Tycoon, You're Too Much

The Fire Tree Sage was overjoyed. Most people who practiced fire-attribute cultivation techniques were naturally impatient and carefree. He impatiently grabbed the Peachwood Golden Snake Sword and circulated the cultivation technique in his hand. A red light poured into the Peachwood Golden Snake Sword. Wood could start a fire, and the fire-attribute spiritual energy expanded by several times. A huge amount of spiritual energy almost rushed out from the tip of the sword.

The Fire Tree Sage laughed and said, "I've searched the entire continent for a good sword that suits me, but I couldn't find it. Now, I've finally found it. Hahahaha, hahahaha… I don't have to worry about my cultivation level being too strong and bursting my Dharma treasures anymore. Hahahaha…"

He waved his sword at the sky, and a fiery red sword light soared into the sky, reaching a height of more than a hundred meters. The flame wave soared into the sky, and the momentum was really terrifying. Then, he formed a sword spell with his hand, and the Peachwood Golden Snake Sword floated in midair. Fire Tree Sage jumped onto the sword and pointed forward.

The sword immediately flew away with him. The tail of the sword dragged along with spiritual energy that was at least dozens of meters long. It was like a long fiery red snake in the sky as it slithered away.

"Look at how happy he is." A cultivator on the side of the street snorted coldly. "Isn't it just a new Dharma treasure? What's there to be happy about? He could only release a fiery red sword light with one strike. His cultivation is too low. A few days ago, we saw someone waving a fire dragon in Shushan."

Another cultivator also smiled and said, "That's right. If I hadn't seen that fire dragon before, I would have thought that Fire Tree Sage's move is quite powerful. But Fire Tree Sage is just a piece of trash after seeing that."

"Hey, you two, is it really okay to be so sarcastic here?" Another cultivator sneered and said, "Say these to Fire Tree Sage's face if you have the guts instead of behind his back. He's very impatient. When he hears someone talking about him like this, he will probably slash the other party with his sword on the spot."

The two people who had spoken earlier were shocked. They quickly slipped away and disappeared into the crowd in the blink of an eye.

Fang Wushang was completely stunned. Zeng Jing patted him on the shoulder and said, "Hey, Brother Fang, wake up. Don't be in a daze. I still need your help later. Take me to buy Heavenly Treasures."

Fang Wushang: "…"

Zeng Jing: "Say something?"

Fang Wushang said stiffly, "Where did you get that sword? Could it have been passed down by the masters of the Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect?"

Of course, Zeng Jing couldn't say that he made it himself, so he could only say, "That's right! There was once a master refiner in our Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect. This was his work before he passed away. Our sect has always kept it well and wanted to leave it for our disciples to use. However, now that the Sect is destroyed, we need a lot of heavenly treasures to rebuild it so we have to give it up."

Fang Wushang clicked his tongue and sighed. "A starving camel is indeed bigger than a horse. Wealthy families and large sects can't be underestimated."

Zeng Jing said, "Let's not talk about this now. Take me to buy Heavenly Treasures. I need a large number of water and wood-attribute Heavenly Treasures, Spiritual Weapons, and Magic Weapons. Don't tell me you've forgotten about them."

Fang Wushang rolled his eyes. "Don't get cocky. You only have two hundred taels of gold other than the Icy Jade Fire Tree Sage gave you. You won't be able to buy anything."

Zeng Jing chuckled and pulled Fang Wushang closer. He quietly lifted the rabbit skin on the basket and got him to look inside.

Fang Wushang took a closer look. There were actually four peach wood swords in the basket. All of them were carved extremely uglily.

Zeng Jing chuckled and said, "Look, I still have four."

Fang Wushang said, "Pfft! Tycoon, you're too much!" He foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground.

As the saying went, one should not reveal one's wealth. For Zeng Jing to reveal four valuable Dharma treasures like this was actually a huge taboo in the pugilistic world, especially for those who were "weak". Doing so would simply invite a fatal disaster.

However, Zeng Jing was not weak. He had the guts to play like this. Coupled with the fact that there were many experts in Jinguan City and that all the major sects were gathered together, it was like a giant powder keg. Everyone was careful with their tails between their legs, so no one dared to act rashly.

Most importantly, when Zeng Jing was refining these swords, he deliberately suppressed his cultivation. Therefore, their quality could only be said to be above average. They were not top-notch Dharma treasures. The real experts were not interested, and the middle and low-level experts did not dare to move.

Zeng Jing pulled Fang Wushang up and said with a smile, "Brother Fang, don't lie down. Take me to buy heavenly treasures."

Fang Wushang said pitifully, "Tycoon, you said that you would give me some commission. Is that true?"

"Of course it's true," Zeng Jing said. "I'm a very fair person. There's nothing wrong with me giving you a commission as an intermediary."

Fang Wushang was overjoyed. "That's great. Keep your things and come with me. I'll take you to see the leader of our Black Mountains White Waters Yellow Flowers Green Willows Alliance."

He put away his leather stall, stuffed all the leather into a backpack and carried it on his back. Zeng Jing also carried his basket. The two of them left the center of the street and walked towards the west district.

As they walked, Fang Wushang introduced, "The headquarters of our alliance is not in Jinguan City. It's in Dragon Gate Mountain in the northwest of Jinguan City. A few days ago, the Fire Dragon streaked across Dragon Gate Mountain. All the disciples of our alliance were shocked. They knew that they were too weak and could not fight against such a cultivator. I'm afraid that even the Mountain Protection Sword Formation that we're so proud of is useless. Therefore, the entire alliance temporarily hid in Jinguan City. Currently, we've settled in the forest in the west city and are doing business to earn some money."

It turned out that the Black Mountains White Waters Yellow Flowers Green Willows Alliance was not a big sect. It could only be said to be a very weak small sect. The leader of the sect was only at the late-stage Golden Core realm. He had not even reached the Nascent Soul realm. Such a weak sect did not have a strong desire to cultivate to become an immortal. They were more interested in protecting themselves, doing business, and making money to live a better life.

The disciples of the sect were mostly engaged in various profitable businesses. They did not cultivate diligently all day long, instead, did trading everywhere. They liked to be friends with "rich people" like Zeng Jing.

Soon, they arrived at the woods of the western district. From afar, Zeng Jing saw a large group of cultivators in warrior attire guarding the edge of the woods. Seeing that these cultivators all had common faces, he knew that they were just small fries on sentry duty.

Someone waved his hand from afar seeing Fang Wushang. "Senior Brother Fang, you've sold all the skins already?"

Fang Wushang chuckled and said, "I haven't sold many leathers yet, but I've accepted a big business deal and brought a big client to meet the Alliance Master."

The small fry looked at Zeng Jing together. "This is?"

Fang Wushang said, "Yes, a disciple of the Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect!"

As soon as they heard the words "Shu Mountain Immortal Sword Sect", the expressions of the small fries instantly became a little interesting. However, they were still a sect that specialized in business. These people did not immediately gloat. Instead, they pretended to be very sympathetic and said, "So you're a disciple of the Immortal Sword Sect. Sorry for my disrespect. We've also heard about what happened. We deeply regret what happened to your Sect."