The duo got to the cash register to see that Sudo was arguing with the store clerk because he forgot his ID card.
Ayanokoji stepped in to pay and the trio walked out of the store together.
They all sat outside and started to eat together talking about miscellaneous things and becoming closer. Especially Syl and Sudo.
Eventually a group of older students walked by.
"What do you guys think your doing here?" One of them provoked.
"Ummm eating? Talking? Both? Why?" Syl asked with a mouthful of food.
"No shit asshole! You can't be here!"
"Why not?" Ayanokoji asked.
"First years aren't allowed! What class are you guys?"
"Class D." Syl said as he slurped up more noodles.
"No wonder!"
"Exactly! That's probably why he eats noodles while he talks!"
"AHAHa ah. Wow, that's funny. I'll let you guys off this time because you're so unlucky."
"What's wrong with class D?" Sudo asked, he was probably the only one who didn't understand the situation right now.
"What's wrong with class D he said! Hahaha! Don't you know? The D stands for dumbass!"
"Why you!" Sudo was about to charge but Ayanokoji and Syl held him back.
Syl just closed his eyes and smiled.
"At least we don't have to suck Nagumo's dick 24/7."
"Wha- How do you know that!?" One of them shouted.
"So you admit it's true?" Syl smiled.
"You little shit!" The first thug charged and punched Syl in the face.
Caught off guard Syl flew back and landed on the ground with his noodles flying in the air.
Syl rubbed his cheek in immense pain. He stood back up with a wince. He didn't want to fight these guys. For one, he was just a below average height, slightly strong dude, but they were older and stronger. Also, that punch fucking hurt! A lot! Also also, he didn't know how to fight!
Luckily. Sudo was here!
"You bastard!" Sudo charged at the three older students and got into a brawl. Syl joined in after a little to support him and got his ass kicked but still was able to hold off some of the older students.
Ayanokoji also joined, though he didn't throw a punch or get hit once…
At least he distracted them!
After they beat up all three of the students the trio was sitting back down.
Ayanokoji was perfectly fine and wasn't out of breath at all. Sudo was out of breath but uninjured. Syl was panting and also beat badly with a black eye and bruises all over!
"How are you fine when Syl is all beat up?" Sudo asked Ayanokoji.
He just shrugged. "I got lucky."
Syl laughed when he heard this.
What a guy!
He could have ended the fight in two seconds. 'I got lucky?' Bullshit!
As the three were sitting there recuperating a woman walked up to them. She had purple hair and a clip board.
"The student council president would like to speak to you."
"Umm. Whow are youw?" Syl asked with a swollen mouth.
"I'm Tachibana, the student council secretary. Please come with me. The pres is waiting."
The three followed her and came to a room with the door closed.
"Please enter." Tachibana said before bowing and walking away.
The trio looked mildly confused but entered.
When they walked in they saw a man with glasses and sleek black hair sitting with his chin on his hands. To the right was Chashibara and to the left was the three students and another adult, likely their teacher.
Syl didn't say a word and just took one of the seats in front of his sensei the other two followed suit.
"Welcome. I'm Horikita Manabu, the student council president. I have called you here today to discuss the 'incident' that took place earlier." Manabu said.
Syl leaned in closer to Ayanokoji. "Maybe this is why Horikita was so mad earlier?"
Ayanokoji nodded.
"Ahem. It seems that on your first day of school you three have decided to get into a fight with your senpai's."
"Ah. Excuse me!" Syl said.
"Yes?" Manabu asked.
"We didn't fight them. They just started beating me up."
"Then how do you explain the fact that three of them are injured and only one of you is?"
"I don't know. I just know we didn't do it."
"Wh-" Sudo was about to speak up when Syl cut him off.
"Check the cameras! Then you can see I'm telling the truth!"
Manabu narrowed his eyes.