Chapter 33

Kris walked furiously as he headed for Elizabeth's office. He was displeased with the decision to rope him into the graduation ceremony. As he kept walking down the hallway to her office, he kept getting pissed at how far the length of the hallway stretched.

"Dude, calm the fuck down. Reconsider! This is suicide!" James warned.

"I am calm! I am just going to have a little word with her. How dare she rope me into graduating just after my crash course! That's B.S" Kris ranted.

"Where is this coming from? You get to test your abilities as soon as possible. For someone that loves fighting this should be a cloud 9 opportunity for you."

"Who said I love fighting?"

"What? What do you mean by that? Every single thing down to your very aura suggests that you love fighting. The fact that you are going to her office in this mood suggests you want a fight."

"Whatever man. I am still doing it."

"Ughhhh. You know what, go ahead! Do what you want. It can't be me arguing with you."