Alienation II — Virion

Caelum's duel was interesting, to say the least. He was a spellcaster, but he used a dagger. Thus, I believe that he interpreted the rules in a way that he was limited only to his fists and his spells.


A small explosion shook the stage as Caelum sent Jealis stumbling backwards. His defence was broken.

After a fierce exchange of fists and kicks, Caelum had unleashed his first spell. But Jealis wasn't as helpless as that noble that Caelum had fought earlier.

Jealis swiftly roused the mana within him as ethereal feathers appeared on his skin.

"Oh?" I gasped slightly, "A barehanded martial art?"

It seemed like Jealis would have the upper hand in this battle. Just based on power alone, having a martial art meant that one could manipulate the energy in one's body to supplement all aspects of their physique to the point that one could mimic beasts.

I wouldn't be surprised if Jealis' fists rivalled, if not then overpowered, the people who wielded weapons.


Jealis leapt into the air, looking like a bird of prey as it struck with outstretched talons. His hands mimicked an eagle's grasp as he kept his knees bent as if he was crouching. The ethereal feathers on his body intensified as he completed the different parts of the martial art.

His speed suddenly rocketed while he was in the air. It was as if he had a pair of wings on his back propelling him downward in a dive that headed straight for Caelum.

I then watched as Caelum moved. His body was a blur once again as he began spinning around in place, with no intention to dodge.

I questioned what he was doing.

And I was swiftly given an answer.

Jealis dove straight into the blur that was Caelum's figure. But it didn't seem like he dealt any damage. Instead, he shot straight into his opponent, landing on Caelum's defensive measures. It ended up shattering the mana that had formed around his body.

Feathers of mana flew into the air as Caelum's spin slowed down for a moment. A shockwave shook the stage.

At the moment when Caelum's body became clear, I saw it. Jealis's foot was caught in his grasp. It was as if Caelum himself was a physical mana user with an augmented body.

He used his forearm and hands to block an attack that could easily break bones. Something that only those defence-oriented shieldbearers were known for.

Caelum then sped up again and flung the stunned Jealis halfway into the air. He pointed at the boy with his palm.


A conical explosion rushed out from his hand, engulfing Jealis in fresh flames. But it seemed like the wizard who refereed the battle was faster. A Mana Shield had already formed to protect Jealis.

Jealis was thus unscathed, but a victor had been decided after that critical moment.

It confused the many spectators. No one saw what spell Caelum had utilised defensively. It seemed like he had taken that attack with only his body. Something that should have been impossible.

Caelum bowed to the wizard and then to us, completing his post-combat ritual. He then silently walked down, ignoring all our gazes, and returned to his seat.

He became a statue once more.


Next up was Lily against Kiri. This one was also going to be an interesting fight. What was Lily going to do without her sword?

Everyone was curious. We had all seen her beautiful abilities. The rush of mana that she wielded was still a vivid memory for me and probably for everyone who witnessed it as well.

What kind of performance would she show without her beloved weapon and only her mana and fists?

Would she still show us something that would be worthy of her 2nd Rank? Or would she be powerless?


The duel started while I was wallowing in my thoughts.

Lily extended her index and middle finger and pointed them forward. Then, as if she was still wielding a sword, she moved.

I was stunned by the following development of events.

"So she can still perform a sword dance without a sword..." I muttered in a daze.

Indeed, instead of a sword, Lily used her two fingers and pierced forward. In one fluid motion, a lethal attack was unleashed. The mana in the area followed her movements and supplemented her abilities.

A Mana Shield instantly formed in front of the speechless Kiri. He had barely started with his mana programs and the battle had already ended. A sharp blade of mana had been aimed at his throat.

If the wizard was not present, he would've been dead.

I watched as Kiri couldn't help but shiver on the stage. It looked like chills were running down his spine just then.

"...The gap between us is bigger than I thought," I continued my mutterings as Lily descended the stage.

Her power with or without a sword was outstanding. She was a lady who had a sword in her heart. There was no need for a tangible weapon for her to kill. All she had to do was desire it enough, and her foes would perish.

"Amazing," I sighed in admiration.

Like this, it was now my turn to battle.

My opponent was a girl named Ix. I recalled her being a spear user. Without our weapons, at least we were even.

We weren't against some freak like Lily, or some mystery like Caelum.

I felt good about this duel as I pumped myself up. I took a few jumps here and a few stretches there before walking up the stage. My classmates parted like curtains as I passed them by.

They scanned me with a variety of looks. Doubt, disdain, scepticism, expectation, and admiration.

I really wanted to ignore them, but I just couldn't help it. I noticed the way their eyes sparkled or darkened. The expressions on their faces and the way their bodies reacted to my presence.

'Focus on yourself, Virion,' I chanted to myself. I needed to keep my wits with me.

Thus, I stood on the stage with the poise that had been ingrained in me since I was a child. I stood with regal confidence and a straight back as the wizard nodded at me.

Ix stood before me, she looked at me with slight apprehension. With the performance of both Caelum and Lily, she was probably expecting the Rank 3 to be of similar stature.

I knew for a fact that I wasn't like them... Nonetheless, I would try my best.
