Chapter 36

"Couldn't do it eh?" Syl chuckled.

Chabashira straightened up. "You wouldn't have stayed quiet."

Syl chuckled. "True, if you had said something, I would have shown them this."

Syl pulled out his phone from his pocket showing it was recording.

Chabashira gasped. "You were recording that?"

Syl smiled. "I thought you already knew? Isn't that why you didn't say anything? Or maybe you were just bluffing the whole time?"

Chabashira didn't respond.

Syl chuckled. "I also could have just told them about what you did to Ayanokoji. Then who would they believe, the teacher who is known to blackmail students, or the student who provided evidence of cete blackmail?"

"Get to the point." Chabashira said.

"Well, I can't say I would be in a bad situation if I was expelled, but I would like to avoid that at any costs."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't need the benefits of reaching class A, I'm confident that even if I was expelled right now and never entered highschool again, I would live a fine life."

"If you don't care about graduating from class A, why do you want to stay in school? Is it your friends?" Chabashira asked.

Syl hummed. "Who knows? Anyway, it's nice to see that you don't want me to go, Sae-chan!"

"What did you just call me?"

"Sae-chan! Why? What are you gonna do about it?"

Chabashira grit her teeth.

"HAHAHA! You're cute when you're angry, sensei. Anyway, can we get back on topic?"

Chabashira took a deep breath and sat down in her chair. She brought one hand to her face like she was exhausted, which she was. "What do you want?"

"It's really unfair that Sakayanagi's class gets extra information. I mean it makes no sense for her to not be able to board this cruise ship, especially because it's wheelchair accessible. So why else wouldn't she be able to come? There is obviously something else going on. Also your phone call two seconds ago just confirmed it. There is a special exam going on. That's all ignoring the fact that when Sakayanagi heard about this, which I assume she had to in order to give her a reason to not come, she could just tell her class. So, doesn't that sound unfair to you?"

Chabashira sighed. "I thought you would have just heard from Ayanokoji, but to think this is how you found out."

Syl chuckled. "Ayanokoji didn't tell me anything actually, I just assumed you would try to use him and the way he responded tipped me off."

"You have a terrifying intuition." Chabashira said with a light shiver.

Syl smiled. "I'm just good at reading people. Nothing special."

Chabashira sighed. "Nothing special my ass. Anyway, you do bring up a good point, however, much like you did. Any other first year student could use this hint to figure something out. Not just the students of class A. I believe you have even less of an argument seeing how you already know about the special exam."

"Is that what the excuse is?"


Syl sighed. "Is that the same response I will get if I ask someone else?"

"Most likely." Chabashira said.

Syl put a hand to his chin and pondered. "Maybe I should ask Hoshinomiya sensei then. She would probably actually help me rather than threatening to expel me… She's also super cute!"

Syl smiled and looked at Chabashira. "Bye sensei~! I have somewhere to be!"

"Wait!" Chabashira called out as she stood up.

Syl paused with his hand over the door handle. "What?" He asked with a smile.

"You can't go to her…" Chabashira said without providing a reason.

"Why not?" Syl asked.

"I said so, if you do, then…"

"What? You're gonna expel me? I thought we'd already been over this?" Syl's smile grew as he slightly tiled the door handle.

"Just don't."

"What's the magic word?"

"... Please."

Syl chuckled and let go of the door handle.

"Are you that sad to see me leave? Just so you know, it's illegal to date a student! Well, that's only if anyone ever finds out…" Syl cheekily smiled.

Chabashira smacked her desk. "I never said I wanted to date you! Just cause you're a little cute, you think everyone likes you?"

"So you think I'm cute?"

Chabashira scowled. "I said it objectively."

"You really are cute when you're angry, Sae-chan!!" Syl laughed as he opened the door and walked away.

Chabashira flopped into her chair with a frown on her face.

"I hate that kid."

Syl was smiling outside the door. "I think she loves me!" He chuckled to himself as he walked away.

Later on that day there was a mass email to all first years students that they would be doing a special exam on an uninhabited island.

Syl quickly skimmed it and frowned when he saw the part of the email that said that no large or dangerous animals would be on the island.

"So much for hunting a bear…" Syl said with a pout on his face.

"Can't a guy just go and have fun every once in a while? This is all horseshit!"

15 minutes later, Syl and the rest of class D were all getting ready to dock on the island and were in a terrible mood.

The class was upset because they wouldn't be able to enjoy their vacation, whereas Syl was still pissed he couldn't do bear hunting.

What a scam!

Well, it's actually a very good thing that they didn't send a bunch of 15-16 year olds onto an island with a bunch of bears…

Syl was the weird one for wanting bears to be there…

Although Koneji was also a little upset about it, he actually did want to hunt with Syl…

What psychopaths!