Chapter 47

For the rest of that day nothing else happened.

Syl was bored and waiting in his tent before going to sleep.

"Sys, what's my status?"



Name: Syl Sujin [Body's name: ???]

Nicknames: The Anomaly, Apex predator

Age: 14

Height: 5,6

Weight: 137 lbs

Race: Human

Private points: 201,183

Class points: 504

Physical enhancements: (body strengthening), (Looks enhancement) (Stamina boost), (enhanced flexibility) (Physical enhancement) [All 5 senses (High level)], (Body optimization pill) [medium]

Mental enhancements: (quicker learning), (better memory), (Mental enhancement) [increased thought speed (high level)]

Knowledge: (Middle school knowledge) (elementary school knowledge) (tech knowledge [medium]), (English knowledge) [PHD level]

Skills: (Translation skill) [all languages], (Stealth skill) [advanced], (Kimetsu no Yaiba, Butterfly Style sword technique) [Total concentrated breathing], (Soul soul fruit) [Brook's fruit], (Indomitable spirit) [Mumen Rider], (telekinesis) [Very low level], (Unlocked Haki) [Conquerors], (Observation haki) [Low], (Makeup artist skill) [James Charles]

Talents: (Hacker talent) [high], (Survival talent) [world class], (fighting talent) [Black widow- Natasha Rominoff], (Cooking Talent) [Soma], (Acting talent) [Yutori Kokorogi], (Hide and Seek talent) [Tony Chopper], (Calligraphy talent) [low level], (Gambling talent) [Yumeko Jabami], (Childcare mastery) [Fatherhood talent], (Chess talent) [Hans Niemann]

Magic- (Mana core- dark red) [From-TBATE]: (Size manipulation magic) [Only works on inanimate objects]

Items: Pink bunny slippers! Pink Onesie- with bunny ears! <3 Night Vision Sunglasses, Sleep tokens and caffeine pills, Makeup kit, Hockey rink, House upgrade, Training room, (Dawn's Ballad + Customizable pencil (merged)) [From TBATE - Colour: Yellow], Premium bluetooth earbuds, (6 ply toilet paper) [infinite supply], (Portable cooking set), (1,000,000,000 year old stone), (Devil fruit cure)

Luck: Error

Charisma/Charm: S

Syl looked over his status and smiled.

"I've already come a long way. By the way, what is my body's name?"

[Ding! Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to say anything about that. God's rules and all that. You understand right?]

Syl chuckled. "Yeah, well, who cares? It's more interesting this way."

Syl went to bed, obviously he was wearing his pink bunny suit.

The next morning.

Nothing new happened.

Syl cooked everyone more shark in his favourite clothes again.

Then he got changed and went about his day. Eventually Ayanokoji and Sakura come back claiming to have found some food growing on the island.

Everyone went over to collect some and bring it back.

Then nothing else happened that day! So Syl went back to bed without doing much, he even successfully avoided Ibuki while getting to talk to Albert for a while.

Syl loved that guy!

Albert was the best!

Syl woke up the next day. It was already the fourth day of the test and he felt that he needed to finally put in some work.

So he woke up early and went for a little strole.

Within 15 minutes he had already found his destination.

Syl walked over to Class C, Ichinose's class's camp.

He walked over towards the people going about their day with his stealth skill activated.

Syl walked towards a few people trying to remember the face of the girl who was the class leader.

Eventually he found her and double checked by looking at the card she had in her jacket pocket. Once he confirmed this he put it back and walked away. Going completely unnoticed.

Syl walked away from the camp and pulled out a walkie talkie.

"Yo Captain! Over!"

A few seconds of silence passed.

"... What is it?" Ryuuen replied on the other end.

"Chihiro Shiranami. Over."

"Kukuku. Do you have proof?" Ryuuen replied with a laugh.

Syl chuckled. "Nope, but I saw her card with my own eyes. Over."

"That's not gonna work for Katsuragi." Ryuuen replied simply.

Syl laughed. "Who cares? You can't say I didn't do my part, I got you guys both the class leaders. Now you have no excuses to fuck with me later. If you really want to confirm it then let your spy figure it out. Over."

"Kukuku. If you're that confident then I believe you, I'll see what Kaneda says. Also stop saying over after every sentence."

"Stop saying what? Over."

"Stop saying over after every sentence just cause we are on walkie talkie's"

"Stop saying what? Over."

"Stop saying… I fucking hate you. This is over."

"This is what? Over."

Syl was met with static instead of a response.

"What an asshole! He didn't even tell me what he was trying to say!" Syl called out.

Later that night.

Syl walked into the boys tent and saw that Ike had a pair of girls underwear in his bag. He was currently freaking out.

"W-w-what do I do? They're gonna kill me! Shit! Fuck!" Then he turned and saw that Syl had entered the tent.

"Help! Someone put these in my bag! Help me out man!" Ike called out desperately.

Syl looked at the underwear and shrugged.

He walked over and picked it up before putting it in a plastic zip lock bag he was gonna use for cooking.

He put the bag in his pocket and walked out of the tent.

Ike sighed in relief. "What a great idea! Get rid of the evidence."

Ike then watched Syl walk towards the girls tent and started sweating. "H-he's not gonna rat me out? I didn't even do anything! Shit!"

He was freaking out right now.

Syl knocked on the frame of the tent and Ike could only see him and a few of the girls talking.

"It's over. I'm dead." He mumbled as he flopped down in his sleeping back regretting his liffe choices.


Syl approached the girls tent and knocked to get their attention.

Kei, Shinohara and Matsushita answered.

"What's are place like you doing in a girls like this?"

"Huh?" They all asked.

"What are girls like you doing in a place like this?"

"That's not what you said." Shinohara pointed out.

Kei sighed in exasperation having already had to deal with this before.

Matsushita giggled as she understood the joke.

Syl looked offended. "Of course that's what I said."

Shinohara frowned. "No. It's not."

"Then what did I say?" Syl asked.

"I don't know, but it wasn't that!" She replied.

Syl shook his head. "So you're calling me a liar! How could you? So mean!"

"Wha- no! That's not what you said! Right guys?" She asked Matsushita and Kei.

Kei just sighed. "Don't even bother with him."

While Matsushita tilted her head confused. "What are you two talking about? That's totally what he said."

Syl nearly gasped out loud at the unexpected partner in crime. However his acting talent helped him hold it in.

"What?! Really?" Shinohara asked, confused.

She was genuinely concerned that something was wrong with her for hearing Syl wrong.

Matsushita and Syl nodded.

"Maybe you should get your ears checked?" Matsushita commented.

"... Maybe I should…" Shinohara said absentmindedly.

"Guys! Stop! You're like really fucking with her head! Shinohara, don't listen to him! He's messing with you!" Kei interjected.

"Then what about Matsushita?" Shinohara asked.

"I don't know… maybe she's just messing with you too?" Kei asked, suddenly less certain about herself.

"What? I would never do that to you girls!" Matsushita defended herself.

"Maybe I just heard wrong then…" Kei trailed off, confused.

Syl looked at Matsushita and they both held back laughter.

These idiots fell for it!

Syl cleared his throat. "Actually, I came here for a reason."

"What's up?" Kei asked.

Syl handed over the plastic bag. "I found these outside, I figured you guys could figure out whose these are."

The three girls gasped when they saw the panties.

Kei instantly snatched them and hid them inside. She came back out. "Thanks, that could have been really bad."

Syl nodded. "No problem, well, see ya, I'm sure you don't really want me around for the whole finding out who's those are, so I'll be off now."

Kei nodded. "Thanks again, see you later, doggie."

Syl chuckled and walked away.

He arrived back at the tent not noticing the person following him.