Chapter 53

The next day.

Syl was bored, so, he decided to do something fun.

He waited until the group meetings for the day ended and entered Ayanokoji's groups room.

"Yo! Can I join in?" Syl asked everyone.

The class A students got up to leave.

"Woah! Hold up!" Syl called out before they could leave.

"We're going. Katsuragi told us not to talk to anyone, sorry."

Syl sighed. "Then I guess you can't get any points."

The three froze.

"What?" One of them asked.

"I heard from my friends here that you guys were playing cards. Since my group ended so early I'm bored, so I asked if I could join in and play. But, if you guys are too scared, then I guess that's that." Syl said sadly.

"What did he just call us?"

"Did he say we'll play for points?"

"I used to be a great poker player…"

"Fine. We'll hear you out."

Syl smiled. "Like moths to a light." He muttered.

Syl clapped his hands. "Alright, how about we play one person for each class as a representative and we play with four players. I'll put in double the money anyone else has to make it fair because I'm not in the group."

One of the class A students scoffed. "Don't mess with me, you'd need to have double our points for that to work."

Syl smiled eerily. "Did you forget? I'm rich after winning that basketball game. Unless you have over 100,000 points right now, then I think this works."

"... I'll play." The class A student said.

Syl smiled. "Great! Then, Ichinose, who's in for you?"

Ichinose looked at her two classmates. They mumbled something for a moment.

"I'll play." Ichinose eventually said.

Syl smiled. "Great, let's get started."

"Wait! What about us?" One of the class C (Ryuuen) girls called out.

Syl sneered at them. "Fine, who's playing."

These were the bitches who were bullying Kei! Syl hoped they would drop off a cliff!

"I- I will." The girl replied nervously when she saw Syl's expression.

Her guilty conscience was probably making her nervous.

Then Kei spoke up. "So like, who decided you would play for us? Can you even play cards?" She accused Syl.

Syl turned to her and looked at her like she was an idiot. "Can I even play cards? Why don't you be a good doggie and watch me rinse these guys?"

Everyone else in the room froze, afraid of Kei's reaction. She was already a super cold person and super mean to everyone else, but now that someone insulted her like that? She might really kill him!

Kei just sighed. "Why don't you just be a good dog and make me some money?"

Everyone gasped!

She wasn't mad?

How is this possible?!

Syl chuckled. "Who said I was sharing?"

Kei kicked him in the shin. "You better."

Syl hopped on one foot while holding his injured shin. "Fuck! Fine! Fine! What the fuck was that for?"

Kei smiled evily. "For everything."

Syl grumbled. "This is why I call you doggie, damn bitch."

He quickly received another kick to the shin. "OW!! What the fuck?!"

Kei smiled. "Dogs never learn from their mistakes."

Syl grit his teeth. "Fine, you win this round."

Syl sighed and shuffled the cards, dealing them out.

He smiled boldly when he saw his own.

"Let's get started."

The group went around, raising the bets.

The pot eventually got up to 5870 points with only Syl and the class A student left in the game.

"Are you sure you want to keep going?" Syl asked with a bold smile.

The class A students started to get nervous. "Maybe we should fold?" One of them muttered.

"No! Not with this hand, let's just match his bet." The player said.

They matched Syl and raised the pot to 6270.

Syl frowned and showed his hand. 2 of hearts and a 4 of diamonds.

The class A students were stunned with their hand of 2 queens.

Kei saw this and tilted her head. "Who won?"

"We did! Obviously! What was that?" He yelled at class D.

Syl pouted. "I thought they would fold…"

Ayanokoji pondered something for a moment. 'Did Syl really think that? He seems like he knows what he's doing, would he really make such a rookie mistake, and not even put on a poker face?'

Syl sighed and handed the cards to the next dealer.

The next hand.

Syl was expressionless.

"All in." He said the moment his first turn to raise happened.

"Wha- All in?!"

Everyone else instantly folded.

Syl showed his hand of a pair of Kings with two more on the table. Quadruple kings.

Syl smiled. "I did it!" He cheered out excitedly.

They rest of the classes mumbled about how dumb he was. He only won 300 points that pot… he had quadruple kings…

This went on for a while.

Eventually it went like this,

Class A: 140,000 points

Class B: 60,000 points

Class C: 10,000 points

Class D: 130,000 points

Syl was looking down at his hand and sweating.

"I'll raise 10,000." He said nervously.

The class A kids smirked. "We fold."

Everyone else followed suit and Syl's hand showed, showing a flush.

Syl only won 1000 points that hand.

This guy was terrible!

The class A guys were super happy!

Syl took a deep breath. "I won. Good."

The class A guys were shocked! What a rookie!

Yukimura, who was behind Syl spoke up. "Let someone else play! You have no clue what you're doing! You're almost as bad as Karuizawa!"

Kei snorted. "Nobody asked you, four eyes."

Yukimura grit his teeth. "What's with you and thinking you're better than everyone else?! You barely passed the midterms! I can't believe I have to be in a class with people like you."

Syl turned his head backwards. "Watch your mouth, I can't believe I have to be in a class with someone who scored as low as you on the midterms. And I thought you were supposed to be smart?"

Yukimura furrowed his brow. "I got the second highest in the class!"

Syl shrugged. "Still 35 points less than me."

Yukimura was furious. "Don't act like you're better than everyone just because you scored a little higher!"

Syl got up in his face. "Why not? Mad I'm stealing your whole personality?!"

Yukimura froze. "What?!"

Syl laughed in his face. "You don't like it? Someone insulting you just because you were a little worse than them? That's hilarious! What did you just say to Kei again?"

"I- wha- but she scored horribly!" Yukimura defend himself.

"Yea! In my eyes, you scored horribly too! Is that so hard for you to understand?" Syl countered.

The rest of the group was looking with hungry eyes.

"Guys! Stop! Aren't you classmates?! He's your friend! Syl, stop being so mean!" Ichinose said as she stood in between the two.

Syl was silent for a moment. "As long as he understands."

Yukimura was silent.

"I'm leaving." He walked away without even turning back.

Syl sat back down at the poker table with a sour look on his face.