What Should I Be Called?

The Alliance Master's face turned pale. "I'm not as good as you. I'm not your match, but there are countless cultivators in Jinguan City. Aren't you afraid of incurring public anger by robbing my Alliance?"

The man laughed out loud. "Why don't you take a look at the standard of your lousy alliance? Who cares about trash like you? Public anger? Who will get angry for you?"

Before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly heard a strange voice behind him saying, "Aiyo! I don't like what you're saying. Do you really think there are no people in this world who are brave? That's because you're ignorant! Let me tell you, there are many people in this world who are brave and help the victims catch robbers. You are clearly not paying attention to the news to think that the world is cold. Let me give you a piece of advice. Look at more positive things and stay away from negative things. Only then will you be happier."

After saying that, a strange person with a fox head and a rabbit skin mask walked out from behind. His furry appearance stunned the group of people opposite him. Some of them were really dumbfounded. What kind of freaking appearance was this?

Of course, this style was secondary. Not many people could understand the messy lines just now.

The middle-aged man looked at Zeng Jing in confusion. "Who are you?"

Zeng Jing said, "Well… Wait, I forgot to think of a name for my appearance. I'm thinking now… Do you think it's okay for me to call myself Fox Sage?"

The middle-aged man said, "You're clearly covered in rabbit skin."

Zeng Jing: "Then White Rabbit Sage?"

The middle-aged man said, "You clearly have a fox head."

Zeng Jing said, "You don't allow me to use fox nor rabbit. What do you want me to do?"

Middle-aged man: "You don't dare to reveal your real name?"

Zeng Jing shook his head and said, "I've been taught since I was young that you can't leave your name behind when doing good deeds. As a hero, you have to wear a mask. If you leave your name behind, you'll be criticized by the green-eyed monsters. They'll say that you're trying to gain popularity. That's not good."

No one answered him.

Zeng Jing chuckled and concluded, "So, you can call me White Rabbit Sage or Fox Sage. It's up to you. You can call me whatever you want. Anyway, I won't tell you who I am. Don't even think about doing a body search on me."

The silence was deafening.

This unreliable and incomprehensible speech made everyone dizzy. However, the middle-aged man at least understood one thing. This fox-headed rabbit-skinned guy in front of him was clearly setting up a feud.

He glanced unhappily at Luo Bai, thinking to himself, "This fellow is not a decent man since he doesn't dare to give us his name. A decent man likes to act bravely in the face of righteousness. He'll show off his righteousness."

Zeng Jing said, "Don't use your strange gaze on me. I'll only say one thing. I advise you to be kind. Don't take anything that isn't yours. Also, you have to learn to respect the pugilistic world and feel its kindness and beauty. Don't always think that no one cares about you when you do bad things. There are many people in charge in this world. Moreover, those people who like to do good deeds aren't as easy to talk to as me. They might not even say a word to you and kill you. You won't even have a chance to turn over a new leaf. Wouldn't that be very tragic?"

The middle-aged man snorted coldly. "Before you spout this nonsense, have you ever thought about whether you can handle this by yourself?"

He pointed at the Coiling Dragon stick that was still on the ground. "Did you not see what I did just now?"

"Yes!" Zeng Jing said, "But that's all you are capable of."

As soon as he said this, the middle-aged man was shocked. This person still dared to be arrogant after seeing his capability? In other words, he must be a bad a*s.

He became vigilant. "It's not impossible for me to retreat, but you have to at least show me your skills and convince me, right?"

After saying this, he suddenly remembered that someone had said this line just now. It was said by the leader of the Black Mountains White Waters Yellow Flowers Green Willows Alliance. The moment he said this, his aura withered.

The situation seemed to have reversed!

Zeng Jing spread his hands. "Show you?"

It was inconvenient for him to show his martial arts. He could easily shake the world if he did. This was not Shu Mountain where there was only a very sparse population. Even if he did something big, it would only scare a small group of cultivators. However, this was Jinguan City, the largest city in the southwest of China. If he created a fire dragon here or smashed a huge pit in the ground, it would affect countless ordinary people in the city.

He was once an ordinary person, so he definitely did not want to interfere with the lives of ordinary people. He would keep a low profile if he could.

Zeng Jing said, "There is no need to show you my skills. Look at my appearance and you know that I don't want to cause trouble. Plus, you didn't kill anyone from the Alliance. You were trying to rob them civilly, so I don't want to shed blood. How about this, I won't show off. I will just stand here and not move. You can hit me. I won't care about this if I take even half a step backwards. How about that?"

The middle-aged man was shocked. Stand still and let me hit you? What the hell? Do you believe that I'll beat you into the ground with a stick?

However, after this thought, a new thought immediately followed. Since he dared to stand there and let me hit him, he must have enough confidence. This guy probably cultivates a water-type cultivation technique that specializes in restraining me. Moreover, a water-type cultivation technique is good at neutralizing the opponent's attacks. That's why he dared to be so arrogant. However, I'm a Nascent Soul cultivator. Even a Nascent Soul cultivator might not dare to stand still and let me hit him. How f*cking confident are you?

He squinted. "Are you serious? Are you really going to stand still and let me hit you?"

Zeng Jing: "Really!"

The middle-aged man said, "Then I won't be polite."

Zeng Jing: "Feel free to call me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Coiling Dragon stick lying on the ground flew up with a whoosh and struck Zeng Jing's head ruthlessly.

As it turned out, the middle-aged man had a mind of his own. He had already used the Artifact Control Technique to control the Coiling Dragon Wooden Stick on the ground and was ready to fight at any time. It immediately attacked as soon as the command of "hit" was given. There was only a very short period of time between them. He wanted to take advantage of this short period of time to catch the other party off guard. Anyway, even if he was criticized later, he could say that the other party had already said that he could fight. This way, there would be no problem with the rules and would not be exposed.

If the other party's experience in the martial arts world was poor and he was not vigilant enough, if his reaction was a little slower and he did not have time to circulate his cultivation technique to resist, he might have been directly dealt with by his rod.


The coiling dragon wooden stick hit Zeng Jing's head firmly.