Three Tests of Worth III — Ambrosya

Killing snail-paced zombies got boring real quick. All I did was slash at their necks while being careful of their hands and mouths. With my combat experience and Hyperfocus, I had no issues doing so. Even with an unfamiliar weapon.

As I ran, I glanced at the screen hovering in midair.

[Kill Count: 9/33]

'A decent kill count,' I thought to myself.

I swiped the notification away and cleared my vision. With the wind blowing at my face and my gunblade at the ready, I vaulted over a set of crashed cars and turned the corner. As the scenery before me shifted, I spotted a swarm of Level 2 zombies on the other side of the block.

They were trying to break through another barricade, but they couldn't do much. The survivors had hidden inside a building and locked themselves in. The only way to reach them was if one could break through the small, well-defended entrance and rush into the building.

That, or find another entrance.

Luckily, Level 2 zombies weren't smart. They did not know how to find another place to infiltrate the building and devour the humans inside. The survivors thus had a bit of respite. They could wait until the zombies left, or find another way out.

A safer way out.

I knew exactly how they would do so, and thus, I made a beeline to the opposite building. I took one glance at the concrete walls and the shattered glass windows before I walked inside. I was careful to make as little noise as possible.

Level 2 zombies could run, after all. I wouldn't want to be the new target of the swarm.

Most of the aboveground buildings were connected underground. Like many Earth cities with underground malls, this post-apocalyptic world had its own version. The air conditioning system didn't function any longer so it was a bit suffocating

Although zombies populated these underground pathways and it was easy to get trapped, it sometimes served as a good alternate route.

I easily found the way down into the underground. It was dim here. The only light that shined was from the lamps, powered by several solar panels from the buildings above.

I walked through the underground pass. As it was cloudy today, the lamps were especially weak. My shadows were cast upon the walls, shrinking and growing longer with each lamp I passed by.

The groans of zombies echoed throughout the manmade caves, creating a melody that was eerie and unnerving.

Thankfully, I did not have to spend too much time underground. I swiftly came across the voices of whispering humans.

"—Brother, are you sure this is a good idea? We're going to be trapped here!" A young woman's voice bounced off of the concrete walls.

"It should be fine. We're not going to be underground for long," A hushed voice replied, "We also have no other place to go other than here... Unless you want to charge straight through a swarm of Level 2 zombies?"

"Your brother is right, Jane." A deep voice, whose whispers could not hide the shaking of his vocal cords, followed up. "I would much rather risk it here so we can make it back to camp with our gains."

"Alright, alright," I could swear that the woman, Jane, was rolling her eyes. "I guess it isn't that bad of a choice... I just hope we don't come across any zombies— Umff!"

"Shhh! There's something up ahead!" The hushed voice alerted their allies.

I heard their footsteps suddenly halt. Their vague shadowed figures were all battle-ready in front of me as we scrutinized each other.

"...Humans?" I spoke first, acting like I did not expect them to be present in this area.

"Another survivor?" A question was shot back at me. The earlier hushed voice spoke in full this time, allowing me to listen to a melodious tenor that could only come from a singer or a voice actor.

"Who is it?" The voice asked.

"Caelum Phricius. Who might you people be?" I asked, stepping closer to the light of the lamp, allowing it to illuminate my features.

"I'm John Dire." A young man appeared before me, with blonde hair almost covering his sparkling blue eyes. "We come from Camp Halkens north of here. I've never heard of a Caelum Phricius from our camp. Where did you come from and what are you doing here?"

Hearing this, I spoke, eloquently and without hesitation, while lying through my teeth.

"I'm a lone survivor. I have been wandering around before this, killing any zombies in my way. I have visited the nearby camps, The Spire, Illiad, and Rooster, and I am planning on doing the same for Halkens. Is it alright if you could guide me there?"

John Dire raised a brow as he loosened up his body, seeing as that I wasn't an imminent threat.

"What will be the reason for your visit?"

I smiled, "I'm an information trader. For rations, weapons, and other supplies, I can give you and your camp valuable information about the world around us."

John Dire squinted, before turning back to his companions. They began whispering, deciding whether or not I could be trusted.

I noticed a few gazes falling upon the gunblade in my hand. Wariness and caution were apparent, shining within their irises as their eyes reflected the dim lamplight.

John Dire faced me once again, and his companions walked into the light. I identified each face.

Jane Dire, John's younger sister, with similar facial features, a head of blonde hair, and beautiful blue eyes. Her figure was plump in all the right places, and her posture was that of confidence. She looked at me with a venomous gaze, surely finding my carefree smile annoying.

It was vaguely amusing.

Then there was Gunther Tan. A tall man with bronze skin, long hair in dreadlocks, who was probably in his thirties, with dashing looks, and a surprisingly well-kept beard. He looked at me with scepticism, doubting my weak-looking body's ability to wield the blade in my hands.

I glanced at the petite, black-haired girl with glasses. Ella Vi. A girl who was older than me by three years, at 19 years old, with a fierce expression and an aloof disposition. In her hands was a Japanese katana that glinted malevolently in the lamplight.

Then finally, Jennifer Dizon, a tall brunette. She looked nervous and hesitant, constantly glancing around while her body was trembling ever so slightly.

"We will lead you to our camp," John Dire accepted my offer.

These were going to be my companions for the next few gruelling hours.