Chapter 78

"Eh?" Ichinose asked.

Syl smiled and ran a circle around Ichinose. "The dream team! Class B and D taking on the world!"

Ichinose thought for a moment.

"Aren't our class points too close?"

Syl waved her off. "150 is a lot of points!"

Ichinose started to look at Syl skeptically. "Why do you want this?"

Syl smiled. "I see you're becoming more cautious, before you would have accepted without even asking questions, it's good. I'm proud of you."

Ichinose was speechless.

"Anyway! I just wanna see you reach class A, you're so close now, I just think it would be nice to see your cute smile when you're finally at the top." Syl said with a pure smile on his face.

Ichinose's cheeks flushed slightly red. "Umm… is that all?" She asked as she looked away.

Syl smiled. "Well, I guess it would also be nice for us to get some class points too."

Ichinose took a deep breath to calm herself down. "Then, let's get along well!"

Syl smiled. "Sure! Now I just have to ask Horikita!"

"Huh? Didn't you already ask?"

"No, I told you, I just wanted to see you in class A, it was just a whim. Anyway, smell ya later Icynose!"

"It's Ichinose!"

Syl laughed as he ran away. "That's what I said~!"

Syl arrived back at his class. "Horikita! I have something to tell you!"

Horikita sighed and got up to follow Syl as he had already walked away without waiting for a response.

She eventually caught up to him. "What is it now?"

Syl turned around and smiled. "We're in an alliance with Ichinose's class now. Anyway, see ya!"

Syl tried to run away but was grabbed by Horikita who had a frown on her face. "You can't just run away after saying that. What did you do this time?"

Syl laughed innocently. "Nothing! Is it a crime to want to make a cute girl's dreams come true?? You're so heartless!!!"

Horikita twisted his arms. "Answer properly."

"Ah, ah oww! What's with girls and beating me up?! Do I look like a masochist?!"

Horikita twisted harder.

"Alright! I'll answer! Just let me go!"

Horikita released him.

Syl smirked and started talking. "So, basicall-"

He suddenly sprinted past Horikita.

"Hahaha! I'm free!" He yelled as he ran off into the distance.

Horikita saw this and scowled. "Why do I always have to clean up after his messes?"

At this point Chabashira walked out from around the corner. "Because he is the most useful person in this class."

Horikita's brow furrowed further. "How long were you listening?"

Chabashira didn't respond. "You should learn how to make use of him if you want to reach class A. Much easier than using Ayanokoji."

Horiktia stayed silent. "Why are you telling me this? And what does that mean?"

Chabashira furrowed her brow, practically mimicking the look on Horikita's face. "Nothing. Nevermind what I just said."

She walked away leaving Horikita confused.

"Did something happen?"

Back to Syl.

He was currently sprinting away back to his room shouting. "FREEDOM!!!"

He ended up passing by a smug loli on a bench who looked up at him.


Syl heard this and paused then he shrugged and continued running.

He made it all the way home only to meet one of his classmates in the lobby.

"Yo! Hirata! Did you hear? We're teaming up with Ichinose!"

Hirata didn't respond as he waited for the elevator.

Syl walked up and put an arm on his shoulder. "What's got you feeling so down?"

Hirata looked at Syl coldly. "Don't touch me. You tore the class apart."

"Hmmm… when did I do that?" Syl asked as he put on hand on his chin and made a thinking pose.

"You expelled Kushida, didn't you?" Hirata said coldly.

Syl nodded. "Well… yeah. But it's not like the class is torn apart. Everyone actually bonded with the fear of expulsion and is studying harder than ever. In fact, I'd argue that it helped the class."

Hirata shook his head. "Kushida was one of us, if she isn't here, then you already tore the class apart."

Syl frowned. "I already told you to prepare yourself, don't go blaming me for this."

Hirata entered the elevator and tried to hit the close button before Syl could join him.

"You sacrificed your friend. You were wrong."

Syl scoffed. "Friend? That bitch?"

Hirata froze. "What?!"

Hirata looked at Syl with hatred in his eyes, but Syl just tossed his phone at Hirata.

Hirata instinctively caught it.

"Watch. And don't tell anyone else." Syl said.

Hirata hesitantly hit play on the recording.

It was the one Kushida made about her and Syl.

"She betrayed the class. Isn't that tearing the class apart? I just cut off the traitorous tumor. You should thank me." Syl said.

"Wh-what is this?"

"This is the video she spliced up to make me look bad and blackmailed me into dating her with."

Hirata looked shocked. "No, that's impossible, Kushida would never…"

Hirata's hands started shaking.

After a moment he paused. "Still! You were wrong! We could have just talked to her! You never needed to expel her! To destroy the class!"

Syl looked Hirata dead in the eyes. "You're the one that's wrong. You have no clue what I saved the class from. Do you even know what made her so dangerous?"

Hirata was starting to become livid. "No! Syl! Yo-"

Syl cut him off. "She was going to spill everyone in the class's secrets. That's how you tear a class apart. You make everyone hate each other. Having a ticking time bomb's fuse being cut isn't tearing the class apart, it's saving it."

Syl swiped left on his phone and a video appeared. "If you still think I was wrong, watch this."

It was the security footage of Kushida with a knife.

Hirata dropped the phone and took a step back, his mouth agape in terror. "W-wh-what?"

"You believe me now? Or would you like to bring that fucking nutcase back to the class and see how that goes?"

Hirata was paralyzed in shock. The elevator reached its floor and Syl got off.


The doors closed on Hirata who missed his floor as he was too stunned to move. He was left speechless.