Deafening silence echoes, loud scribbling noise, heavy breathing and water drips through, inside a cell with only one man occupies, the man is writing, thinking and praying.
For only an hour remain before his execution, this man is Jose Rizal, Philippines national hero born on June 19, 1861, and died December 30, 1896.
Rizal is a writer, polymath and an ophthalmologist by profession, imprisoned by the Spanish colonial government for the crime of rebellion after the Philippine Revolution broke out which is inspired by his writings.
With a seconds remain before his execution Rizal noticed that the cell his was in suddenly started to warp.
"What's happening!!" Rizal asked.
When suddenly everything turns black, and with a second blinding light flash before him, and in that light a being emerged. A being that is only half that is only right, a god.
Rizal shouted "Who are you! Where am I!?"
"I am Parsua, the supreme god, half side of Buni the creator deity" Parsua answered.
"A god?" Rizal asked, "Am I dead? but the execution, I was just still in my cell" Rizal said in confusion.
Rizal is confused, for he cannot believe what is happening, for him maybe it's just a dream a figment of his imagination.
A comfort his mind had sought, for every man fear death and what lies beneath it.
"You're not dead, I called upon you and summon you in front of me as I needed someone to save my world" Parsua says.
"Save your world? what do you mean?" Rizal asked.
Suddenly Parsua raised her hand and point to Rizal, and with a head breaking pain a vision enters Rizal's head.
Showing things Rizal never seen before, building so tall it can pierce the sky, in ruins, corpses piled like a mountain, countries that engulfed in an unending war.
And creatures that he can't explain, hunting the remaining peoples like they were animals and a man sitting in a throne made of gold.
And when the vision stop the pain Rizal feels also subsided, he stood up while gasping for air and asked Parsua "what is that?"
Parsua answered "that is the future of my world".
"Future? what do you mean future?" Rizal asked.
Parsua remained silent for a moment, and when Parsua finally answer, she explained to Rizal.
That in the beginning gods emerge from nothing then from that darkness Buni emerge the first, the creator deity, a mute god, alone in the darkness, Buni cut himself in half in which Parsua became the other half.
Parsua further explain that even if "we are one, we are not" from that Buni is not alone anymore he was content, but Parsua is now the one that is lonely.
Buni saw how Parsua is sad and lonely, to comfort his right half, Buni removed his heart and brain to create two primordial giants.
From his heart Anglao emerges creator of the Apo (demigods) and from his brain, Aran creator of the planets.
Buni's action made Parsua happy, but in doing so Buni lost the power to think and feel, subjecting him in a deep slumber, Parsua notice it and cried creating the stars.
Aran the creator of planets, sang in honor of Buni and from every verse of the song planets were made.
Anglao saw the tears of Parsua that became stars, and with the planet that Aran made, Anglao picked six stars creating the Apo.
First, he made Apo Init demigod of the sun, Apo Langit demigod of the heaven, Apo Daga demigod of earth, Apo Angin demigod of wind, Apo Bulan demigod of the moon and finally Apo Tudo demigod of rain.
And when the demigods all emerge, they immediately go to the planets Aran made and gave each life, suitable for any life forms to live. Seeing this Parsua was overjoyed, covering the sadness she felt.
When the demigods finally finish their job, four of them choose a planet and stayed there, for them to lay rest, after thinking for a longtime they choose the third planet and name it Biringan.
Apo Init being the most powerful of the demigods choose to stay out of any planet thus creating the sun giving day.
Apo Bulan the second most powerful demigod also didn't choose any planet and thus creating the moon giving night.
Parsua was watching as everything unfolds was very happy thanking Anglao, Aran and Buni.
As time pass by life began to grow at the planet of Biringan, and in the image of Buni and Parsua beings was born which Parsua called Encanto's.
Seeing this Parsua was happy, watching as the Encanto's grows became Parsua's pastime.
"Such a beautiful creature they are." Parsua says.
And when ten thousand years have pass Encanto's flourish, they created countries, grand kingdoms, large castle, carriage that don't need horses, air ships and most of all they discovered magic.
The three remaining gods were happy and proud of what they made, but as the Encanto's advances their desire grew, they became greedy, hungry for more of what they have now.
And in those desire, greed, lust, wrath and hunger, Buni the first God awake from his deep long slumber. Aran, Anglao and Parsua were overjoyed.
But their happiness was cut short when they notice that Buni is different he was dark, stronger.
Buni the creator deity is now the god of destruction and chaos feeding of on Encanto's very dark desires, Buni wanting all the power to himself attack the three other gods.
A battle that the three gods give their all. But even with the powerful Buni three gods is still impossible. So Buni use his last resort releasing all his power to create an explosion enough to kill the three gods.
"Big, bang" the mute god first and last word.
The universe went silent and a moment a powerful explosion.
The three gods were terrified, afraid and sad because they know that the only way stop Buni is to destroy him, they combined their remaining power to stop the explosion.
They turn themselves into a barrier incasing the explosion together with Buni, when they contain the explosion a piercing blast shattered the barrier like a glass, destroying Buni together.
Shattered. the gods fragment scattered with some crashing to planet Biringan containing the gods' power.
Not knowing that small pieces of Buni also crash at the planet growing stronger by absorbing the negative desire of Encanto's.
As time pass a piece of Parsua were able to manifest her form, but the Biringan were already in more chaos and war, cause by the fragment of Buni.
Using half of her power Parsua summon a person who can save their world.
Parsua had summon the imprisoned Rizal.
"Why me? why not someone from your world." Rizal asked.
"The residents of Biringan are easily corrupted by Buni's power, so I summon a hero who is not from this world as they would not be corrupted by the fragments" Pasrua explained to Rizal.
"I'm no hero, I am a writer" Rizal whisper, followed by "I am not someone who is fond of violence".
"I do not wish to call upon a fighter, but a leader someone who inspire, someone who can give hope" Parsua's word to Rizal.
"With the last bit remaining of my power, I am no different to mortal now, killable, controllable and weak, so please Rizal I beg you to help us"
After the shattering Parsua's power have become weak but strong enough to summon a hero.
Rizal stood silent thinking, that it would be the best choice to accept Parsua's request as Rizal know what would happen if he ever returned back to his home.
"Fate must have saved me, and destiny is giving me a gift, I would have died anyway, at least in this world I can do good things" Rizal words to Parsua not knowing the legacy he left in his world.
Accepting the request of Parsua the supreme god was overjoyed.
"With the last bit of my power, I would give you things they would help you in your journey" Parsua release all her remaining power making three items that would help Rizal.
A magical book with blank pages and a magical feather pen, that when use to write in the book it can summon creatures, and finally a hat that resemble Rizal favorite hat that have an unlimited space.
After summoning the items Parsua began to vanish.
Shock Rizal asked " Parsua what is happening" which she replies, "I have used all of my power now, it will take time for me to return, Rizal you must find our fragments, and destroy Buni's".
When Parsua finally vanish, Rizal suddenly fell, when he opens his eyes.
He was falling from space he can see the planets, the stars, the moon, the sun and in front of him Biringan was so large it is three times larger than the earth.
Then he suddenly vanishes, and when he emerges, he was in a wide grass field under the sunny blue sky.