Key Quest: Revenge on Thieves' Guild!

"I understand. Speaking of which, what is a "Key Quest" Yuna-san?"

"Oya~ I forgot this is the first time Eve-chan playing this type of game." Yuna-san tilts her head and lightly taps it with her fist while poking her tongue cutely. What you call it? Oh yeah… a "teehee perro☆" pose. Then, she carries on, "You can think of it as a special quest that only a limited number of people can take. Well, the reward is usually very tempting. But this is probably more than that..."

Yuna-san suddenly becomes lost in thought, so I can only wait patiently for her to continue.

"Ah, sorry, sorry. I'm sorting through all the information we have at hand. First, we got PKed by the thieves' guild, and then Celia-san, who is a former member of that guild, suddenly asks us whether we wanted to take revenge or not. I think this is the reason why we unknowingly triggered the quest. And considering that our target of revenge is a Guild, it means that it's probably a big deal."

"Our enemy is a guild… in other words, our target of revenge is a giant of an organisation, that's mean…"

"That's right, it's going to be a hell of a fight, and our rate of success is... well… while it's not zero, it's minuscule at best."

Umm… I see… this is going to be difficult.

"And there's a chance that the quest's completion will include the current Thieves' Guild destruction…"

Hearing my reply, Yuna-san also nodded.

"Yes. I have the same opinion."

"If that's the case, won't it be difficult if it's just the two of us?"

"I thought about it a bit, but I think the conditions for this quest are surprisingly simple. Befriend an NPC who is hostile to the Thieves' Guild, and then get PKed by those who belong to the Thieves' Guild. These are probably the only two conditions that trigger the quest."

"What you want to say is there are other people apart from us who received the same quest?"

"That's so. Of course, we're the only ones who can accept the quest from Celia-san, but there is probably someone out there who received a similar quest from other NPCs. I'm just guessing from here, but I think we're going to get together with just those people to progress the quest."

Actually, what Yuna-san said makes a lot of sense.

When the revenge target is as large as the Thieves' Guild, if there are only a few of us, anything we do will practically amount to nothing.

When our group reaches a small fraction of the guild size, it's only a little bit of harassment, when it's a decent number, it can be considered noticeable harassment, and when we get to a similar number to them, we have a chance to deliver a crushing blow.

I don't know how many people want to retaliate against the Thieves' Guild, but I have a feeling there will be a good number of them.

"Yuna-san, I want to accept this quest. No, I want to take revenge on the Thieves Guild. Not only for my sake but also for Celia." I declare with a firm and determined voice.

"Oho~ What a coincidence… I also think the same thing." Yuna-san mischievous eyes turn sharp like those of a predator, baring her small fangs on the corner of her lips. "Of course, I'll go together with Eve-chan." Saying that she gives me a light wink.

Yuna-san is really a good woman.

After our conversation concludes, we return to the table, and I state my decision to Celia.

"We talked about it, and we decided to take revenge on the Thieves' Guild."

"...I see. Are you sure? Once you start the revenge, you can't back off until you crush the thieves' guild, you know?"

Is it the last warning?

Once we accept this quest, we can't quit until we complete it.

"...Yes. I'm prepared."

That's right.

I want to settle the score with them because of what they have done to me, but more importantly, I can't forgive them for stealing Celia's arm.

I won't hesitate to fight against anyone who harms the people I love, even if it's a giant like the Thieves' Guild.

"Haa... I get it. I won't persuade you anymore. Let's talk again about the details tomorrow. For now, you should go get a good rest today. I was really worried, you know…"


"Get revenge on the Thieves' Guild"

Client: Celia

Request content: Destruction of the current Thieves Guild

Reward: Varied upon the degree of Quest Completion.


Dinner is already over, and Yuna-san and the others return to their rooms. The only ones who have obtained the quest are Yuna-san and me, so I guess that she'll talk to the others about it.

It's just Celia and me in the dining room right now, and somehow there is an awkward silence filling the room.

I take several glances at Celia from the corner of my eyes, but she still lowers her face, refusing to meet my gaze.

Is she still worried about me being PKed? Or did she regret involving me in this revenge?

Just as I'm about to open my mouth, a soft murmur suddenly comes out of her mouth.

"... I didn't mean to involve you in this mess, you know?" Her gaze at me is complicated. "The thieves' guild is a big adversary. They are everywhere. We're dealing with an existence with such overwhelming might that most people in this world even fear them like the devil. Eve-chan will definitely be put in danger… I… I really don't want you to be hurt, Eve…"

To be honest, I haven't gotten the full picture of the Thieves' Guild yet, but that doesn't mean that I don't understand what I'm getting myself into here.

"Even so, I'm happy. Eve's feeling that she would take revenge not only for herself but also for me made me really happy. I'm such a despicable woman, am I?"

My heart wrenches when I see the sad smile on her face. Without hesitation, I come over and grab her hands firmly while staring straight into her eyes.

"That's not it, Celia… I'll do anything to make you happy. I'll do anything to protect you. After all, you're the woman I love."

Even if she's an NPC, my feelings for her are real. I can't stay silent when someone close to me is being harmed by others.

Hearing my determination, her lovely cheeks turn a faint shade of red. Then, she looks at me with the same determination in her eyes.

"The thieves guild's is really dangerous, so from now on, I'm going to train you as much as possible. No matter what happens, I'll keep you safe."

"Yes. I'm ready too."

"...Is that so?" A pleasant giggle rings in my ear. "I thought Eve was just a pretty girl, but I wonder if it was just my assumption."

It's rude, Celia-san!

I'm just a little bit reserved, am I?

Celia suddenly leans in closer and whispers fragile but strangely full of seduction words into my ears.

"But Eve… I'm still worried. So… can you help me blow away my anxiety?"

Her vulnerable appearance evokes a different feeling in me. I hug the uneasy-looking Celia and head straight to her bedroom.