Syl walked down the dining hall until he spotted someone eating alone.
He walked over in a chipper mood.
"Yo!" Syl called out.
The lone girl raised her head and looked in his direction. "Good evening."
Syl looked confused for a moment. "Is it evening? I thought it was afternoon."
She shook her head "Evening is from 6 p.m. on."
"Hmm, I had no clue." Syl mumbled as he sat down.
"It's rude to sit down without asking first."
"Eh? Uhh… Do you not want me here? I can leave…" Syl said nervously.
"Fufufu. I'm messing with you." Kiryuin, the girl sitting with Syl, replied before mumbling. "... of course I want you here."
"Sorry? What was that second part?" Syl asked.
"Fufu. Nothing." Kiryuin said with a smile tracing her red lips.
Syl raised a brow. "Did you put on makeup? Your lips look great, I like that colour."
Kiryuin smiled. "I'm surprised you noticed. It's only one shade off what I normally wear."
Syl nodded. "I still think it's nice, better than the other one in my opinion."
Kiryuin leaned on one hand with her elbow on the table in thought. "I guess I should get more then."
Syl smiled. "I'll go with you."
"Fufu. That would be fun, alright, it's a date."
Syl was slightly shocked to hear her call it a date. He decided against mentioning it and just went along. "I can't wait. Anyway, how's the exam going?"
Kiryuin was lost in thought for a moment. "Well, it's insufferable. My group is full of imbeciles and ingrates. I'm being forced to sleep in a tent with insufferable little girls who only know how to complain and talk about boys." Kiryuin suddenly had a slightly annoyed look on her face. "They especially like talking about this one cute kohai…"
Syl chuckled. "Well, I feel like that's the same with every group. I even feel like my group might fail…"
Kiryuin raised a brow. "That's an interesting thought to have, especially when you have the student council president in your group."
Syl shrugged. "You neve know what could happen. Besides it only takes one year in a large group to do poorly and drag the other two years down with them."
Kiryuin smirked. "Who's your small group's leader again?"
"Some guy from class A, his name's Tokito."
"Fufufu. Who's the leader of the girls group with all four classes in it?"
Syl pursed his lips. "I think it's some random girl from class A…"
"So that's your plan. Interesting."
Syl smirked. "Whatever could you be talking about?"
Kiryuin leaned forward and brought her face close to Syl. "If you can't gain class points, make someone else lose them." She whispered in his ear.
Syl gulped. "Y-yeah, well, that would make sense."
Kiryuin only backed off slightly, still remaining face to face with Syl. "Don't you think it's too easy to see through?"
Syl coughed and looked to the side. "Well, it's not like you can do much, even once you figure it out…"
"Can't you drag someone down with you?"
"Well, wouldn't you drag down the one person who annoyed you the most?" Syl countered.
"Fufufufu. I see. If you did that, it has a chance. But what if someone figures it out and tells their classmates?" Kiryuin looked at Sakayanagi for a moment.
Syl smiled. "Who would notice? Ryuuen threw in the towel and Sakayanagi can't do anything about it because her classmates aren't the leaders. The best she can do is tell her classmates to be nice, but how much would that really help?"
"Fufufu. I'll admit, it's not a bad idea, I'd expect no less from the lord of the flies himself."
Syl crossed his arms and nodded. "I am amazing."
Kiryuin smiled and poked his nose. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."
Syl had a slight red tint to his cheeks as he thought about something.
Kiryuin smiled. 'Cute.' She thought.
Syl looked back up at Kiryuin. "Hey, Kiryuin, c-"
[Dinner time is over] Someone announced over the loudspeakers.
Syl chuckled. "Well, time seems to fly when I'm with you… want to do this again tomorrow?"
Kiryuin smiled and stood up. "Sure. I'll do you a favour." She turned and walked away with a smile on her face.
Syl watched her figure retreat and smiled to himself. "I really can't wait."
Syl stood up and put his own dinner tray away after he cleaned up the table.
He walked back to his cabin.
When he got back everyone was bickering over this or that for some reason before eventually a knock was heard at the door.
The arguments came to a halt.
"Is someone gonna get that?" Yukimura asked, angrily.
"Get it yourself, four eyes." Ishizaki grumbled.
"Fufufufu." Koenji laughed at his handsome reflection.
Tokito sighed. "Can someone get the fucking door?"
Yahiko glared at him. "Why don't you do it yourself? You're our perfect leader after all."
Syl rubbed his ear. "You all are so immature. You should act your own age."
""I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THAT FROM YOU!!"" Everyone shouted in unison.
"Obviously, a bunch of brats like you don't wanna hear that from anyone, that's the whole point! You all act like unruly children!" Syl said in exasperation.
Everyone else grit their teeth.
He was the most childish one here!
By far!
What was he saying?!
Eventually the door was opened as Kiyotaka stood at the door. "President Nagumo, is there any reason you're here?" He asked.
Nagumo smiled and pulled out a deck of cards. "Why don't we get to know each other? We can all bet on who does chores."