Deceit I — Ambrosya

"Why do you care?" I returned the playful smile with a carefree grin. I already guessed why Aeloria was so agitated to feel threatened by a weaker being. "Don't you have a bigger problem to deal with?"

Taka— taka— taka—

More footsteps came running into the room at this moment. Sight-Sent Senses did not betray my expectations. The two starkly different scents may just be my key to survival.

There were indeed two parties, one chasing, and the other being chased. And it was clear which party was the weaker one.

"Found you, my little butterflies!" Manic laughter echoed throughout the room as a bloody face appeared. The fierce stench of death emanated from the figures that rushed the doorway and swiftly made their attacks.

"Miss Galad! Your magic, please!" Aeloria's playfulness drained out of her face as she unsheathed the long daggers at her waist.

The only fairy who hadn't spoken all this time nodded. Her expression was firm and full of careful concern.

Faeldrin rushed forward in a massive burst of strength just as the laughing, bloody being struck. The sound of two sonic booms reached my ear. In the blink of an eye, the two collided, stopping for a split second as they brandished their weapons.


They then sped up again, pausing each time they made contact. I couldn't keep track of the battle at all, even with Hyperfocus. All I could see were several blurs in my vision as they were moving at speeds just below Mach 2. They would appear here and there, but it wasn't enough for me to see clearly. Lights popped up every now and then as magic was cast. Blood was flying all over the place as Faeldrin and Aeloria did their best to fight their foes.

Despite the pace of the battle, I knew what those creatures were.

They were [ Laughing Puppets ]. Crazy monsters made out of string. Yes, monsters. Those rare abominations with extremely special traits that those in the Pillion continent could only run from.

These laughing puppets had fleshly bodies that were usually made from the beings they killed, creating the horrid stench I could perceive now. They usually sat around Rank B- or higher and looked eerily similar to humans, only they were each 9 feet tall.

Thus, I could only smile and wave. There was nothing here that would allow me to bridge the gap between E rank and B rank.

Galad was the only one who stood still as her two companions fought two monsters each. She would cast her magic to aid her companions in a timely manner. If not for her Mana Shields and other spells, perhaps Aeloria and Faeldrin would be dead. Her casting speeds were astonishing.


There was a sudden pause in the battle as the two parties broke free from each other.

"Finally fighting back, are we? Haha! You think you have a chance?" The laughing puppet in the lead cackled.

"Brothers! Today is the day we gain wings!"

"Tsk," Aeloria bit her lip, "I know that this is where we're going to kill them, but do we really have to do things like this, Miss Galad?"

Galad simply smiled in reply to Aeloria's words. The latter rolled her eyes, exasperated.

"Then I'll let loose." Aeloria crossed her two daggers in front of her chest and took a deep breath. Mana programs formed at frightening speeds.

[ Sonic Steps ].

[ Slash of Thunder ].

Faeldrin held his breath as well. He looked at Aeloria and nodded, "Roger that. I will assist you with my Art of the Crescent Moon. Remember, it's on the second movement that we—"

"I know, Faeldrin. Let me focus on my magic!"

Fairy dust then burst out from Aeloria and Faeldrin's bodies, mixed with a wave of their own mana.

And then, the two disappeared once more.


The literal sound of thunder boomed in my ears, and a fierce tremor shook the room. Thankfully, the fight was controlled. Their attacks were not destructive and instead were focused on lethality.

Pinpoint and well-distributed strength was the core of this battle.

It meant that I was able to keep my life despite what was happening before me.

Suddenly, I saw two figures fly out of the centre of the battlefield. Aeloria and Faeldrin were knocked straight into two different mountains of items.

"Miss Galad, please!" The two of them roared.

At the same time, a rank B spell appeared in the air. Hyperfocus allowed me to gleam 73 different programs.

It was the spell,

[ Deterioration (B rank) ].

And the effects were just as its name implied. But I knew that just one spell wasn't enough.

I watched as a few more spells appeared in the air.

[ Cry of the Banshee (C rank) ].

[ Swift Shock (B rank) ].

[ Friction (D rank)].

[ Blazing Rush of the Phoenix (B rank) ].


I watched as all the spells that Galad had been preparing burst out in a fierce outward rush of flames. The four laughing puppets were debuffed and stunned. Then, they were incinerated by the rushing flames. As their body slowly deteriorated and caught fire, even their true bodies made out of string weren't given a chance to escape.

When all the monsters were slain, something on Galad's wrist gleamed in a pleasant white light. I inwardly cursed. It seemed like the injuries sustained by the fairies weren't grave at all.

"Well done," Galad finally spoke as if a great mountain had been taken off of her shoulders. "The curse on this item has been lifted."

"Aeloria, Faeldrin, you two did well. We can now split what's inside." There was a pause, "But not before we deal with you, arrogant human."

A dozen mana programs appeared in the air, signifying a simple D rank spell. It was enough to annihilate me—that I knew for sure.

"Wait! Can we talk things through? I am much more valuable when kept alive!" I cried out. Even though the laughing puppets weren't up to standard, I had to do something.

And that was lying.

"I'm from the continent of Hadra! I am an outer disciple of the Order of the Crimson Phoenix!"

I then witnessed Galad's irises shrink in shock.


That fiery spell of hers... I knew exactly where it came from.