Chapter 24

Syl planted one foot and stepped slightly forward with the other before stepping back, he did this twice and Ishizaki took a step back, fearing that on his third step he might drive. Instead, the moment Ishizaki gave Syl space he jumped up and shot.


The ball bounced on the ground by Sudo's feet and he looked at it with a shocked expression. That was DEEP! Like 7 feet beyond the line.

"2-0." Syl said calmly as he held up his hand, awaiting a pass.

As he was passed back the ball, a few people trickled into the gym.

One of them was a second year who spoke up. "What's going on here?"

Syl turned on his heel with the ball in hand. "Game to 21 with all our private points on the line, Class A vs Class D. It's 2-0 so far."

Syl turned back around and checked the ball again, before feeling a buzz in his pocket.

He checked his phone and saw an announcement from the Vice-president of the Student council.

"HAHAHAHA!" Syl started laughing.

"What's up?" Sudo asked as he jogged over to him.

Syl held up his phone to show the other 4 boys playing.

[New Event: Student led basketball game! Location: Gym. Time: Right now! Get there before it is packed! There will be free snacks and drinks for those in attendance! Watch 2 Class 1-D students attempt to take on 3 Class 1-A students in a game of basketball with all of their private points on the line!]

"What? How did they even know?!" Ishizaki nearly shouted.

Syl smiled and pointed at the student who just entered the gym and was on his phone.

Then he suddenly smacked his palm. "You think we can get our score on the scoreboard now? That would be dope!"

Sudo and all the others nodded. "Yeah! If the student council is in on it, that would be so cool!"

Syl walked up to the senpai he talked to earlier. "Yo! When's Nagumo gonna be here?"

Before the student could even answer a voice sounded out from the entrance of the gym.

"I already am!"

Syl beamed and ran up to him, ignoring the other 2nd years with him, including Kiriyama. "Can we use the scoreboard? It's an official event now right? It's only 2-0 by the way!"

Nagumo smiled and chuckled. "Sure! But I don't know how to set it up!"

Syl waved him off and ran away saying. "Don't worry, I'm good with tech!"

Within a minute the scoreboard was glowing red numbers as the 'home' team was up 2-0.

Syl ran back to the court, a childish smile on his face the entire time. At this point many students had already wandered in. There were at least 50 spectators.

Nagumo had even already arranged for free food and drink coupons that linked directly to his private points for all attendees.

This was becoming a legit event!

Syl walked back to the court when two people walked in side by side.

It was a very odd pair.

Kiryuin and Manabu both approached Nagumo.

Kiryuin smiled. "Thanks for organizing such an interesting event for me."

Nagumo returned her smile. "I didn't do it for you, but you're welcome."

"Fufufu. Don't be so humble Nagumo. I'll take my seat now. I'll also take one of your free coupons."

She grabbed one of the coupons before Nagumo could even hand it to her and walked away, taking a front row seat by sitting in a reserved seat. Though when the person who reserved it came back she refused to move so it eventually just became her seat.

Manabu walked up to Nagumo and pushed up his glasses. "What are you doing?"

"Horikita senpai! Just the man I wanted to see! I think you'll really enjoy this event!"

"You can't just throw an event like this on a whim, you didn't even contact me. I'll have to shut this down."

"Aww, don't be like that! I used all my own private points for this! Nothing from the student council! It's all out of my own pockets!"

"I still can't allow you to do something like this."

"Just relax! At least give it a few minutes before deciding! Some of the first years participating are really interesting! I heard the two from class D are in your sister's class!"

Manabu turned to look at the people who were participating and was surprised to see Syl. He thought in silence for a moment before coming to a conclusion.

"I see. I'll just watch for now. However, don't think you can do this again, Nagumo." He said as he walked away and took an empty seat.

Nagumo smiled, thinking he was the one who convinced Manabu. "Now, let the game begin!"

As if on cue, Syl crossed up Ishizaki and caused him to fall over before driving to the rim and making a layup.

The crowd went wild when they saw Ishizaki fall to the floor.

The scoreboard lit up. 3-0.

Nagumo saw this and furrowed his brow. He turned to the guy who told him about this. "I thought you said they were losing 2-0?"

The guy was shocked. "I thought they were losing too! Who would have thought 2 class D kids were beating 3 class A kids?!"

Syl looked over in Nagumo's direction and winked before laughing to himself.

Nagumo was completely shocked, did he just wink? At me?

"Fufufufufufufu!" Kiryuin started laughing at Nagumo.

Even Manabu smirked slightly when he saw this.

They both had the same thought, today, Nagumo was going to learn a lesson.