Chapter 61

The next month.

Syl gained 7 more spins but they were all duplicates.

In class.

"Today I will announce your next special exam and some changes to the schedule." Chabashira announced.

"Eh? Another one?" Ike asked aloud.

"Yes Ike, another one. This upcoming month we will be having extra P.E. classes in preparation for the upcoming sports festival which will be your next special exam. You guys will be paired with Class A (Ryuuen) in the upcoming exam. The following are the rules of the exam…"

She went on to explain all the rules.

After class Chabashira left early.

Horikita immediately stood up. "Let's all discuss our strategy for the upcoming exam."

Koenji ignored her and walked away.

Syl thought about doing the same. But decided against it.

He walked over. "Yo! I'll be your joker. Put me anywhere you don't have anyone else to do anything and I'll bring in results."

Syl said to Horikita.

She narrowed her eyes. "How confident are you?"

Syl smiled. "Very. I'll get first in all solo events."

"That's ridiculous." Horikita though Syl was joking again and ignored him.

"I believe him." Ayanokoji said.

"What?" Horikita asked genuinely surprised.

"So do I! Syl's like totally awesome at sports!" Kei chimed in, which caused a bunch of the other girls to agree.

Syl chuckled. "What do you have to lose? I'll do all the things no one else wants to anyway, so worst case I don't do well and we would have had the same outcome anyway."

Horikita sighed. "Fine."

Syl smiled. "Then, smell ya later, crocodile!"

"Wha- We haven't finished our meeting." Horikita said, annoyed.

"We already decided on what I'm doing! In a while, alligator!"

Horikita sighed. "He didn't even say that right… No wait, I can't believe he just left."

Everyone else was pretty fine with it, I mean this was nothing new for Syl. Plus, they did already decided what he was going to do.

They continued the meeting without him.

The next day.

Syl was in class when Ryuuen came over.

Horikita stood up. "Ryuuen. How should we work together on this exam?"

"Kukuku. Suzune, I'm not too keen on joining hands. Unless you were to off up yourself in return."


"Then it looks like we will never work together. You, come with me." Ryuuen said as he pointed at Syl.

Horikita furrowed her brow. "Is that why you came here? You never even considered working together, did you?"

Ryuuen flashed a cheeky smile. "Why would I ever work with trash like class D?"

Sudo stood up in anger. "What did you call us?!"

"This is exactly what I'm talking about, only an animal would react this way to such simple provocation."

Sudo raised his fist.

"STOP!" Horikita yelled.

Sudo hesitated for a moment before putting his hand down.

"Kukuku. You have a good dog, Suzune."

Sudo was about to react again but stopped when he saw Horikita's glare.

Syl walked up to Ryuuen and tapped him on the shoulder. "What are you waiting for?"

Ryuuen laughed and walked away with Syl.

He took Syl to the roof.

"Someone wants you gone." Ryuuen said calmly.

Syl laughed. "She really asked our teammates? What a bitch!"

"Kukuku. That's all I had to say."

Syl looked shocked. "What?! You won't even tell me who it is? Or what they asked you to do?! How heartless!"

Ryuuen smiled. "That wasn't the deal."

Syl fell to his knees. "What?! It wasn't? Drats! I've been bested again!"

Ryuuen walked away chuckling.

Syl saw him go and shrugged.

"I wonder what she's gonna try."

Suddenly he got a call.

"Hello?" Syl asked.

"It's Katsuragi, someone contacted me, they want you expelled."

"What?! Who?!?!" Syl called out in a horrified voice.

"I can't say, sorry. The contract only says I need to notify you, goodbye."

He hung up.

Syl laughed. "⅔ so far, I wonder if the good ole fashion strikeout is approaching? Nah, she might be a bitch but shes not that dumb, right? She wouldn't contact Ichinose…"

Syl then smiled.

"Why not find out?"

He ran to class B and knocked on the door. "Yo! Is Ichinose here?"

Kanzaki was the one to answer. "No, she just left. She went to the student council room."

Syl smiled. "Thanks!"

He skipped to the student council room.

He knocked on the door and after a moment he was let in.

He was face to face with Nagumo. "Hey! If it isn't the hottest guy in the school? What's up?"

Nagumo smiled naturally. "I was just having a chat with someone, so nothing new."

Syl smiled. "Cool, is Ichinose here?"

Nagumo shrugged. "I was talking to someone else, but you're free to look around."

Syl happily accepted and walked in.

He ended up passing by Nagumo's office and saw a girl inside.

"Fufufufu. Mosquito's love to follow me around." She said.

Syl paused. "Kiryuin? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to withdraw from the sports festival due to illness."

"And I've already told you that you can't withdraw weeks before the festival. You're not even sick." Nagumo said from behind Syl.

"However, I plan on being sick that day. So I would appreciate it if you're feeble mind could understand and let me go."

Nagumo sighed. "See what I have to deal with?" He asked Syl.

Syl raised a brow. "Wanna make a bet?"

Nagumo smiled. "I'm not sure that's appropriate…"

"I bet I can make her join. 500,000 points." Syl replied.

"It's not even possible for a first year to have that man-"

Nagumo's voice trailed off when he saw Syl's phone.

[1,076,350] Private points.

"Wha- Hahahaha! Wow, I'm impressed. How did you pull this off?" Nagumo said as he snatched Syl's phone to take a closer look.

"I have my ways." Syl said as he took his phone back.

Nagumo smiled. "I'll give you 1 hour to get her out of my hair and agree to join."

Syl smiled. "Only if you don't hold off on paying by saying that she might not show up the day of."

Nagumo thought for a moment. "Fine."