Unwritten Omens VI — Ambrosya

Miana looked at me with a certain inexplicable gaze.

"How do I make use of the Mana Core in my possession to the greatest extent?" She asked the question that burdened her heart.

Now that she knew just how precious the item was, she felt anxious just keeping it with her. She wanted to convert it into her strength as soon as possible. It was a hot potato that could bring about her downfall.

That's what her instincts were telling her.

"You can give it to me," I answered simply, allowing my greed to become known. "If you do, I can help you with a lot of things. That, I promise."

As I went through my memories, I had an idea where Miana could have found her Mana Core. It was a secret that I was hoping to utilise in the future, and she had taken the opportunity from me.

As such, I wanted that Mana Core.

Unfortunately, I wasn't strong enough to take it by force. I also did not want to sour my relationship with Miana, since she was quite the valuable character for a few other secrets that need setting up.

Miana gave me a long stare, "I'm afraid I cannot do that, Caelum. If it is as valuable as you have said it to be, then I will make use of it myself."

"Then bring it to an enchanter, alchemist, or some other production profession. It would help if they knew what they were dealing with... so that means there's only one person here in this city." I replied lazily after confirming that I had no way to own it.

"...Who?" Miana asked as she leaned slightly forward. The gleam of ambition shone in her eyes.

"Eve," I answered flatly before clarifying, "Rank A Saber Master and expert engineer. Eve Angelica von Locke,"

"Ah..." Miana was stunned as she realised the person she had to approach. She was a nigh-unreachable existence. The strongest human around.

"If that's impossible, then I can probably help you, but it'll take time. I still have to study the relevant knowledge required to utilise a Mana Core." I added as my eyes wandered towards the view of the city.

I could easily spot the green expanse that was Aethercaller in the distance. A forest of greens within a forest of steel, glass, and concrete.

Miana considered my proposals and suggestions. I could see her brain functioning at a rapid pace. She probably considered the fact that I had not once concealed my intentions and avoided any lies as a good sign.

She likely felt that she could trust me since I didn't hide the true value of the item from her. After all, if I truly harboured ill intentions while desiring her Mana Core, I wouldn't have shared all that important information.

Though, when her tragedy eventually arrives, I would most likely be strong enough to properly influence it. If I still needed the Mana Core, then I could either leave her to die or make a life-saving deal with her.

If I did not have a need for the Mana Core, then I would probably keep her alive for as long as I am capable. The incoming wars would become much easier to fight if humanity wasn't weak—and leaders like Miana would be dearly needed.

"How long will it take you?" Miana finally asked after a long moment of pondering.

I gave her a look, as I started, "A week..."

I had eidetic memory, so absorbing all that knowledge wouldn't be a problem for me. Also, I created the concepts behind everything by hand so my perspective would be the broadest of them all. No one could come close to my level of wizardry.

I was the greatest user of information of all.

I knew most of the limitations, special mechanics, and synergistic qualities available. But, it was only 'most' because there was a high likelihood that these characteristics could have grown exponentially in number.

What was a simple book had become a fully fledged world, after all.

I had created many things that could give birth to many more things. The rules and foundations that I had built could give rise to mysteries even I do not know of.

I sighed lightly as I thought up to this point. I then continued my words.

"...I'll be holing up in Aethercaller's library for your sake, so prepare me a share of whatever you achieve. All I need would be cash and raw resources. Nothing rare. I just need large amounts of both."

Miana raised a brow. She probably realised that what I was asking for coincided with what she wanted to achieve.

"Interesting request..." She answered, "I'll leave the task to you then. Shall we meet here, same time next week?"

I nodded, "That would be advisable."

Then, I turned to King, "Do you want to watch me work?"

The man's eyes gleamed with a feral desire for knowledge.

"I was right to put my beliefs in you, Caelum!" He laughed seemingly hoping that I would make this offer, "You may use my workshop downstairs. It has a decent set of tools that are all well-maintained."

"Perfect," I replied before glancing back at Miana.

"Anything else we can help you with?"

She shook her head.

"Then that confirms things," King clapped his hands together and Miana dispelled the barrier around us.

King tapped on his Mana Communicator, "I'll execute my end of the bargain now,"

With great familiarity, King then called upon one of his subordinates. He had them escort Miana out whilst he also arranged for her hiding place. Things were completed in a jiffy, allowing King and I to finally talk about how to deal with the Sullied Seven.

Thus, I started off with something that would definitely make King choke on his spit.

"So," With a carefree smile that was plastered on my lips I spoke, "I'm going to turn you, Rose, and Miana, into C rankers."

And without letting King react, I announced my goal, "You will fight the assassins yourselves."

It was the easiest and simplest solution out there.