Hevendrone's Church of Prophecy I — Ambrosya

I just came from my Group Duels class. Sylfie and I were going to meet up to study.

I thought that today would be any regular day, void of any vital plot points to manipulate or tamper with.

Until a group of white-robed holy-looking people appeared inside Aethercaller. They were drawing the gazes of many as they walked. Anyone in their path had to step aside, or else they disrespect the church of a god.

"Hey," Sylfie appeared beside me. "Is there anything wrong, Cael?"

It seems like she somehow noticed my mood. How she accomplished such a feat without access to my facial expressions was one of her talents for sure.

I pointed at the priests and priestesses garbed in white.

"The Church of Prophecy is here,"

"What's wrong with that?" Sylfie tilted her head.

I blinked. Right, there was nothing wrong with the Church of Prophecy being here. It was only bad for me since I had a connection to Lappei.

"Nothing... I just have a bad feeling." I answered vaguely, making Sylfie's brows scrunch up in thought.

"Let's not think about it," I let out an awkward chuckle, "I know a nice place where we can study. Come on,"

I then led Sylfie away from the holy people of the Church of Prophecy. I was quite worried about this problem. After all, I still did not have the power to contend with a church. Much less an S rank god.

I had to make sure that I wasn't somehow caught.

And the best way to figure that out was to know how much they know.

It was a good thing that I accessed Vianthia earlier this morning. With it, I could spy on the priests and priestesses who were likely paying a visit to Liefanissus' sacred grounds.

As such, after accompanying Sylfie for a bit and finishing one of my requirements, I headed to a secluded area within the campus. I stood behind a few dense bushes and began praying,

"Oh key to life, you are the essence of nature, its origin, and its fuel. Remember this humble one for I seek transportation. Bring me into your curved walls from where I now stand within your grasp."

I then fell to my knees and bowed.

"Return me to your embrace so that I may view the world around you."

I once again disappeared in a flash of light.


"Oh god of life, you are the one who had graced us with vitality and beauty. This humble one wishes to use what you have left behind. This humble one wishes to use Vianthia, your one and only key. The signature of your existence."


Just like before, I stood on the railing and sent my prayers out. 232 mana programs appeared beneath my feet and the space in front of me distorted.

The entirety of Aethercaller thus came into view. All beings within the campus were now subject to my gaze.

I thus moved my eyes to the base of the tower. I peered through the ivory walls of elven architecture until I found what I was looking for.


"—To summarise, all we ask for is for the Church of Life to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity within your territory. We, the Church of Prophecy have been given a vision of the future. The mortal who offended our god will show their face here. When they do appear, we hope that your aid will be available in taking them down."

Priestess Acasia humbled herself before the high priests of the Church of Life.

Her head was bowed, allowing her long black hair to cascade over her shoulders. A silence lingered throughout the room as she silently hoped for the high priests of Life to agree.

"Very well. We will respond to your requests with the same vigour that nature has given to us."

A voice boomed from one of the seats. Acasia sighed in relief. Her efforts today weren't wasted.

"Thank you, High Priest," She said as she bowed her head lower. "That is more than we could ask for, and I have nothing more to add."


I closed my eyes tightly after those words left Acasia's lips. It seemed like the strain from earlier's test run still lingered. I could not spy for too long.

"So they still don't know about me... That's good," I sighed.

My desire for power grew even further at this moment. I wouldn't have to worry about threats like these if I had strength. I could focus on prolonging my life instead.


After that short yet important moment of eavesdropping, I returned to where Sylfie was and continued studying.

"Where did you go?" Sylfie asked me upon noticing my return.

"...To the bathroom." I lied.

Sylfie squinted at my reply and I couldn't help but let out an awkward smile.

"Alright okay," I relented. Sylfie was staring at me with great suspicion on her face, "I spied on a few people. That's all I'll tell you."

"I see, I see," A smug smile appeared on Sylfie's face, "You little stalker~ I wonder who you spied on? Was it a girl?"

I paused. Acasia was indeed a girl... "Uhm—"

"So it was a girl! You should just confess if you have any feelings for her~ You never know, they might like you back... Just take off your hood when you do, alright?"

My brow twitched, "I do not have a crush."

"But you were spying on someone? What are you, an assassin...?" Sylfie seemed to recall my fighting style, "No... You aren't planning murder are you?"

"Murder? Of course not!" I waved my hands, "I just wanted... information..."

"Hoh~?" Sylfie went back to writing in her notebook, "Whatever you say, I guess~"

"I'm glad you believe me," I let out a laugh as I returned to my notes as well. There was still much to study for the sake of Miana's Mana Core, and I could only study for it once I finished my current requirements.

Thus, sitting at a small round table situated within the veil of an ancient willow tree, Sylfie and I focused on our respective tasks. The glow of a mana lamp was our light source in the darkness of the night.

We spent a few hours just working together in silence. We also ate when dinner time arrived, using that as a reason to take a break. Also, the snacks that Sylfie had brought were all amazing.

I would've enjoyed them more if I didn't have so much to do.

It was just the third day of school, and we had this much work... Our teachers were sadists.