Chapter 7

The next day

Syl showed up to class to witness Sudo telling the whole class about class points. Albeit very poorly.

"... They are like super important for a class! They give you like private points and shit!"

Syl walked over to the group of Sudo, Ike and a few other students.

"Yo! Are you talking about yesterday?"

Sudo gasped when he saw Syl.

"What happened to your face?!"

Syl touched his face and tilted his head. "I don't know. Did something happen?"

"Where's your black eye?!"

The whole class looked over at the commotion. And made various comments.

"Black eye? What happened?"

"Is he okay?"

"There's no way he has a black eye! His face is fine!"

"He's kinda cute…"

"Mhm! You're right! In the class only Hirata is better! Ayanokoji is third."

The girls were already scouting out their targets! It's only been a day! How cruel they could be…

Syl just smiled at Sudo. "I put on makeup."

"..." Everyone was stunned.

Sudo leaned in and whispered. "Dude. isn't that like… you know…"

Syl tilted his head. "What?"

"... Like don't only girls or gay guys wear makeup? Or something?"

Syl chuckled. "Maybe! Who cares though? It's better than showing up with a … bruised face."

Syl nearly said black face… good thing he caught himself. That would cause a huge misunderstanding!

"Really? Injuries are manly! Why would you cover them up?!" Sudo still didn't understand.

"Bah! Next thing you know your gonna tell me I can't wear my pink bunny slippers!"

"... You have pink bunny slippers?"

"Why? Jealous?"

"... no?"

"Well you should be! They're so comfy!"

Before Sudo could respond a couple girls came up.

"Hey, Sujin right?"

"Just call me Syl. I'm used to people calling my first name!"

"Okay Syl! Did you really use makeup?!"

Syl smiled. "Yup! I learned last night!"

"Cool! What did you use?"

"Uhh.. just a little foundation, then I did this…" Syl went on to explain his makeup routine while Ike and Sudo stared at him.

They were both confused and jealous! He gets to talk to girls! Lucky him! But why are girls talking to him about makeup?

They were having their little freshmen minds blown. Women don't always want some huge jacked dude who snorts creatine?!?! What?!?!! They have their own interests and likes too! They aren't all the same or like all the same things? It's almost like they are human beings too!

They weren't the most popular boys for a reason…

Syl happily chatted with everyone around him before someone joined in.

It was Kushida.

"Hey! Syl, right?"

Syl put on his best smile, he was a little on the fence with Kushida, maybe he should just expel her now? Maybe he should let her develop? Or perhaps he should just let her do whatever because It would make things more interesting.

"Yep! I'm Syl! You're Kushida right?"

"Yeah hahaha!"

"Hahaha great! So what did you want to ask?"

Kushida put her hands behind her back and leaned slightly forward. "Umm, I couldn't hear Sudo earlier. What exactly are class points?"

Syl figured this was probably bullshit. Even the people in the halls heard Sudo… he was so loud! Which was really a problem because now other classes had access to the information of class points. And Syl was sure that Sakaynagi, Ryuuen, and Ichynose. Ahem! Ichinose. Would figure it all out with only a few pieces of the puzzle.

Syl was also just happy to have a chance to actually explain what they were because god knows class D wouldn't be able to without Ayanokoji or Horikita. And they definitely wouldn't speak up.

"So class points are basically the most important thing to a class. Because only the people in class A get all the benefits we were promised about finding any job you like and the other three classes don't, there is a competition to see which class graduates at the top. The ranking for this is class points. Whoever has the most is Class A and whoever has the least is Class D. Also, We don't get 100,000 private points a month. We get out private points based on class points. We get 100x whatever our class points are. So it's reasonable to assume we have 1000 class points right now. Also lets say we lose 200 class points, then next month we would only get 80,000 private points each. And I assume if we have 0 class points we get 0 private points."

Syl turned to the person who just walked in. "Is that correct Chashibara sensei?"

She looked indifferent. "Please take your seat Mr. Sujin… and everyone else. I will be beginning class."

Syl sat down and closely watched everyone. No one behaved poorly in class at all! Just kidding! Obviously Koeniji was looking at his reflection in his mirror. But Chashibara said nothing.

Syl was ecstatic! So many free class points just by not misbehaving in the first month! Literally more than any special exam so far! All you have to do is not lose 700+ points and this is worth more than any special exam.

Plus this means more spins!

He was becoming a gacha addict… If Syl realized this himself he would say. This is why I hate Gacha!!!