Unwritten Omens IV — Ambrosya

I twirled the golden dagger in my hand as I gazed out into the city. My sight pierced through the window behind Cheri's desk and my eyes gleamed as Mana Vision once again went to work.

In the distance, I could see figures with D rank mana stats rapidly approaching the area.

I got what I was looking for. It was clearly now time to leave.


I called out to Aventine who was in my hand. He vibrated as if in response to my call.

"Turn into a mark,"

I revealed the last of Aventine's basic abilities to him. He vibrated with excitement as he realised that he could do more things.

And this little technique was a lot easier for him than the other two. Not even a minute had passed when a small spark flashed. Aventine turned into a beam of light that seeped into my skin.

He turned into a tattoo of some kind of venomous snake. One that coiled around my wrist like a bracelet.

The tattoo was a mix of gold and black, making it seem like I was wearing a gold bracelet instead of a tattoo.


After clearing the area of any traces of my existence using the tech that King had lent me, I left.

I met up with King and Rose back at the wizard tower and we went back to the city's inner areas. King drove a lot slower than before, probably because he was quite tired from the earlier battle.

He wasn't fond of frontal confrontations. His speciality was [ Escape ], and it would've been a horrible idea to use it when he had to protect Rose against a threat that was more or less stronger than him.

Once we returned to the HQ of the Information Veil, Rose finally spoke.

"I'll be heading to bed now." She said before awkwardly glancing at me and bowing her head in a manner she wasn't used to. "Thank you for your efforts... If we were still in Kyokto, I could have rewarded you grandly. So, before I can find something suitable to give you, I hope this will suffice,"

She then went and gave me a kiss on my cheek. It was in a rather sisterly manner, but it surprised me nonetheless. Her lips were soft, and as she went in for the kiss, my hood moved.

I feared more for my face being revealed at that moment. But I kept my calm and readjusted my hood when she pulled away.

I nodded at her, "Then I will await the day you find something suitable to reward me for my help."

Not like I needed it.

I helped her more because I wanted to keep my current connection with King than for her sake. I doubted that she would be able to find something that I would find desirable, after all. Especially with how much more I knew.

Thus, I watched as Rose gave King a tight hug and a peck on the lips.

"Thank you, dear," I heard her whisper through Sight-Sent Senses, "I'll wait for you upstairs."

The implications of such a sentence were no longer my business. I simply gave King a glance after Rose left.

"Does your daughter know that you've found a replacement for her dead mother?"

King choked.

"...I honestly don't know how to tell her. And don't put it that way. It does not paint a good picture."


King and I returned to the top floor of the HQ. We were going to discuss the plan to deal with the Sullied Seven in detail.

At least, that was what we were going to do.

When we got to the top floor, I was in for a small surprise. Miana was waiting at one of the tables.

She looked worse for wear. Something that would only happen if she was in dire straights. Her clothes were torn in a few places, and some tears were stained with blood. Clearly, Miana had just come from a battle.

She looked just like me and King.

Battered, bruised, and healed by Healing potions.

"Sir, someone is looking for you," One of King's underlings greeted us from the side. He gave King a piece of paper, "She calls herself Miana, and has made an appropriate offering upon her arrival."

King nodded, "Tell her to wait. I have something to deal with for now,"

"She's useful to us, King." I interjected from the side, "We can let her join our little conversation. I also know her personally."

King raised a brow, but he didn't question my suggestion. "Alright then."

He then gestured to his underling, "Tell this Miss Miana to come to our table. We will listen to her request there."

As we took our seats at a free table, I couldn't help but think about the implications of Miana's appearance tonight.

Nothing of the sort had happened in my book. How was she attacked? Who attacked her? What was their purpose? Was this the butterfly effect at work?

And, whose tragedy has been brought forward?

I asked myself these questions as King's underling approached Miana and guided her to our table. I watched as Miana frowned the closer she moved to us.

"I wished for a meeting with the head of the Information Veil. Might I ask who this is?" Miana asked, clearly suspicious of the setup.

"He's a friend," King said relaxedly as he leaned back in his chair, "He was the one who convinced me to meet with you so I do ask for respect."

"Have a seat, Aunt May," I said with a smile, "It's been a while."

Miana's eyes glimmered with surprise upon hearing my voice. I was quite sure that she had also noticed the way I addressed her.

"Caelum?" She stayed standing, "You're familiar with this man here?"

"I am~ Small world, isn't it?" I said with a hum, "So please, make yourself comfortable."

Miana nodded,

"...Very well. It seems like tonight's topics will be interesting."