Recycling II — Ambrosya

"Is this... the will of the sect..?" Galad's parched lips quivered with each syllable she enunciated. Her face had crumpled into an eternal grimace. Her beauty was nowhere to be found, but it didn't seem to matter to her.

"Exile... and death..?" She continued as tears streamed from her dull eyes. "What of... my younger brother?"

Reflection Ambrosya alternated his gaze between myself and Galad. We both towered over the three fairies as they lay on the ground like dying worms. An innocent smile was plastered on my face as Aeloria and Faeldrin looked up at the two Ambrosyas in horror.

"What... are you?" Aeloria coughed, "A monster from the tower?"

"Despicable scum..." Faeldrin cursed as he spat out the blood that had pooled in his throat. It was clear to me now that his dignity as a warrior prevented him from making use of my way of fighting, and he thus disdained it with much of his heart.

My smile grew wider. I wanted to play with them a little bit before they fully perished.

Bullsh*t thus escaped my lips, "You could say that I am indeed a being of the tower, but at the same time, I am not. As for the sect, Miss Galad, I truthfully have no connection to them. They were simply my chosen scapegoats for fate."

The three fairies stared at me, fearful of my smile. The pain that their bodies had gone through had surely scarred them for life.

I glanced at Reflection Ambrosya and nodded. He nodded back at me before crouching down, to look at the three from a better perspective.

With an identical smile, he spoke. "We are this tower's administrators."

"Does such an answer suffice?" I, too, crouched down. "You should find it honourable that we great ones have given you so much attention. How was it? To discover and utilise treasures aplenty?"

"That... better explains how you know... so much..." Galad shook her head in resignation. It was amazing how, despite her fear, she still displayed a level-headed demeanour.

Even if her mind was on the verge of switching off forever, and her body was in extreme pain, she had acknowledged reality. Her words lacked the desperation, fear, and rage that her two companions bore.

"The fairies... will hound you..." Aeloria tried wielding her dagger at me one last time, but I simply flicked the weapon out of her hand. "You will not be administrators for long."

I chuckled. Fairy dust had indeed blended into my body, signifying my hostility to the fairy race... But fairies did not exist on the Pillion Continent yet. I still had time to grow.

"Aventine," I called out to my little serpentine companion as I separated the many treasures that the fairies had taken from their bodies.


He appeared with a flash of golden light, his eyes gleaming with ravenous desires. He hungered.

"Go ahead," I said, "Partake of their flavours."

And Aventine did as he was allowed. He crept around Aeloria's neck as everyone else watched.

"What—" Aeloria gasped as Aventine slowly tightened around her arteries. I watched as the fairy slowly lost consciousness, helpless and weak.



A tiny black hole appeared before Aventine's snout, and Aeloria disappeared into his belly in an instant.

Faeldrin and Galad's eyes shrank in shock.

"Go for him next, Aventine." I placed a hand on Faeldrin, whose entire body quivered. I could hear his teeth grinding in frustration.

"I will come for you, even in the afterlife, scum," Faeldrin made one last threat as Aventine swallowed him whole.

Galad was now the last one alive. I could hear her sigh as she closed her eyes in raised her chin. Aventine thus slipped around her neck with ease.

"Unfortunately, I doubt that the three of us will have any chance to get back at you." A few more tears streamed down Galad's cheeks, "Where did I go wrong?"

I simply smiled, incapable of answering such a question. I let Aventine do his thing as I turned a blind eye towards Galad's pleas.

In the end, only my living reflection and a small pile of treasures were left. My eyes shone with greed, but now that their original owners had perished, it would count as mine if I took hold of them.

Thus, for the first time in a few weeks, I prayed.

"Oh great goddess of foresight," I said my usual, "This young mortal wishes to offer thee a portion of this mortal's wealth. May your greatness find this sacrifice sufficient, for this mortal requires thy timely aid."

Fog leaked out of my eyes and formed the familiar visage of my cute little [ Sad God ]. Her beauty, which was of a different alluring vibe from the fairies, blessed my vision. Her eyes were as bright as the crowns of midday clouds and her clothes were pristine white sheets.

Seeing her again brought about a soothing feeling to my heart.

I watched as Lappei blinked, slowly getting used to her environment after being summoned. She looked at me weirdly. Her brows were knit, and a pout had sprouted on her lips.

Was she... mad..?

"My goddess? Are you alright? Is there anything wrong?" I asked, worried that something might have happened without my knowledge.

"Well, I can't blame him for not calling me since I said I was resting..." I heard Lappei grumble, "I can't really punish him for letting me rest..."

My lips twitched.

"My goddess..." I took a step back, "I have called you because I have treasures here that I wish to give you."

It was only then that Lappei took a look around, and when she did, she was thoroughly speechless. It was only after a heavy silence that she finally spoke,

"This... what place is this? What are all these things? They have auras that aren't of this world!" She made a mad dash towards a shortsword that gleamed in a deep purple, with snake fangs adorning its hilt and alligator scales crawling around its blade.

"This is way beyond your strength! How did you retrieve something like this, and at this quantity?!" She then began picking up a variety of items, from pots to amulets, and even the weird sculptures of horrific-looking beings.

"And you're giving this all to me?"

Lappei was just about to cry. The scene from more than a month ago had replicated itself. She looked at me with a gaze of unparalleled gratitude.

She sniffled.


And then she rushed towards me, enveloping me in a bountiful embrace.