Chapter 40

Eventually the class decided that a toilet was worth spending the 20 points on.

Syl walked out of the class meeting looking like a ghost.

He walked over to Ayanokoji. "You wouldn't believe the shit I've seen man! Terrible horrible things! Worse than anything you could imagine! I'm scared for life! That truly was a living hell!"

Ayanokoji nodded in understanding. "The girls are the scariest thing I've seen at school by far. They are the cruelest too."

Syl put a hand on his shoulder and wiped a tear. "You get me man. They're terrifying!"

Suddenly Horikita walked up and stomped on Syl's toes.

"You should watch where you step." She said indifferently.

Syl jumped on one leg and held the other in pain. "You fucking Chabashira knock-off! What's that for??"

Horikita ignored him. "What do you guys think we should do for this test?"

Syl finally set his foot back down as the pain slowly wore off. "Since when did you care about my opinion?" He asked.

"I don't, you two just happened to be here and are the only one's I can ask right now. Don't misunderstand." She replied.

Syl blinked. "Wow, how touching, I almost feel loved."

"You shouldn't." Horikita replied.

"Bah! Get over yourself." Syl scoffed.

"It's difficult to get over someone when they are good looking." Ayanokoji added on.

Syl tilted his head. "What's that gotta do with anything? No, why do you even know that?"

"I read it in a magazine on the school forum, it was right under, Top 100 best looking boys in the school." Ayanokoji stated.

"Bah! Don't remind me! I'll best you next time, my eternal rival, Ayanokoji!" Syl said as he started doing 500 handstand push ups.

Horikita sighed. "This is why I don't ask for your opinion. You just mess around like this, stop acting like Might Gai and get out of my face."

Syl stood back up normally and gasped. "You got that one?!"

Horikita nodded. "I watched Naruto when I was a kid, who cares?"

Syl grasped Horikita by her shoulders. "Who cares?!" He started shaking her as he spoke. "THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!! HAHAHA!! THE ICE QUEEN GETS MY JOKES! SHE'S A WEEB!!"

Horikita shoved herself out of Syl's grasp. "Don't ever do that again, also, I'm not a weeb. Grow up."

Syl sighed. "Oh no, she's delusional! I guess we have to put her down… What a shame."

Ayanokoji spoke up. "I don't thin-"

"Ah! AH! Shhhh… Shhhh… It's alright. She's going to a better place now. It's alright. Don't cry, buddy." Syl comforted Ayanokoji.

Horikita snorted. "This is a waste of time. I'm going."

She turned and walked away.

Ayanokoji looked at her back. "Shouldn't we go after her?"

Syl shrugged. "Why? It's not like you were gonna help her or something. Unless you had a plan?" Syl asked.

"I don't understand what you're saying." Ayanokoji responded simply.

Syl smiled. "Then who cares? It's not gonna change anything anyway!"

Ayanokoji sighed and walked away. "I'm going to the bathroom."

Syl gasped. "Don't use my own excuse to get away from me! You bastard!"

Ayanokoji didn't respond and quickly sped walked away with Syl hot on his tail.

"Get back here!" Syl said while speed walking to match Ayanokoji's pace.

Suddenly Ayanokoji started jogging.

Syl joined in. "You can't run from me forever!"

Ayanokoji started running towards the bathroom.

Syl chased after him but was too late, as Ayanokoji already made it to the 'bathroom' area the class was using.

Syl wasn't gonna just walk into the bathroom to chase after someone…

At least not when the whole class was watching him do it!

If he was alone…

Who knows?

Syl relented and walked back to the rest of the class, striking up a conversation with Hirata for a while to pass time.

Eventually the conversation died down and Syl left.

He walked up to somebody else.

"Can you believe it?"

"Fufufu. It's only natural that I'm so perfect so of course I believe it."

"No, that's actually believable, I'm talking about the fact that they don't have any bears! How are we supposed to hunt now?!"

"Fufu. I was thinking of taking a dip in the ocean later."

Syl gasped. "You don't mean?"

"Fufufu. I haven't gone fishing in a while. I'll allow you to come watch my perfect self."

Syl chuckled and pat Koneji on the back. "That's a great idea! Hahaha!"

Koneji swatted his hand away. "Don't touch the hair."

Syl sweat dropped and slowly walked away. "Haha! My bad! I'll see you later!"

Syl eventually ended up running into Hirata again.

"Hey Syl, I just asked Ayanokoji to get some firewood, would you go with him?" Hirata asked.

Syl nodded. "Sure, I bet these guys don't even know what wood to use."

Hirata chuckled. "You seem to know a lot about camping."

Syl smiled. "Of course, I'm world class after all."

Hirata smiled. "Hahaha! Glad to have someone so experienced."

Little did Hirata know, Syl actually wasn't joking…

He really was one of the best in the world at this!

Syl just walked over to Ayanokoji and saw that Sakura and Yamauchi were going to join him.

"Mind if I join? Hirata thought it would be a good idea to have more hands on deck, so here I am." Syl smiled.

Yamauchi looked a little nervous. "Well, if Hirata said so…"

Syl chuckled and pat him on the back. Then Syl leaned in and whispered. "Don't worry, I won't get in you two lovebirds way!"

Yamauchi was stunned. "Was I that obvious?!?!"

Syl waved him off. "No, I'm just good at reading people. Right Ayanokoji?"

Ayanokoji shrugged. "How would I know?"

Syl clicked his tongue. "I thought I did a good job reading you…"

Ayanokoji shook his head. "I think you were way off."

Syl sighed. This guy still wouldn't admit anything! He was gonna hide until the very end! He still wouldn't tell Syl he was right about him being forced to take action this exam!

What a guy!


Syl noticed that Sakura was still looking at Ayanokoji intently, it seems that some things never change. Even though Ayanokoji never saved her from her stalker, she seemed to be very fond of him.

Syl shrugged. He really couldn't care less whether Sakura was in love with Ayanokoji or not.

"So, you guys ready to get going?" Syl asked.