Chapter 28

Three days had passed in the training room. Kris's energy cloak had gotten smooth and refined. Once it was activated, his pupils glowed a darker shade of red than his body. His physique had also developed. It was getting more defined, like that of a calisthenics athlete since his basic exercises were more endurance and power centric. Right now, he was about to complete his tenth set of 10,000 push-up reps.

"9998,9999,10000...." Kris grunted and got to his feet.

"Alright then, it’s been three days and you've gotten down the idea of enhancing your body with converted energy. We are behind schedule, but we will manage." Abubakr noted. He put off the pressure and walked to a wall in the room. He placed his hand on the wall and a fridge came out. He took two energy drinks and tossed one at Kris. Kris caught it with his right hand and gulped it in one go.

"I have a question..." Kris uttered. Abubakr turned to look at him.

"Who is stronger, you at your prime or Captain Oumar."