CHAPTER EIGHT:She's A Sin That I Wouldn't Want To Commit.

Alejandro's pov


"The work is done boss,Jim Lopez is dead"

I stared at the message from Juan on my return back home. This was the part where i was supposed to be happy after seeing the message.

That should have been the way  that I should have felt,after all the bible says that we should rejoice over our enemies.Yet,I was the opposite of the word 'happy'.

I was anything far from the saying that finally Alejandro Martinez had taken justice for his dead parents,so finally there would be peace.

But no!

I felt unsatisfied and not contented.I was even more angry at myself for issuing the order to get him killed.

That was so stupid of me to give Juan the liberty of doing that, although i didn't need anyone to tell me how sick, twisted and evil he was just like me.

He wasn't my right hand man for nothing,yet there was this feeling of uncontentment inside of me that allowing him to die in the fire was merciful to me.

He died easily,I let him off the hook when they was many  good chance of torturing the bastard and giving him a painful death.

But rather,I had overlooked the fact that i could do that,the inner peace and satisfaction that i have been craving for  years would have been sated if i have done that.

The bloodlust has being there for weeks now,a carnal need to paint  the town red with the blood of Jim lopez and every single one of them that was involved in the murder if my parents were high.

Unluckily,the bastard who had been within as a spy that i killed at my warehouse this evening,had taken half of the aggression that i have been having for weeks.

There's no extent to which  people wouldn't go to crave for something that wasn't their's,and unluckily i admitted the fact that human beings were one stubborn creature.

It thrills me so deeply that these upcoming days, were going to  give me the privilege to sate the demons in his head.

They had been screaming to let go,for me to free them.But I had held onto his sanitizer because i wasn't triggered that easily to let them take control.

No!It was dangerous.

Losing my control would cause me a lot of things,like Killing my men.I had no control over my demons once i let them take control.

My anger was like a volcanic eruption.

Luckily,My men knew better than to trigger me to lose control and unleash hell upon earth.They knew better than to play with their lives when there was only one game master and that's me.

They were all under me, every single one of them,it was so unfortunate that out there even as my name echoes round the whole of Country B.

The greedy nature of mem  and their dubious acts wouldn't let them make the right choice for themselves and join me.

I am not a lover of peace,well that choice was taken away from me when the white house and the circle chose to make me an orphan.

I'm not kind.

I'm not merciful and not like any other mafia leader would be.I won't hesitate twice to pull the trigger on anyone, who threatens my position as the mafia king of country B.

I choose to be this way,the devil who walks at night.Just as people always refer to me,and I'm glad that they see me that way.

At this point of time, growing up into the man  i am today.i had realized that as long as you are not at the top of the food chain,you will be treated like shit and that's where i am.

I'm not coming down anytime soon,and neither would any bloody motherfucker suicide in helping me do that either.

The chiming of my phone one more time,made me grunt in frustration because I was tired as fuck.

Man! I need to rest,not to sleep because i can't sleep.It has always been that way for ages,and i have gotten used to that.

I took out the phone with my hands which  still had some particles of red ,which was the blood of the motherfucker that i blow off his head at the warehouse.


He texted again,and this time I wasn't really angry about taking out my phone after it had chimed in the breast pocket of the suit i wore .

"Unfortunately boss the bastard had a family,a gorgeous redhead who's locked up in the basement and a rather would I not say eight year old mute "



That's interesting!

It seems Jim  has forgotten that karma's a bitch,and just because he's stopped working for the Whitehouse doesn't make him a saint.

I couldn't really tell if Juan was trying to imply,that i would want to have anything to do with the gorgeous redhead who's locked up in the basement.

I don't really see any necessity of him trying to do that,I have had my fair share of women and looking for a brand new pussy wasn't my problem.

Besides,it was a very big turn off to want to have anything to do with my enemy's daughter,no! 

That's degrading myself,but that doesn't stop me from having other thoughts of what I would have to do with this gorgeous red hair,and the mute.

They were the children of Jim Lopez,and that's enough reason why they were on my red list.

Their father is dead,and i didn't get to inflict on him the pain he caused me for years,but his children would do.

They would pay for what he did,I will make sure of that. After all,the bible also stated clearly that the children will pay for what their parents had done.

As the lord that rules Country B,I will definitely fulfill that which is written.The world needs changes and that change is starting with me.

It has always been about me,and definitely it will always be about me, Alejandro Martinez.

"Boss,we are home"Mason said, parking the car at the garage of my mansion that was built in the middle of nowhere.

This had being my base,and my home unknown to my enemies that has always wanted to hunt me down.

But that always ends up a failed mission, because I'm not too stupid to live in such a open place to attract attention to myself

The house was secluded and built in the middle of a forest,which is filled up with a lot of dangerous animals out there that welcomed me whole as their captain.

I stepped down from the car, and walked over to meet my pet,K2.A lion which i had  trained  right from tender age,and i could say that was basically the only thing that i cared about if i had a heart to care about anything.

I turned,and walked into the house with the men bowing their head to acknowledge my presence, but the least people i had expected that were supposed to be out here, waiting for my arrival, were not in sight.


Nate and of course,my cousin, Andres.

I would not be surprised if Juan was already having his way with the gorgeous red hair,he made it pretty obvious from the text that he has a thing for her.

But he knew better than to play  that dangerous game with me,the moment she was said to be a bloodline of the motherfucker Jim Lopez ,her fate had already been signed and was in my hands.

The things i would do to the last standing bloodline of his?

The voices in my headv was already eager, jubilating and couldn't wait to see their next plaything and prisoner.

I didn't went up to my room straight to wash off the blood stains off me, rather i was eager to meet Juan's newest crush.

Well,a man can  dream,but sadly,I will be the interpreter of that dream and that only means that he is playing with death.

As i approached the basement,I could hear the noise coming through and Nate was being one loyal subject,to remind Juan of his place with me if he decided to go easy on  the hitman's daughter.

Good boy!

I smirked,but  that was whipped completely off my face the moment i heard her cussing at Juan.


A feisty Tigress.

Just like her dad,but it was a shame that in the next week to come,she wouldn't be that lucky to shout at my men in that manner.

Well, if she is not dead till next week.

I kicked the door open in anger when i heard my men cursing at themselves,what bloody fools they  were to do that because of some pussy!


Juan called,more like shuddered away in fear because he wasn't expecting me home any time soon.


I rolled my eyes, clenching and unclenching my jaw while trying to heed to the voice that said not to kill him.

He's being a worthy right hand man to work with,and not just any sleazy whore would change my boy the way he is.

No one.

Not even the red hair,well that's until i saw her and had to understand why Juan was behaving this way.

she's a sin!

She's a sin that i wouldn't want to commit, a sin that would cause a huge division between me and my men if i allow her to stay alive.

Why do the bad guys have to be so enticing?

She's trouble,but i have never been one  to back away from a fight  that easily.But  i could make everything so easy without stressing myself.

I had to do it with the only language and way i understood things.

I raised my gun at her.

She has to die!