Entrance Examination I — Ambrosya

I left the Appraisal Shack while holding a card that had all my measurements written down. From my weight, height, muscle density, hair length, eye colour, skin colour, waistline, everything.

Even my talents and strength were accurately measured by the magical vat that was used on me. My profile thus looked as follows,



Aspect — Aptitude

Physique: High (Plus 1 Tier)

Mental: Very High (Plus 2 Tiers)

Charisma: Very High (Plus 2 Tiers)

Spirit: Superior (Plus 3 Tiers)



Aspect — Level

Physical Ability: F

Mental Acuity: F+

Charismatic Force: F+

Mana Quality: E-


Luck and my Specialisation were not included in here because they were statistics that couldn't be measured with the machine. The World's System that will come in the future, however, would have the ability to show those stats.

That aside, my stats right now were beautiful. It was also just how I wanted them to be. I leaned towards Mana Quality over Physical Ability, which opened me up to a wizardry and mana manipulation class, especially with my newfound talents.

Satisfied, I returned to Aethercaller after another few minutes of walking. On my way back, I bought a few items. Snacks and bottled drinks with very flashy packaging became a part of my possessions as I trudged back.


I left the pile of goodies in the temporary dorm room I was given and headed straight for the venue of the exams. I followed a map and walked for ten minutes until I reached what seemed to be a coliseum.

It was constructed out of white marble waves and sculpted like a bird's nest, with branches swirling around like a typhoon. Windows littered the walls of the coliseum, framed by pillars that gleamed with mana.

It was an architect's dream and an engineer's nightmare.

I had to crane my neck just to see the top of the white building from where I stood, at its entrance.

I grinned to myself, excited. I prepared for this exam with all my might. I made the most out of every hour and every minute of the ten days of my existence in this world. I grew in strength that normally could only be achieved after a year of training.

Thus, pulling my hood lower so that no one could properly see my face, I walked into the coliseum.

A guard, armed with a gunblade at her waist stopped me. I flashed my ring and, with a ring of her own, she confirmed my attendance and identity.

"Caelum Phricius, you may enter." The guard said after checking the document in her possession.

Nodding, I did as I was permitted to.

I walked into the shade of the coliseum. A cold draft blew against my cloak, and after passing through a lengthy tunnel, I arrived at the centre of the circular building.

Many other teenagers were present already, with some keeping to themselves and many still happily chatting with each other. A variety of faces landed within my gaze. I scanned the crowd with great curiosity.

I spotted Virion, who was drawing attention due to his grace, poise, and looks. The bloody scent that emanated from his battleaxe, however, kept anyone from approaching him.

He was an island within the dense crowd. His only companion was Sylfie who stood shyly at his side.

I looked elsewhere, where a similar phenomenon was occurring.

Lily Ilventire.

The only daughter of the Ilventire family, a cliche ice queen whose ending came with a tragic love story. She died at the end of the first volume, in the arms of her lover, Virion. It was an ending that was bittersweet, and one of my favourite endings.

Because of Lily's death, the Ilventire family blamed Virion. They raged so much that assassins were sent after him, even after Lily told them to keep him safe. Virion provided zero resistance, however, and readily accepted his death. All so that he could join his lover in the afterlife.

If I recalled correctly, the cause of Lily's death went as follows,


"Y-you... I never expected..." Virion coughed out a mouthful of blood. "You were going to sacrifice yourself? For me...?"

"I as well," Lily smiled, weakly and gently. The face of the one she thought was her enemy at that moment became a face that she now loved. "We ended up doing the same thing."

Lily's wry laughter echoed across the arena they were forced to fight in. The dungeon that entrapped them was a cruel being. Before this, they had cleared the dungeon together, trying to escape, desperately and while grasping for straws. They worked together to complete each trial, bringing hope to the others who were trapped with them.


With just the two of them.

Level after level. Floor after floor. They grew closer with each success.

But who knew that their final trial had to be a battle against each other? A hundred twists and a hundred turns came. They assumed that the other would fight to the death. Betrayal and love went hand in hand.

And yet when all things ended, they resolved to give their life for the other to live.

They were ready to sacrifice themselves. They jumped into each other's blatantly sacrificial attacks.

And now, they were both fatally injured. Bleeding out a pool of crimson and bathing in each other's dying mana.


It was a beautiful scene. A few more twists occurred after that, with Virion's [ Bloody Halo ] being triggered and him desperately keeping Lily alive through transplanting his own life force into her... But I won't go into that much detail.

There was a chance those events would occur again... Or, they might no longer happen.

After all, I was here. The future was mine to change. But only if I had the power to do so. The butterfly effect was powerful, but people's fates were hard to pull from their original course.

Taking my gaze away from the ice queen herself, I continued scanning the crowd. I spotted a few more faces that might be of use, but none of them was as significant as Lily for the first volume.

I had to look elsewhere.

To the podium that sat at the very centre of the stage.

There, a certain teacher stood.

"Deuzetai Illius Astario," I muttered to myself.

This was a man with skills, revolutionary and grand. He was like Virion but nobler, with a poise that would stand out everywhere he went. He was as cold as Lily, if not even more. He only had care for the truly talented.

And he was the one presiding over this year's exams.