shu Mountain. They lived an isolated life and did not understand the ways of the world. They knew a lot about Shu Mountain, but they were not too clear about the secular world outside.

They had no concept of earning money at all. They didn't even know how to farm because they hadn't participated in it personally. As for hunting, they could easily kill animals, but they didn't know how to skin and cut meat into edible food.

In the past few days, they had relied on Zeng Jing to cook a few meals for them. Otherwise, they would have already started to starve.

Bai Yan considered it seriously for a moment and said, "Then… we can sell that ginseng… in exchange for food. That ginseng carries spiritual energy and has a spirit gathering effect. Fellow Daoists will buy it at a high price, enough for the three of us to eat for many years."

Zeng Jing: "!"

The Loli Sect Master said, "That's a good idea."

Zeng Jing said, "Hey! Good idea my a*s! That's the only Heavenly treasure in my wood-attribute Spirit Gathering Formation. If we sell it, my Spirit Gathering Formation won't even have that little spirit gathering effect."

The Loli Sect Master said, "In any case, my water attribute Spirit Gathering Formation is empty."

Zeng Jing squinted. "I don't want to be as miserable as you. Forget it, don't sell my ginseng. Leave the money-making to me."

The two women blinked their big eyes and looked at him in admiration. "You're amazing. You actually know how to earn money?"

Zeng Jing almost flipped the table, but the three of them were flying on their swords in midair. There was no table in front of them. Otherwise, Zeng Jing would have flipped everything on the table.

"Forget it." Zeng Jing could not argue with the two young ladies, especially Bai Yan. Even though she did not know how to earn money, she knew a lot of strange things and had taught Zeng Jing a lot.

Everyone in this world, no matter how good they were, had flaws. If you looked down on someone because they had a flaw and ignored all their strengths, took advantage of their flaws and criticized them like trash, it was as if they were far inferior to you, then you will never learn anything from that person!

That just means that you are far worse than the trash you speak about in the eyes of a third party.